So you're saying Breitbart printed a falsehood without verifying it?.
Breitbart printed a quote.
There is a difference. A big one.
So you're saying Breitbart printed a falsehood without verifying it?.
So you're saying Breitbart printed a falsehood without verifying it? I didn't know you were so hard on them. That's cool though. Journalist should be held to a high standard.
In Dick's world everything needs a link or else it isn't true.
They saw a man in a white robe with a deep cowl in the back.
If you don't know that dominicans wear white, then it's an easy mistake to make.
Why? Because the picture of the monk and friar is often of the Franciscan or brown robe orders. Friar Tuck?
Ok, so, if we take the position this RA was familiar with the klan, clearly, not very familiar and if we grant they are not familiar with clergy wearing robes, we're still left with someone who profiled AND reacted in a very negative fashion for NO reason whatsoever.
Did they have any experience with a group of klansmen causing harm, ever? In broad day light? Alone? Was this perceived klansman acting in ANY sort of threatening manner AT all?
Are we making the case that is totally fine to sound the alarm, be fearful, move to the other side of the street, so to speak, reacting with terror to, say, a hoodie, and to do so based on ZERO real experience AT ALL with ANY sort of threat, menace or attack associated with these appearances?
We have allowed our society to devolve into rampant stupidity, to where reaction based on perceived threats is conditional. You can react this way if it is that disfavored group and you can not if it is that one, even if you have actual experience and/or data, rational reasons. We're creating fear and loathing, mind crimes, political crimes. We're fostering a society absent reason.
In Dick's world everything needs a link or else it isn't true.
How so? Since when did questioning the veracity of an assertion made only as a hasty excuse for stupid behavior become a "bad" thing? Hmmm?
Apparently they've had klan members come to the school before so probably more of the former then the latter.
Utter BS. The kid is doing what is called, charitably, backing and filling. There have been no klan in robes on that campus...
And at 58 years of age...I'm pretty sure I'm not your "son".
Question the veracity of the college kid,
Mine too, buddy! Good to see you've got some free time today.
And that is EXACTLY what I did. sweetie. Comprehension not your strong suit, I see.![]()
Ok, so, if we take the position this RA was familiar with the klan, clearly, not very familiar and if we grant they are not familiar with clergy wearing robes, we're still left with someone who profiled AND reacted in a very negative fashion for NO reason whatsoever.
Did they have any experience with a group of klansmen causing harm, ever? In broad day light? Alone? Was this perceived klansman acting in ANY sort of threatening manner AT all?
Are we making the case that is totally fine to sound the alarm, be fearful, move to the other side of the street, so to speak, reacting with terror to, say, a hoodie, and to do so based on ZERO real experience AT ALL with ANY sort of threat, menace or attack associated with these appearances?
We have allowed our society to devolve into rampant stupidity, to where reaction based on perceived threats is conditional. You can react this way if it is that disfavored group and you can not if it is that one, even if you have actual experience and/or data, rational reasons. We're creating fear and loathing, mind crimes, political crimes. We're fostering a society absent reason.
Ah see now you're talking about the reaction. I was not. I was talking about how I could understand how someone who isn't familiar with liturgical gowns of a specific order of a specific religion might confuse them with a klan robe.
Let's think about this though
A guy wearing a hoodie is probably cold.
A klansman is an advocate that black people should either be returned to slavery or sent back to africa, that mixed race couples are "Race traitors', mixed race people are not really people, and homosexuals, catholics, jews, gays, and muslims are also "not people" that should be expelled from society.
The organization as a whole is also known to use terrorist tactics in order to try to push this ideology onto the mainstream.
Not quite the same thing. As for profiling, well, profiling does serve a purpose. The man in the brown shirt with the Asian symbol on his forearm is probably not merely a very boring Buddhist.
I agree, largely, that it has gone to far. I really do. But I can understand where it comes from.
How can you understand where it comes from unless this kid saw klansmen, frequently? Doing harm? He clearly was wrong in what he thought he saw. He;'s not taking any responsibility for it and blaming 'miscommunication'. He had himself primed, like Zimmerman, to over react to a visual cue. White hood/sweatshirt. If anything, we know Zimmerman had cause, recent uptick in neighborhood crime by kids, who often wear hoodies. Had there been any klan attacks on this campus recently?
/begin rant There is so much wrong in this thread on various levels. 3. Onel, Grandma washed clothes on a washboard. I have no doubt she would think us all pussies for using washing machines. She also washed dishes by hand so you better not be using a dishwasher you ####ing pussy. Just because your life sucked by having to walk to the bus stop in a thunderstorm doesn't mean your kids life has to suck too. What kind of parent doesn't want their kid's life to be easier? .
I can only take his word that there has been issue with the Klan on the campus previously. Since Breitbart printed it without any correction, I assume they believe he's telling the truth.
I think there's also a difference between the Zimmerman style of reaction and this style of reaction. One is confrontational and the other is...I have no idea what to call it. "Don't cause trouble"? i dunno.
The klansmen in his robe is a far more common thing to think of then a dominican friar, considering there are parts of the country where "catholics are the anti-christ" is still a major form of thought.
I suppose. I haven't paid enough attention to know that there have been klan attacks on campus recently. My focus is on the common bonds we have that we try to refuse to acknowledge. We all stereotype. We all over react. We under react. We're all humans. I see this as an opportunity to point that out.![]()
I can only take his word that there has been issue with the Klan on the campus previously.
Rad--in my opinion your two scenarios above about grandma refer more so to embracing current technology.
Driving 18 year old little Johnny to the bus stop instead of him walking the 4 houses because its hot out is not embracing technology, it's textbook helicopter parenting. Those little Johnnys go off to college and become pussies who require safe spaces and are scared of presidential candidates names written in chalk.
Hope you had coffee.
If technology allowed us to wear air conditioners around our neck would it be ok for the kids to use it the four houses down to the bus stop, or would they be pussies if they did so? Truly, I don't think this mistaken identity is a case of kids being pussies or a result of helicopter parenting. If there were previous issues on campus with clansmen as claimed (I have no reason to disbelieve the article and Gilligan can argue about that for all eternity, who cares), then I can understand where someone may, even what I consider, to have overreacted. In other words, it was an overreaction but not without reason.
Really, what's interesting to me is the resultant human behavior in this thread (mine included). Some of you automatically want to deride the college students and/or personnel with no true reason behind it except for "kids these days". Others don't like a certain someone so go on auto-pilot dick mode, some want to take the opportunity to stump and deride their hated political party, and then some just overreact to the overreaction of the overreaction.
And yes, I've had sufficient amounts of coffee now, thank you.![]()