
No more sodomy law means to you...

  • with the kids

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • sex with the kids

    Votes: 11 42.3%
  • ...I'll have to think about it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ...does this cover pot bellied pigs?

    Votes: 13 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


...are you more or less likely to have sex with your kids since sodomy is no longer illegal in Texas and, hence, the rest of the nation, due to Lawrence v. Tejas?

Or, is sex with the kids simply not going to be on the 'to do' list, no matter what?

Definition of SODOMY
: anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex; also : copulation with an animal
— sod·om·it·ic \ˌsä-də-ˈmi-tik\ or sod·om·it·i·cal \-ti-kəl\ adjective
See sodomy defined for English-language learners »
Origin of SODOMY
Middle English, from Anglo-French sodomie, from Late Latin Sodoma Sodom; from the homosexual proclivities of the men of the city in Genesis 19:1–11
First Known Use: 13th century
Learn more about "sodomy" and related topics at
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All Words Near: sodomy

noun \ˌpe-də-ˈfi-lē-ə, ˈpē-\
Definition of PEDOPHILIA
: sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object
— pe·do·phil·i·ac \-ˈfi-lē-ˌak\ or pe·do·phil·ic \-ˈfi-lik\ adjective
See pedophilia defined for English-language learners »
New Latin
First Known Use: 1906
Other Psychology Terms
anxiety, conscience, fetish, hypochondria, intelligence, libido, mania, narcissism, neurosis, pathological, personality, phobia, psychosis, schadenfreude, subliminal
Learn more about "pedophilia" and related topics at
Next Word in the Dictionary: pedorthics
Previous Word in the Dictionary: pedophile
All Words Near: pedophilia


New Member
The problem with many sodomy laws is that by most legislative definitions a large majority of Americans have committed crimes of sodomy. Sodomy laws should not be so broad and generic as most are. Sodomy gets a bad rap because it is so broad by definition and therefore associated with acts such as pedophilia.

Most states have age of consent and what not laws, and I'm of the mind that legislation should be approach based on more specific terms and based on age and consent, not specific acts or broad ranging language such as "unnatural acts". Such an approach would still make acts such as bestiality illegal, since animals cannot consent and do not conform to the constraints of our lifespan, thus bestiality should still be illegal.

I think that the prudes, "morally" self-righteous (majority being actual hypocrites that God will ultimately be the judge of), and bigots are just fear mongering when in reality the legalization of sodomy in Texas will minimally affect the practical everyday lives of the vast majority of Americans.

More government is not the answer, more government prying into the lives of its private citizens is not the answer.
Last edited:


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
The problem with many sodomy laws is that by most legislative definitions a large majority of Americans have committed crimes of sodomy. Sodomy laws should not be so broad and generic as most are. Sodomy gets a bad rap because it is so broad by definition and therefore associated with acts such as pedophilia.

Most states have age of consent and what not laws, and I'm of the mind that legislation should be approach based on more specific terms and based on age and consent, not specific acts or broad ranging language such as "unnatural acts". Such an approach would still make acts such as bestiality illegal, since animals cannot consent and do not conform to the constraints of our lifespan, thus bestiality should still be illegal.

I think that the prudes, "morally" self-righteous (majority being actual hypocrites that God will ultimately be the judge of), and bigots are just fear mongering when in reality the legalization of sodomy in Texas will minimally affect the practical everyday lives of the vast majority of Americans.

More government is not the answer, more government prying into the lives of its private citizens is not the answer.

But this completely ignores the "God doesn't like it" argument, how can you reconcile the two?


New Member
I am flabbergasted to say the least. The more we move from our moral compass, the more we loose our common sense, the more laws that we pass, the more we loose our freedoms. :faint:


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I am flabbergasted to say the least. The more we move from our moral compass, the more we loose our common sense, the more laws that we pass, the more we loose our freedoms. :faint:


I put this poll up in response to some comments made in another thread that the repeal of a Texas sodomy law would lead to more incest which stuns me that folks think the only thing keeping us from acting like animals is a piece of paper.

Bad people are not deterred by paper. They still rape, murder, rob and commit incest outside of any rudimentary civilizing they've been taught from an early age and a piece of paper is no more going to make bad people go good than lack of one is going to make good people go bad.



New Member
You are speaking with someone who is a victim of insect, a person can commit insect without committing the act of sodomy, I know this for a fact. What is the concern of overturning this law in Texas? I don't understand.

"God Save The Queen"


You are speaking with someone who is a victim of insect, a person can commit insect without committing the act of sodomy, I know this for a fact. What is the concern of overturning this law in Texas? I don't understand.

"God Save The Queen"

Yeah, I hate when I get bit by insects too, I'm sure most of us have been victims of insects at least once in our lives.
Thing is what does insect victimization have to do with the discussion in this thread?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yeah, I hate when I get bit by insects too, I'm sure most of us have been victims of insects at least once in our lives.
Thing is what does insect victimization have to do with the discussion in this thread?

It's them damn Texicans at it again and their stupid anti-anti insect laws.
Well, if you ever get caught and taken to court, you can always use the Tommy Chong defense:
How do you plead?

I plead insanity!


I'm just crazy about that stuff!


New Member
Southern Maryland is taking a poll that ends on March 20. 20111
The Poll: No more sodomy laws means to you...

No more sodomy law means to you...
This are the fours options that you can only choice from this pole.. with the kids (with blood relation or acquittance, excluding the act of with the act of sodomy):blushing: sex with the kids ( will stop a sexual predatory loop to find other ways to exploit other victim:otter:?
...I'll have to think about it
...does this cover pot bellied pigs?:twitch
I know I am not best commentary, but I do strive to the best that i can be.
What you see is what you get,

"God Save The Queen"