Inequality myths debunked


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
A well presented topic. He breaks things down with data to support what is being presented. Well worth the watch.

Good news, America is becoming richer, not poorer.
Myth number one. Profit and plunder are the same thing. Myth number two. One can be for equality. Myth number three. We understand what equality means. Myth number four. The middle class is disappearing. Myth number five. People are becoming worse off.

Americans are leaving the poor categories. They’re leaving the middle income categories, and they’re showing up over here in the rich categories. So, myth number four, the middle class is disappearing. The fact is, it is. It’s joining the upper class. And the poor classes are disappearing, as well.
Video transcript



If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Basically we all on our paths of life at any given time. Unfortunately he does not address that, today, all animals are equal except that some animals are more equal that others. And also does not address the the current fraudulent monetary system we operate under, which, by design, forces people into poverty through no fault of their own due to the manipulation of those that control it of its perceived value.
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Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
For your consideration ...

Basically we all on our paths of life at any given time. Unfortunately he does not address that, today, all animals are equal except that some animals are more equal that others. And also does not address the the current fraudulent monetary system we operate under, which, by design, forces people into poverty through no fault of their own due to the manipulation of those that control it of its perceived value.
Regardless of who is doing the manipulating, we have to all live and play the rules currently in place.

A large group wants to ban billionaires. But secretly, that is a level we all want to achieve. Yet we will never get there. But for those that do, I say, good for you. I don't detest them for reaching that goal. Honestly, most of us are too lazy to put in the work to even get to multimillionaire level. And by lazy, I don't mean lay around the house all day lazy. I mean, I put in my 40 - 45 this week, that is enough.

Decades ago, when I was in acquisition mode, I was envious of things other people had. I had a desire for those products. Now I'm content with what I have. I'm in a comfortable place. I've been in a comfortable place most of my adult life, it just took me a few decades to realize it.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Regardless of who is doing the manipulating, we have to all live and play the rules currently in place.

A large group wants to ban billionaires. But secretly, that is a level we all want to achieve. Yet we will never get there. But for those that do, I say, good for you. I don't detest them for reaching that goal. Honestly, most of us are too lazy to put in the work to even get to multimillionaire level. And by lazy, I don't mean lay around the house all day lazy. I mean, I put in my 40 - 45 this week, that is enough.

Decades ago, when I was in acquisition mode, I was envious of things other people had. I had a desire for those products. Now I'm content with what I have. I'm in a comfortable place. I've been in a comfortable place most of my adult life, it just took me a few decades to realize it.

Seriously? These are people that know how to game the system. Grifters, shysters, the lot. They do not "work". They take advantage of a fraudulent and corrupted system. There is no honor in what they do or how they got where they are. You want to elevate them as virtuous with that type of behavior?


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Yes I do.

I think the appropriate phrase here is hate the game don't hate the player.

If someone knowingly participates in fraud, it is still fraud. Only greedy evil psychotic sycophants would play in a game of fraud that steals from the average person/worker. While everyone else is fed BS by an orchestrated fabrication of lies their entire lives. Just because people have not awakened to the lies and fraud perpetrated all around them, nor understand it, does not mean that it is ok. A game is just that, a game. With complete transparency, and set rules. People have not willingly joined to play in the "game". They have been lied to since birth. They don't understand why they can't get ahead. They don't understand, even with wage increases, (with fake money), why they can't make ends meet. This causes most of our Nation's troubles, divorce, homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse, and the list goes on and on and on. For you to say what you have said, shows your complete ignorance in matters of what is money.

You award and applaud the sinners, while condemning the righteous to death. And that, is pretty fu*king sad.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
If someone knowingly participates in fraud, it is still fraud. Only greedy evil psychotic sycophants would play in a game of fraud that steals from the average person/worker. While everyone else is fed BS by an orchestrated fabrication of lies their entire lives. Just because people have not awakened to the lies and fraud perpetrated all around them, nor understand it, does not mean that it is ok. A game is just that, a game. With complete transparency, and set rules. People have not willingly joined to play in the "game". They have been lied to since birth. They don't understand why they can't get ahead. They don't understand, even with wage increases, (with fake money), why they can't make ends meet. This causes most of our Nation's troubles, divorce, homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse, and the list goes on and on and on. For you to say what you have said, shows your complete ignorance in matters of what is money.

You award and applaud the sinners, while condemning the righteous to death. And that, is pretty fu*king sad.
I applaud the risk takers that opened businesses, while it would have been easier & safer to remain an employee. I exalt those that persevered through their own hard work to build a business and reap the financial rewards that comes with that.

Fraud is illegal in this country. Anyone perpetrating it should be charged and sentenced.

