

New Member
Rather than P90X, which a buddy of mine has and really likes, I'm starting the Insanity program today. I think it's pretty much along the same lines as P90X, but by a different guy. No weights or other "tools" needed, just you and a lot of dedication.
Once I complete the 60 day program, I'll trade off with my buddy and do P90X while he does insanity.
Hoping to lose about 25 pounds overall.

Insanity Workout - Extreme Home Workout DVD - Insanity Workout Reviews -


New Member
I have done 3 days worth and will admit (although not happily) that I have not made it all the way through a complete workout yet. I get pretty pissed about it and angry at myself, but I have to remember that I'm not trying to "keep up" with the folks on the DVD, but doing it for me and I have to take it at my pace or risk injury (not likely with this program) or frustration and quit...which I certainly don't want to do.
I'll do the 4th workout today, but have a break Friday and Saturday as we'll be out of town with no access to a DVD player or place to work out. I'll probably do an easy run those two days, recover on Sunday and hopefully come back Monday and be a little better off.


I have done 3 days worth and will admit (although not happily) that I have not made it all the way through a complete workout yet. I get pretty pissed about it and angry at myself, but I have to remember that I'm not trying to "keep up" with the folks on the DVD, but doing it for me and I have to take it at my pace or risk injury (not likely with this program) or frustration and quit...which I certainly don't want to do.
I'll do the 4th workout today, but have a break Friday and Saturday as we'll be out of town with no access to a DVD player or place to work out. I'll probably do an easy run those two days, recover on Sunday and hopefully come back Monday and be a little better off.

I have done Insanity and even after completing it I still couldn't get all the way through the workouts without stopping. The point isn't to get all the way through though, it's to get better over time.

Even the people in the video have to take breaks and go get water in the middle of a cycle, so don't feel discouraged. Those people are fitness professionals. Just do what you can.

I think Insanity was put together very well, in that the level of fitness it would take to complete all of the workouts completely is so far out of reach, that it leaves everyone room to improve over time.

For me, one milestone was when I could complete the entire warm up sequence without having to rest. Then it was being able to get all the way through the power jumps, or being able to do Level 2 Drills. You'll find yourself getting better and being able to do more.

Good luck and congratulations on taking this step toward improving your health and fitness.


Harley Rider
Rather than P90X, which a buddy of mine has and really likes, I'm starting the Insanity program today. I think it's pretty much along the same lines as P90X, but by a different guy. No weights or other "tools" needed, just you and a lot of dedication.
Once I complete the 60 day program, I'll trade off with my buddy and do P90X while he does insanity.
Hoping to lose about 25 pounds overall.
How old are you? I've noticed that almost all of the Insanity users are under 32. I truly believe that there's a reason for that. I would literally die if I tried to keep up with the Insanity workout. I used to do 30 minutes of aerobics daily when I was in my 20's and 30's but today (at 56) it would kill me.

I've finished my 8th day of P90X and I love it. I can't do it all but it gives me something to shoot for by the end of it. There is a lot of cardio but there is much more emphasis on muscle building, which is what I'm after...


New Member
How old are you? I've noticed that almost all of the Insanity users are under 32. I truly believe that there's a reason for that. I would literally die if I tried to keep up with the Insanity workout. I used to do 30 minutes of aerobics daily when I was in my 20's and 30's but today (at 56) it would kill me.

I've finished my 8th day of P90X and I love it. I can't do it all but it gives me something to shoot for by the end of it. There is a lot of cardio but there is much more emphasis on muscle building, which is what I'm after...

