Ingrown Nails



Yeah but just think of all the money your saving? :killingme It's just pain, once the nail is gone from the flesh and the blood is dried all is good.

I would rather not pay, but it's gotten so painful that I can't even touch it myself. Maybe after I soak it, it will feel different. I just want this sucker OUT!!!


Happy Camper
Yeah but just think of all the money your saving? :killingme It's just pain, once the nail is gone from the flesh and the blood is dried all is good.

Unless that little homeless bacteria family down the street sees the garage door has been left open.... Just sayin' :whistle:

I've done it both ways and much prefer the doctor way!


New Member
I would rather not pay, but it's gotten so painful that I can't even touch it myself. Maybe after I soak it, it will feel different. I just want this sucker OUT!!!

If you can just hold out a few more months, health care will be free :coffee:


Well-Known Member
I would rather not pay, but it's gotten so painful that I can't even touch it myself. Maybe after I soak it, it will feel different. I just want this sucker OUT!!!


:killingme sorry to laugh, but that just sounds wrong on so many levels. It's been awhile since I quoted you. :whistle:

On a more serious note, want me to come rip it out for you? :jet:


New Member
I would rather not pay, but it's gotten so painful that I can't even touch it myself. Maybe after I soak it, it will feel different. I just want this sucker OUT!!!

My .02, go to the doc and get it removed. I have dealt with ingrowns my whole life and have always cut and pulled like JWWB (I think it was her) said. About 6 months ago I got one that cutting and pulling DID NOT help. I went to the foot doc and he numbed my toe, and cut it out, then he put a chemical in that makes it to where the nail will not grow back in that spot. All I could think is "Why in the hell did I not get this done sooner." I am now getting ready to go get another toe done, as it is really bad now.
I say go for it, it is really no big deal and you willfeel soooooo much better.
My big toe nails naturally grow into the sides that way. So I just take care of it myself. It hurts alot less than childbirth and my best suggestion is to soak your foot first in hot water. That softens the nail and surrounding skin. Then you just clip across and pull it out.

Mine grow that way too, but I keep them trimmed. I do my own every 2-3 weeks just to keep them under control. If you stay after it, it's no worse than trimming your nails. As soon as I finish pulling any small hangs out, I drip Iodine along the nail edge, that completely prevents infection.


New Member
p.s. He pulled like an inch of ingrown out of my toe, he said that the cutting and pulling method is generally a "quick fix" and usually leaves some behind.


Well-Known Member
Its really not so bad. I was terrified the first time but it went fine. Also, they sell ingrown toenail stuff at the drugstore that might make it feel better till you get to the podiatrist. I use Dr. Demerhi.


p.s. He pulled like an inch of ingrown out of my toe, he said that the cutting and pulling method is generally a "quick fix" and usually leaves some behind.

That's what it feels an extra inch is growing in there.

SMG, you are so bad!!! Please come rip it out for me. You know how much I need help :lmao:


Has anyone ever had an ingrown toe nail removed? If so, what was involved in the procedure and how bad did it hurt? Also, where do you go for such a procedure?


I never had them so bad but my ex (here we go again with the ex) used to get them so he had to go to the podiatrist. There is a new podiatrist on Chancelors Run Rd. across from the school. My brother had them so bad he had to have his nails removed from his big toe.

Good luck :huggy: