Informed about the Iraq War?

Do you think you know what is going on?

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Lem Putt
Do you think you know what is going on?

That depends on what the definition of "is" is.

I would say that I am more informed than 95% of the population. But I am not well informed, and not informed enough to say I "know what is going on."

That's sad, isn't it?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Do you consider yourself well informed about the Iraq war?

No, because I have to rely on the media to tell me what's going on. The only people who are "well" informed are the ones who work for DoD in some capacity, or are directly involved.


New Member
No, because I have to rely on the media to tell me what's going on. The only people who are "well" informed are the ones who work for DoD in some capacity, or are directly involved.


I've got to agree with this one. The media doesn't report the whole picture. Hell, the international media (BBC, Sky, ITN, CBC) reports more of what's going on than does CNN, ABC, FOX, CBS, PMSNBC.


Dancing Up A Storm
With the information each news media channel provides, I suppose it's hard to know just how informed you really are, concerning the overall conflict. It seems many of them (you know who they are), play down, dismiss , or skip the stories that display the many gains the US/Coalition forces have made against the enemy.

You're getting a biased, slanted view, depending on the political leanings of the news channel. JMHO

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Good point...

...bad question on my part. I was trying to get at how many people think they are fairly knowledgeable about Iraq; the major factions, the differences between them, a little history, etc.

That press conference where Joe Liebermann corrected McCain struck me as McCain not really being all that clear, with any depth, about Iraq. Lieberman's reflexive correction was as though the was responding to someone who had just said "...back when Union forces were defending Richmond..."


Lem Putt
...bad question on my part.

I think it's a decent question because you are getting some thoughtful answers. As Vrai and I said, we don't really know very much. But we do at least know who is fighting who, where, and what the issues are.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I think it's a decent question because you are getting some thoughtful answers. As Vrai and I said, we don't really know very much. But we do at least know who is fighting who, where, and what the issues are.

...question as in poorly worded; I asked two different things.


New Member
There is a good account in John Toland's 2 series book "Japan at War" where he quotes a Japanese correspondent who was with the imperial fleet at Midway.
His account is that the ships returned to Sasebo Naval yard in the dead of night and any wounded were transported off the ships in blacked out trucks and under extremely heavy guard.
As he had been with the main fleet under Yamamoto and not with Nagumo's carrier force, he did not have the full story and all he heard from axis radio was that the US NAvy had suffered one of the most horrendous defeats in its history. Not trusting to his own nation's propaganda, he secretly went to a SW radio and tuned in a station operating from San Francisco. There he heard the report of the demise of the four carriers and the loss of many of the veteran air crews (many who had been in the Pearl Harbor attack). It was his own opinion that that was the true report.
I don't think it is any different now.


There is a good account in John Toland's 2 series book "Japan at War" where he quotes a Japanese correspondent who was with the imperial fleet at Midway.
His account is that the ships returned to Sasebo Naval yard in the dead of night and any wounded were transported off the ships in blacked out trucks and under extremely heavy guard.
As he had been with the main fleet under Yamamoto and not with Nagumo's carrier force, he did not have the full story and all he heard from axis radio was that the US NAvy had suffered one of the most horrendous defeats in its history. Not trusting to his own nation's propaganda, he secretly went to a SW radio and tuned in a station operating from San Francisco. There he heard the report of the demise of the four carriers and the loss of many of the veteran air crews (many who had been in the Pearl Harbor attack). It was his own opinion that that was the true report.
I don't think it is any different now.

Ummmm... we won that war.


New Member
Yes, we did win that war. My point is that had he believed his own country's propaganda without question, then he would have been in for an extremely rude "epiphany". I don't blame the administration for the entire conduct of this "war", but I believe that we have a very sheepish press that is afraid to question anything. Maybe this is why they are so rabid now going after candidates...they are "making up" for their desultory behavior in their failure to investigate and "inform".


Yes, we did win that war. My point is that had he believed his own country's propaganda without question, then he would have been in for an extremely rude "epiphany". I don't blame the administration for the entire conduct of this "war", but I believe that we have a very sheepish press that is afraid to question anything. Maybe this is why they are so rabid now going after candidates...they are "making up" for their desultory behavior in their failure to investigate and "inform".

The press has been sheepish in what sort of way?