In need of a good lawyer

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Christy
Any idea on how long it will take to even get to court? (Ken?)


Once charged, they should be arrested and taken in for arraignment immediately. Since it appears that they have an unknown and fairly substantial amount of cash expect them to be out on bond shortly there after. I don't know how backlogged the courts are in Charles County but expect it to be anywhere from one month to six before the court date and even longer depending on tactics their lawyers use, continuances, delays, and motions.

You also might want your sister to contact a personal injury lawyer. Get a civil suit going at the same time and maybe they can win a decision on them substantial enough to take the property away from these fiends for her pain and suffering and living in continuous fear of another attack.

Make sure your sister gets a "no trespassing warrant" on the culprits. Makes it a heck of a lot easier to claim self defense if she needs to use the shotgun as they have been legally warned not to come upon the property.


b*tch rocket
One of my co-workers hooked us up with a good lawyer. He said to immediately file charges with the State Police, and let them make the case rather than the Sherriff's.

So they will arrest them after the fact once official charges have been filed?


New Member
Hiya Christy, I am a newbie and just want to say that i am so sorry that happened. I hope the injuries heal quickly -- the emotional scars fade as quick. I would not only want to prosecute the offenders but the officers also! That's a crime in itself. Best wishes to everyone involved...


New Member
Christy, i am located in Westlake villiage -- if you dont mind mentioning, where did this take place


b*tch rocket

Well my sister and brother in-law was served their "peace warrant" from the friendly neighbors. They are due in court Tuesday (sure wish the assault court date would be prosecuted so quickly). The "peace warrant" was kinda humorous, they claimed my sister threatened them with a gun and shot them. My sister, the non-gun owning liberal (well she was before this incident).

Also, she saw the Sheriff's at their house today, three cars. Will be nice if they actually got around to making an arrest.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member

It had been a couple days since I read anything so how are your family doing with the scumbag neighbors, so far?


b*tch rocket
They go to court Tuesday to defend themselves against the "Peace Warrant" the neighbors put out on them. The neighbors were also informed that my sister and brother in-law won't be charged with assault but they will be, so they are livid and apparently calling non-stop to the Sheriff.

My sister's right side of her face has gone numb. It's really weird watching her smile, since the one side of her face doesn't work. She's called all over for a neurologist and none can see her until the second week of September. I tell ya, the whole ordeal gets more annoying everyday.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Christy
My sister's right side of her face has gone numb. It's really weird watching her smile, since the one side of her face doesn't work. She's called all over for a neurologist and none can see her until the second week of September. I tell ya, the whole ordeal gets more annoying everyday.
Good grief! I certainly hope that it isn't permanent and that somehow these thugs will be held accountable. Good luck.


b*tch rocket
Has anyone ever heard of Phil Dorsey? I think that is who my sister is going to hire as her lawyer.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Christy
Has anyone ever heard of Phil Dorsey? I think that is who my sister is going to hire as her lawyer.
I had some legal documents drawn up at his office. I've heard nothing but good about him.


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by Christy
They go to court Tuesday to defend themselves against the "Peace Warrant" the neighbors put out on them. The neighbors were also informed that my sister and brother in-law won't be charged with assault but they will be, so they are livid and apparently calling non-stop to the Sheriff.

My sister's right side of her face has gone numb. It's really weird watching her smile, since the one side of her face doesn't work. She's called all over for a neurologist and none can see her until the second week of September. I tell ya, the whole ordeal gets more annoying everyday.

Did they say when they're going to charge the neighbors?
Quickly? Soon?


b*tch rocket
I believe they have charged the neighbors, I'm not sure though. I know they are livid that the county won't press charges on my family. My sister keeps a shot gun and a video camera with her at all times (while she's on her property), just takes the video camera with her when she has to be near their house. I do hope she gets a concealed carry permit.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Phil is Walter's son and John's Brother. It was Walter that was the State's Attorney and I think John played pro-football for Green Bay for awhile, not sure if he still does.


In addition to contacting a lawyer, I would write a well worded letter to the Sheriff and maybe the Maryland Independent. It is an election year! This could effect votes. :rolleyes:


b*tch rocket
You know, my sister really doesn't want "pain and suffering" dollars so much as to feel safe in her own neigbhorhood. However, the only way to have a safe neighborhood is to sue the living daylights out of these people in order to make it a very uncomfortable place to live in for these animals. We'd all just like them to move on to someplace else. Does that make any sense? Sadly, in this day and age, you can beat a woman up and it's nothing but a slap on the wrist, how's that for the "equality"?! I suppose we "reap what we sew" in our new world of equal rights. :burning:


New Member
The reason they were not arrested on the spot is because it was a misdemeanor crime not commited in the presence of the officers.This is what should have taken place. The officers should have responded and took a report,they should have collected evidence,witness statements,photos,ect.then it should have been explained to you on how to file charges or if the evidence was there the police officer should file charges with the district court commisioner,or if they felt it was a hate crime they could go to the grand jury and get an indictment.YOU should not have to get a lawyer unless you go after them civily for restitution for medical or lost wages can also go file charges yourself,also get a peace bond.if they call you then its telephone misuse,another charge.this can all be done at the district court commisioners office at the detention center