I feel that somehow I've gotten ahead in life. Even if the game is rigged against me. I use to think I'd never get ahead. Then I had an epiphany. I think a lot of it is perspective. When I was in the Navy, I saw poverty. Not American poverty of housing, food stamps and ebt cards. Poverty as in I haven't eaten any solid food in 3 days poverty. Transplanting those people among America's poorest citizens and those folks would have thought they won some sort of lottery.

People's troubles are most often caused by their poor personal choices. Some folks have medical issues outside their control. But any medical issues related to lifestyle go back to personal choices.

As far as money, so far mine is buying me the goods and services I require on a daily basis. Fingers crossed it remains that way. But it's mostly numbers in a banking system and I come in contact with very little actual currency in my day to day life.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
And also does not address the the current fraudulent monetary system we operate under, which, by design, forces people into poverty through no fault of their own due to the manipulation of those that control it of its perceived value.
That's it!..that must be it!...that's why I'm not as rich as Elon Musk! Help, help!..I'm being repressed!.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
For your consideration ...

Seriously? These are people that know how to game the system. Grifters, shysters, the lot. They do not "work". They take advantage of a fraudulent and corrupted system. There is no honor in what they do or how they got where they are. You want to elevate them as virtuous with that type of behavior?
:killingmeyou a hot mess.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

I applaud the risk takers that opened businesses, while it would have been easier & safer to remain an employee. I exalt those that persevered through their own hard work to build a business and reap the financial rewards that comes with that.

Fraud is illegal in this country. Anyone perpetrating it should be charged and sentenced.

It is fraud. And to prosecute? How is that going to happen when the entirety of all governments take part in the scheme? We can't even prosecute those in govement with the murder weapon still in their hands standing over the body, metaphorically, Clintons, Hunter, etc., and you think someone is going to prosecute those orchestrating the greatest fraud ever created and perpetrated against this Nation?

Risk takers? Too funny. The same risk takers that get bailed out by taxpayers. Yeah sure. Just like those that controlled SVB that are getting a bailout? Those risk takers?

The Rothschild Criminal Banking Cartel OWNS - not only the $US but the Euro dollar, the British Pound and Japanese Yen! A US $100 bill costs 17 cents to print, and nothing to create on a computer ledger, while resource rich countries have to pony up $100 worth of resources for it. So say China produces GOLD and the GOLD price, (for argument's sake is 2000 $US an ounce), well, since a US $100 bill costs only 17 cents to print - the US is buying that ounce of GOLD from China for just $3.40. Now, since China has all those dollars sitting in their reserve accounts, they can now outbid Americans to buy our our land, businesses, real estate, etc., which harms this Nation because it causes further inflation since we exported those dollars, now being repatriated. DITTO with ANY commodity - Oil - Gas - Silver - Diamonds - Coffee - Tea - Cars - Produce - Machinery - Pharmaceuticals - EVERYTHING they IMPORT that can be paid for in US dollars!! This SCAM has been going on since 1913 and since America basically appointed themselves the world's reserve currency 75 years ago.

While people have to trade their labor working hours for the same fraudulent inflated, depreciating, dollars just to survive.

Money and debt come into existence together and disappear together like matter and anti-matter. Bank loans create money and debt repayments to banks destroy money. Bank loans create 97% of the money supply. Banks create money out of nothing for you to spend today, and you make the repayments in the future. When you make the repayments, this destroys the money, the principle. Interest is the charge you pay, and the bank's profit, for the service of borrowing your own money from the future. And you are fine with this deceptive slight of hand, also known as fraud?

And we the people suffer for it.


Well-Known Member
People's troubles are most often caused by their poor personal choices. Some folks have medical issues outside their control. But any medical issues related to lifestyle go back to personal choices.
I would have to 100% agree with this statement.
Take the median beggars on 235. Pandering the daily commuters for dollars. Signs like "Homeless with 2 kids. Please HELP!" Your first inclination may be to give them a few bucks. Some would tell them "Get a job!" Unfortunately, those people probably cannot pass a piss test because they are on drugs. Thus, no job. Their only recourse is panhandling. Personal choices!


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I would have to 100% agree with this statement.
Take the median beggars on 235. Pandering the daily commuters for dollars. Signs like "Homeless with 2 kids. Please HELP!" Your first inclination may be to give them a few bucks. Some would tell them "Get a job!" Unfortunately, those people probably cannot pass a piss test because they are on drugs. Thus, no job. Their only recourse is panhandling. Personal choices!
Sounds like a call to CPS is warranted.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

I would have to 100% agree with this statement. Personal choices!

You do realize the system is designed to keep the labor force working, right? And in that, also, is designed in such a way that people are guaranteed to fall out of it, through no fault of their own. The system is designed to enrich the bankers and those at the top at the expense of the people by ensuring that the instrument used, paper currency, is constantly and continually devalued, forcing people to work longer just to make ends meet. Add to this taxation at all levels, an assortment of fees, etc., that further reduces what the people earn, assures that many people and families just cannot keep up, and fall out of the system. It is not their fault.