In need of a good lawyer


b*tch rocket
Yesterday my sister and her husband were drug out of their vehicle and severely beaten by two black guys who've recently moved into the neighborhood (from Suitland). It was witnessed by about 10 people, just people driving by who stopped and thankfully pulled them off my sister. But get this. The police could not arrest them because they were not there to witness it. How effed up is that? I am looking for the meanest, nastiest lawyer I can find. Any suggestions? I'm on my way over to her house to take pictures of her face. The entire right side of her face is black. They also kicked the crap out of their truck and has too many dents to even count.

You know what's really effed up is that if it were the other way around they could've arrested my brother in-law and charged him for a "hate crime". And it's not like this is the first incident from the people that live in this house. They breed pit bulls, which have gotten loose and killed other peoples dogs. They've assaulted the owner of one of those dogs that was killed. It just angers me that there is nothing that can be done about them. It is just a matter of time before they kill someone. They are a bunch of animals.


Nothing to see here
From the sounds of it, I think the police dropped the ball. Hell, they could see that an assault had taken place, vandalism had taken place(the truck damage) and they had to witness it to take action??? The county should be prosecuting, it shouldn't be left to your sister to hire a lawyer for a civil suit. I would be going up the chain of command in the police department first, then worrying about a civil suit later. Also, their neighborhood should pool their resources and hire an attorney to represent all of em who have suffered by this trash. If all else fails, there's always the crab bait solution suggested in another thread..:rolleyes: But, I'm sure these thugs will live to regret indirectly involving you.


New Member
Geesh, Christy! I can't believe that actually happened. What was the reasoning behind the assault?

I can suggest a lawyer--David Chapman. His office is located in La Plata and he's excellent. I don't have his number off-hand but I'm sure a quick yellow pages search and you'd find him.

Good luck!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Jesus, Christy! Are they okay? I find it hard to believe that the cops couldn't arrest those effers because they didn't see the crime actually occur - how many times does someone commit a crime in front of the cop's faces? :duh:

Where does your sister live? It does make a difference, believe it or not.

Ken King will be on here to offer you some advice, I'm sure. And you might want to email him directly for his opinion - he knows the most about this stuff.

David Zylak is a forum member and also with the St. Mary's Sheriff's office (running for top dog, no less) - he's an extremely nice guy, I know him personally, and if you email him and tell him what happened, he'll have some advice for you as well. He's not one of those "thin blue line" cops, either, so don't worry about that.

Hope your sister and her husband are okay.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Otter is right, from what you have said the cops screwed up. There were, as you said, 10 witnesses plus the victims that could state that an assault had taken place. Go to the State's Attorney’s office and file charges against the attackers.

It isn’t the officers job to be a judge on the street they are there to “protect and serve”. If I was her I would also be looking at getting charges filed against the cops that did nothing.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Another great case for conceal and carry. The gun guys say "Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6". Amen to that.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Christy --that is just terrible! What's even worse is that these animals are still on the street. I don't know what police dept. your sister used, but there is no excuse for their inaction. Personally, I always call the Maryland State Troopers when I have a problem, they are very professional and really try to solve the situation and they also follow up later on. If you still need a lawyer I have a suggestion. I pray that you sister and her husband recover from their injuries and find justice. If not --I hear crabbing's good this time of year. :wink:


b*tch rocket
It happened in Hughesville in a neighborhood right off of Rt 381. The animals that did this live right on 381, my sister and my parents live on a private road behind their house.

It all started when someone from their house was riding their 4 wheeler down the road and doing donuts at the top of my sisters driveway. They totally tore up the road in front of their house. My sister went up to their house and told them she would appreciate it if they came down and fixed their mess. They told her they were going to blow her head off, so she left to call the police, in the mean time her husband passed her in his truck and these two guys from the house ran over to his truck and started kicking it and jumped in the window and started beating on him. My sister stopped her truck and they started doing the same to her. She got away from them but saw they had her husband out of his truck on the ground kicking him. She ran over to try and pull them off and they started beating on her. That's when a bunch of cars stopped along the highway and came over to pull these guys off my sister. The Sherrif's that showed up said they would be charged with second degree assault and were ordered to stay away from them, but they couldn't arrest them on the spot. My sister has a concussion, which the Sherriff said they could now bump it up to first degree assault, but what good is that really going to do? They will fine them and give them probation I'm sure.

My sister has to pass their house everyday. And no one in the house works. Somehow they were able to buy a $250K house, and do about $150K worth of upgrades on top of that. They all drive vehicles that are over $40K. The lady in the house drives a Jaguar, and the two guys both own expensive trucks.

I'm afraid that my Father will take care of the situation on his own, which will put him in jail and they will be laughing all the way to the bank. I'm just so disgusted because absolutely nothing will happen to these animals. :burning:


b*tch rocket
What really pisses me off was that my dad figured it was a couple of kids and he was going to tell them that he had all kinds of trails they could ride through on his property, but it turned out to be a kid and his father. I mean what father would stand there and let their kid destroy someone else's property?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Sounds like your sister has a house full of dopers on her doorstep and a pair of cops on the take. There is nothing anywhere that requires the police to witness a crime before they can act.

I'd bet the cockroaches greased the cops at some point.

Your family needs to travel together and "armed". Everybody armed. That way if these bugs give the slightest indication of another assault they can be dispatched by Ruger, Smith and Wesson.


b*tch rocket

What happened is exactly how I told it. I was there immediately after they'd beaten the crap out of her and spoke with all the witnesses who were just as amazed that they said they could not arrest them on the spot. They did tell my sister to get a shotgun because pretty much their hands are tied. They have ordered them to stay away from both my sister and her husband, and to not step foot on the private access road. They will be charged, but what do you do in the mean time? Any idea on how long it will take to even get to court? (Ken?)

You know, when school starts, they have to stand right by their house for the girls to catch the bus. I just love Maryland and their brilliant gun laws, she's not allowed to bring a gun with her up to the bus stop in order to have some amount of protection from these animals.

I'm still so angry I can't even see straight.


b*tch rocket
And the doors to the truck(s) were locked, one tried to get in the passenger side door while the other jumped through the drivers side window. I mean, who expects someone to jump in their window?


b*tch rocket
Yeah they told all the witnesses they will be summoned. I am just so thankful for all those people who stopped.


b*tch rocket
So, since my sister was the victim she doesn't need to get a lawyer of her own? Is it up to the county prosecuting attorney? Anyone know how good the prosecuting attorney's are in Charles County?


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by Christy
So, since my sister was the victim she doesn't need to get a lawyer of her own? Is it up to the county prosecuting attorney? Anyone know how good the prosecuting attorney's are in Charles County?

:boo: :boo: and :boo: for prosecuting attorney's in Charles County. My ex husband got off of a first degree assault charge where he shattered some kid's (who was my size BTW and my ex is 6'3") cheek bone. The kid had to get 3 surgeries to fix his face. Charges were brought against my husband who's mommy and daddy paid for him to get a real lawyer and he got off on "self defense". Needless to say he laughed all the way home. The prosecutor for the state was an idiot and that's being nice.


Hairball Magnet
This is amazing...

I just can't believe how the police handled this case at the time it happened! Sounds like you have a potential grievance/lawsuit there, too!

I think the media threat is a GREAT idea...good luck!