I'm 47. Quite disappointed, but I have decided that Insanity is just not for me...for a variety of reasons. It's going to be given to a buddy of mine who is a P90X guy and loves this kind of stuff.
After just a few days I got my head around the fact that I was not going to finish any single work out until I had been through the program several times and built up to it. That was fine with me.
However, I started resenting the end of the day when I knew I had to go home and do this routine. It's not that I mind the work, the sweat and getting the heart rate up, it's that I felt...confined by it I guess. A lot of what you do is jumping related. I'm 6'6" tall and have 8' ceilings in our house...which does not leave me a lot of jump room. Also, the only space that I have to do the routine in is fairly small, so again, I felt very confined. I also felt like a slave to the schedule and if I missed I cursed myself and felt bad. Lastly, I'm just not a "follower" in, okay class, lets do this next.
Yeah, I know...quitter, quitter. :smack:
At any rate, knowing that I absolutely HAVE to do something, I spent a lot of time thinking about what that would be and it struck me...I love working outside, no matter the weather. So, yesterday I went home and worked out outside with just "stuff" that I have available. I did a good long warm up (very similar to the insanity warm up) and then just did hard, heart pumping "stuff". I have an old rail road tie (full size...not a landscaping timber) that I flipped end-over-end for as many times as I could. I loaded 80 pound of pool salt into a wheelebarrow, pushed it out to the road and jogged up the hills around my house pushing it. Talk about getting your heart rate up (and looking like a fool to neighbors :killingme). I tossed a rope over a tree limb, tied a cinder block to it and hoisted it up and down as many times as I could. Trust me, I got a good workout in, felt great and had fun. I need to come up with a lot more of these types of things to do, but it's a start and I am already looking forward to going home today and doing more. The only day I looked forward to Insanity was the very first day, after that, I knew I was toast with that program.


Harley Rider
However, I started resenting the end of the day when I knew I had to go home and do this routine. It's not that I mind the work, the sweat and getting the heart rate up, it's that I felt...confined by it I guess. A lot of what you do is jumping related. I'm 6'6" tall and have 8' ceilings in our house...which does not leave me a lot of jump room. Also, the only space that I have to do the routine in is fairly small, so again, I felt very confined.
I'm 5'9 and I work out in my basement under a drop ceiling. If I extend my arms fully straight up, I just barely touch it, so I just do the jumping without the extended arms. And, with my right heel problem, I can't jump very high anymore.
bulldog said:
I also felt like a slave to the schedule and if I missed I cursed myself and felt bad. Lastly, I'm just not a "follower" in, okay class, lets do this next.
Yeah, I know...quitter, quitter. :smack: I need to come up with a lot more of these types of things to do, but it's a start and I am already looking forward to going home today and doing more. :howdy:
Everybody's different. I like the program because it uses muscle confusion and minimal equipment. I hate routines and the "same old same old". I've had it with the gyms, Total Gyms, weight stations and, as you said, the slave to the schedule. This feel soo freeing to me because I only do the first CD workout once a week. Then, after 3 weeks, I won't do it again for 2 weeks. Personally, I love that.


How old are you? I've noticed that almost all of the Insanity users are under 32. I truly believe that there's a reason for that. I would literally die if I tried to keep up with the Insanity workout. I used to do 30 minutes of aerobics daily when I was in my 20's and 30's but today (at 56) it would kill me. .

I've never done PX90. I didn't want to deal with the chin bar, weights, etc. I started with Insanity Spring 2010 and slacked off after a few weeks because I pulled my ankle out. There is no doubt the workout is intense. You drip with sweat 10 minutes into the workout and I would stop often to catch my breath. But I think I honestly rather do cardio than strength training... and honestly thought (although not from personal experience) that PX90 was harder so these responses are surprising.

Now that I am recovering from smashing my fricken foot (same foot as the ankle injury & a prior break), I have to start over and build myself up again. I hate that... I'm back on the an upright bike that hurts my rear end to the point I could cry after a few miles and feel bored. I ended up recently ordering another elliptical, because my doctor said I can only do an elliptical and/or bike... no PX90, Insanity, The Wave, Step or Zumba... in my immediate future if ever again.

Not that any of this is important. I just wanted to complain. :bawl:

Now my son did stick with the program and he is completely cut. He's 15 and when he got into the harder weeks... he thought he was going to collapse. I'm proud he stuck it out because it wasn't easy by no means.


