You left one thing out of this. The MSM has an agenda. They know they have very uneducated, passive minds to push their propaganda on. They know they can affect the political landscape simply by planting anti-whatever info to affect what people think. Obama is the best current example of this. Have you ever seen anyone gain so much politcal capital without even having to articulate who they are and what their purpose is? No one knows anything about this guy, yet the media made him their darling and propped him up for the win.
I agree that the msm has an agenda. I agree that Obama is their darling/ However, I don't think it is the uneducated only that they foist their opinion on, but minds that are educated also but lacking in common sense . This should serve for a number of the "youth" and noveau rich that gravitate towards Obama. They think that by taking away from those who work or have paid their dues and giving to those whom are too lazy or like to shout about entitlements that they are making things right. The leftist media likes to think of themselves as the forefront of this movement. They think they are media stars and their followers and adherents pimp up thir image. In my analogy of the Japanese correspondent, they are the propaganda merchants who scream to the rooftops of victory, when in the truthful process, they are in denial of the chaos they have wrought. The correspondent is anyone who seems to think there is a fly in the ointment and checks out other sources in the quest for the truth.
I place you, larry and others like yourselves in that don't seem like the gullible sloganeering type and you have my respect, for what it's worth.
As for being informed or misinformed about Iraq, I am sceptical of the MSM. I used to think Keith Oldurman made sense until he jumped on the Obama bandwagon with the rest of them. So I have taken to reading overseas sources like the BBC for most of my news, as well as to a number of the conservative forums. I also talk to a number of the servicemen who have come back. If anyone knows what is going on the ground, it is them.
They make a lot more sense than some media star.