Infidelity site reveals what cheaters want


Dream Stealer
And one more:

It's also about how you, as a woman, make him feel. If you are openly adoring, treat him like a god, and make him feel like he is the greatest guy on earth, he will be less likely to run off with Wanda (that's how she makes him feel, btw). BUT! It's really hard to keep polishing a turd forever. I know women who do it and bless their hearts, I do not have that kind of patience.

I can't do it. I give credit where it is due, but I am not an ego stroker. I need someone to understand that if I cook for you and take care of you its already because I think youre great. Im not going to say it or plaster it all over facebook or put i heart my man stickers all over my car. and when youre being a douche im going to tell you that youre being a douche.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I tend to agree with most of your post but men don't necessarily pick their mistresses because they feel superior to them. The fact is that some women, when they become more successful than their husbands, tend to rub it in. Seen it in quite a few among my friends. So what's a guy going to do? If he's got a bit of self-respect, he either set her straight or get a divorce. For some, they'll just be the "obedient" husbands and then find someone he could feel emancipated emotionally.

There's some of that, I'm sure.

But look at all these politicians who have far less professionally successful wives, yet they hook up with interns, airline stewardesses, and prostitutes. Bill Clinton has pretty much had his pick of the :gossip: his whole adult life, yet he chose way less successful and intelligent women to cat around with. Anthony Weiner, Elliot Spitzer. Yes, the women were beautiful but their own wives are beautiful as well, plus intelligent and talented.

Hugh Grant had freaking Elizabeth Hurley! and he still ran off with ugly hookers. He was much more famous than Elizabeth.

George Clooney and that wrestling chick he goes with, not to mention every other woman he's dated publicly.

It's so common it's cliche.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
We like to sample different sizes and shapes of a womans beauty. Why can't there be a sample house, or is that what a whore house is?

I wonder what is the longest time a lady made a man wait? Knew one married chick she would introduce her fling right in her husbands face and smile as if nothing is going on, bold or what. I wonder how many people had that done to them and don't even know it, yea I am talking about you ha ha.

Wifey needs to be a freak in the bed, problem solved. Let me clarify that, her OWN bed.

See, LT? You don't want to end up with a guy like this. Let Wanda have him.


I can't do it. I give credit where it is due, but I am not an ego stroker. I need someone to understand that if I cook for you and take care of you its already because I think youre great. Im not going to say it or plaster it all over facebook or put i heart my man stickers all over my car. and when youre being a douche im going to tell you that youre being a douche.

I roll my eyes everytime I see a bumper sticker that says "I love my wife" just seems un masculine.
I roll my eyes everytime I see a bumper sticker that says "I love my wife" just seems un masculine.
Some chose to put those bumperstickers on their man's vehicle... others chose to put their man in Crocs... same message accomplished...:shrug:


Some chose to put those bumperstickers on their man's vehicle... others chose to put their man in Crocs... same message accomplished...:shrug:


I guess I just don't understand why a bumper sticker needs to advertise this. Did the man cheat and now it's supposed to serve as a daily reminder that he has a wife and he loves her? :shrug:

I guess I just don't understand why a bumper sticker needs to advertise this. Did the man cheat and now it's supposed to serve as a daily reminder that he has a wife and he loves her? :shrug:
IMHO, if a man choses to put that bumpersticker on his car it very well could mean just that... he is dayum happy and feels dayum fortunate to have found a woman he dayum well wants to spend the rest of his life with and he dayum well wants the world (and his wife) to know it.... It's a situation pretty much against the odds these days so he has a right to brag...:shrug:


There's some of that, I'm sure.

But look at all these politicians who have far less professionally successful wives, yet they hook up with interns, airline stewardesses, and prostitutes. Bill Clinton has pretty much had his pick of the :gossip: his whole adult life, yet he chose way less successful and intelligent women to cat around with. Anthony Weiner, Elliot Spitzer. Yes, the women were beautiful but their own wives are beautiful as well, plus intelligent and talented.

Hugh Grant had freaking Elizabeth Hurley! and he still ran off with ugly hookers. He was much more famous than Elizabeth.

George Clooney and that wrestling chick he goes with, not to mention every other woman he's dated publicly.

It's so common it's cliche.

I think there is another nuance to this in that the more powerful and successful a man is the more aggressive and outright many women are. IE: Joe the water delivery guy never gets flirted with let alone aggressively pursued. Even is Joe the water delivery man is attractive he might get flirted with but thats about it. However Joe the successful mover and shaker gets boobs shaken at him in the elevator and offers of under desk cleaning because the women are more upfront and aggressive.

Joe the water delivery guy would have to chase whereas Joe the executive has it flung at him fairly constantly.


IMHO, if a man choses to put that bumpersticker on his car it very well could mean just that... he is dayum happy and feels dayum fortunate to have found a woman he dayum well wants to spend the rest of his life with and he dayum well wants the world (and his wife) to know it.... It's a situation pretty much against the odds these days so he has a right to brag...:shrug:

I can see that point, I guess. I just don't find it to be necessary.

But then again, the marathon stickers aren't necessary either. I want one that says "0.0".


Lawful neutral
Some chose to put those bumperstickers on their man's vehicle... others chose to put their man in Crocs... same message accomplished...:shrug:


I guess I just don't understand why a bumper sticker needs to advertise this. Did the man cheat and now it's supposed to serve as a daily reminder that he has a wife and he loves her? :shrug:

I was behind an SUV the other day and you know those stick figure people stickers that show the Dad, Mom, kids & dog? Well I guess the Mom left because someone scraped her off and only the sticky outline was left. I drove up next to them and they were in the car without the Mom.



I was behind an SUV the other day and you know those stick figure people stickers that show the Dad, Mom, kids & dog? Well I guess the Mom left because someone scraped her off and only the sticky outline was left. I drove up next to them and they were in the car without the Mom.


:lol: I've seen on on 235 that had 2 moms and a few kids.
I was behind an SUV the other day and you know those stick figure people stickers that show the Dad, Mom, kids & dog? Well I guess the Mom left because someone scraped her off and only the sticky outline was left. I drove up next to them and they were in the car without the Mom.

Oh hell... If I were him I would have replaced the mom stick figure with the zombie mom stick figure an then the "not" symbol over top of it... that would be funny as heck! :lol:


PREMO Member
Joe the water delivery guy would have to chase whereas Joe the executive has it flung at him fairly constantly.

Reminds me of this pic being passed around Facebook, captioned

'they found out my Tractor costs more than a BMW'


Thats how them b*tch's R
I was behind an SUV the other day and you know those stick figure people stickers that show the Dad, Mom, kids & dog? Well I guess the Mom left because someone scraped her off and only the sticky outline was left. I drove up next to them and they were in the car without the Mom.


Saw a picture or maybe IRL something similar. Dad was missing with the words "position open" :lol:


Well-Known Member
I was behind an SUV the other day and you know those stick figure people stickers that show the Dad, Mom, kids & dog? Well I guess the Mom left because someone scraped her off and only the sticky outline was left. I drove up next to them and they were in the car without the Mom.


Silent advertisement, great time to throw a sugar packet in his window ladies.