Harley Rider
I've never done PX90. I didn't want to deal with the chin bar, weights, etc. I started with Insanity Spring 2010 and slacked off after a few weeks because I pulled my ankle out. There is no doubt the workout is intense. You drip with sweat 10 minutes into the workout and I would stop often to catch my breath. But I think I honestly rather do cardio than strength training... and honestly thought (although not from personal experience) that PX90 was harder so these responses are surprising.

Now that I am recovering from smashing my fricken foot (same foot as the ankle injury & a prior break), I have to start over and build myself up again. I hate that... I'm back on the an upright bike that hurts my rear end to the point I could cry after a few miles and feel bored. I ended up recently ordering another elliptical, because my doctor said I can only do an elliptical and/or bike... no PX90, Insanity, The Wave, Step or Zumba... in my immediate future if ever again.
I've not tried Insanity (nor will I) but I think they're both intense in different ways. I'll be starting my 3rd week of P90X on Monday. Tony makes it clear NOT to hurt yourself! He says: "if you can't do the exercise completely, DON'T! If you do less, you can come back later and do more but, if you're hurt, you're on the sidelines, you're out and can't do any!" Good advice.

Last summer I developed a slight right heel problem that I live with daily. On the exercises that require me to jump, I do jump but not very high or far. Besides, I don't really need much leg work because all the years I've played football & tennis and did aerobics have given me some nice legs!

Insanity looked like it was all cardio with some exercises thrown in. P90X is mostly dumbells and floor exercises with some cardio thrown in. After examining both, I knew Insanity wasn't for me.

I don't know your age or if you're a man or woman but P90X has men & women in every workout DVD. The ladies in the DVD impress me! They're fit, very limber and show great amounts of strength. Of course they're all under 35 also...

It doesn't bother me at all to only be able to do some of the exercises. I cannot bend to the floor nor can I do many pushups; I never could. What I like is the variety. I feel great, tight and I hope my midsection will regain the look it had last year (before my foot injury)...


I've not tried Insanity (nor will I) but I think they're both intense in different ways. I'll be starting my 3rd week of P90X on Monday. Tony makes it clear NOT to hurt yourself! He says: "if you can't do the exercise completely, DON'T! If you do less, you can come back later and do more but, if you're hurt, you're on the sidelines, you're out and can't do any!" Good advice.

Last summer I developed a slight right heel problem that I live with daily. On the exercises that require me to jump, I do jump but not very high or far. Besides, I don't really need much leg work because all the years I've played football & tennis and did aerobics have given me some nice legs!

Insanity looked like it was all cardio with some exercises thrown in. P90X is mostly dumbells and floor exercises with some cardio thrown in. After examining both, I knew Insanity wasn't for me.

I don't know your age or if you're a man or woman but P90X has men & women in every workout DVD. The ladies in the DVD impress me! They're fit, very limber and show great amounts of strength. Of course they're all under 35 also...

It doesn't bother me at all to only be able to do some of the exercises. I cannot bend to the floor nor can I do many pushups; I never could. What I like is the variety. I feel great, tight and I hope my midsection will regain the look it had last year (before my foot injury)...

IS, You do know me and we've met. :lol: If you saw me, you'd slap your forehead. It has been a while but we used to see & speak to each other often because my sister sang & and attended church functions all over. I was her Taxi because our mother died and my dad was still working. I think we went through this before under a different ID I had that has since been banned.

Anyway, I'm in my early 40's & a female (I think more women like Insanity than PX90, IMO). I didn't injure myself on purpose, did a jump, came down and POP, ankle tendonitis. My doctor said it is common for those of us who try to do programs like this at my age and it was on an ankle I broke many years ago . :ohwell: I will be positive, hope it heals again from my recent incident which is another break, but I'll give this all more time to heal (I'm out of a boot only 1 week), stick with the low-impact that my doctor has prescribed. I also have to get over my obsession and fear of injuring my ankle again.


I'm thinking a padded seat cover will help. I read all the reviews and must have missed the comments on the seat being most uncomfortable. It is a very common complaint even though it came with a gel seat.


Harley Rider
IS, You do know me and we've met. :lol: If you saw me, you'd slap your forehead. It has been a while but we used to see & speak to each other often because my sister sang & and attended church functions all over. I was her Taxi because our mother died and my dad was still working. I think we went through this before under a different ID I had that has since been banned.

Anyway, I'm in my early 40's & a female (I think more women like Insanity than PX90, IMO). I didn't injure myself on purpose, did a jump, came down and POP, ankle tendonitis. My doctor said it is common for those of us who try to do programs like this at my age and it was on an ankle I broke many years ago . :ohwell: I will be positive, hope it heals again from my recent incident which is another break, but I'll give this all more time to heal (I'm out of a boot only 1 week), stick with the low-impact that my doctor has prescribed. I also have to get over my obsession and fear of injuring my ankle again.
Out of sight, out of mind I guess... Sorry, but I do better with faces than with names. I hope your ankle heals soon. We're not getting any younger and exercise is tough on every part of us... :howdy:


Out of sight, out of mind I guess... Sorry, but I do better with faces than with names. I hope your ankle heals soon. We're not getting any younger and exercise is tough on every part of us... :howdy:

No kidding... in fact, some days, house chores leave me feeling pretty beat. :lol:


Well DUR... I was calling it PX90 and it is P90X... which I knew, why I did that, I don't know :dork:

Anyway, after listening to my boys whine about wanting more muscles blah blah blah and dissing the Insanity program, I bought them P90X for Valentine's Day.

My oldest is pretty ripped - even my girlfriends mention his physical shape - which is weird to me - but he thinks this will get him his desired look.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Well DUR... I was calling it PX90 and it is P90X... which I knew, why I did that, I don't know :dork:

Anyway, after listening to my boys whine about wanting more muscles blah blah blah and dissing the Insanity program, I bought them P90X for Valentine's Day.

My oldest is pretty ripped - even my girlfriends mention his physical shape - which is weird to me - but he thinks this will get him his desired look.

Tell him to be careful with his diet (if he's following one). At his age, he still needs a good amount of fat in order to get and maintain results. There is an article in this month's Muscle & Fitness magazine about this.


Tell him to be careful with his diet (if he's following one). At his age, he still needs a good amount of fat in order to get and maintain results. There is an article in this month's Muscle & Fitness magazine about this.

I've encouraged him to actually NOT follow a diet. I don't think he eats enough now and adding in the whey drinks and protein bars actually made *me* feel better about his eating. He's almost 6 foot and 140 lbs. - thin but lots of muscle - very athletic. Right now, his workout has been his Total Gym, an upright bike and my elliptical (which is a Schwinn 420) and he'll set the 420 to muscle training - same with the bike.

I'll have him check out that article. :yay:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I've encouraged him to actually NOT follow a diet. I don't think he eats enough now and adding in the whey drinks and protein bars actually made *me* feel better about his eating. He's almost 6 foot and 140 lbs. - thin but lots of muscle - very athletic. Right now, his workout has been his Total Gym, an upright bike and my elliptical (which is a Schwinn 420) and he'll set the 420 to muscle training - same with the bike.

I'll have him check out that article. :yay:

"Diet" doesn't necessarily mean restricting one's food intake, it IS one's food intake. The weight loss industry has sort of taken over the word and modified it to mean weight loss. I could be 300 lbs off a steady diet of fast, fried foods and cokes, no weight loss there, but it would still be my "diet".

After he gets the package, you BOTH should read the nutrition guide to set a plan of attack on what he's going to eat. (I'm assuming that you do the grocery shopping here.) There is some important info in the first chapter about your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) that gives you a baseline for how many calories you need to eat to stay alive, then from there you can decide how many more you need during the day.

As far as diet for me (going for weight loss here) I average around 2100 calories per day and I burn an average of 650-700 per workout. This doesn't account for how many I burn while at work on my feet and moving paper all day. Your son my need as many as 3000 calories per day, once again it comes down to what he is looking for, but I don't think weight loss is a priority. (Little turd :lol:) If he needs more calories during the day, then protein bars will be a big help. Most of them are up there in calories, around 300 per bar, and some are actually very tasty (Carb Conscious Supreme Protein @ WaWa) :yum: and you get a little kick of energy from them also.
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