Bru, this isn't about Democratic or Republican...3 of the last 5 Democratic presidential candidates have been for the death penalty and polls show overwhelming support for it from average Democratic voters. This, for me, is about my religious faith. That faith is the reason that I oppose abortion and the death penalty. The only way that I could support the death penalty was if there was evidence that such an action was a deterrent. There is no such evidence, therefore I cannot go against my faith on this issue.
2A, here are some Biblical passages for you, spoken by Jesus himself and not a quote from the Old Testmant (which lists 612 violations of the law that are punishable by death; this includes everything from pre-marital sex to homosexuality to practicing different religions).
John 8:7
Matthew 5: 38-39
In the first quote from John, Christ seems to suggest that God is the judge, not the sinners of earth. In the second quote from Matthew, Jesus throws out the old, Old Testament conceptualization of retaliation, suggesting that Christ did not view the death penalty as just.
Sir, the New Testament, unlike Hewbrew Scriptures, does not contain a set of laws that are punishable by death. Only in one instance was a person killed because of a violation of Christian law (and in this instance, God himself was the executor, not man; refer to Acts 5:1-11).
Furthermore 2A, for the first three centuries after Christ's death, Christian scholars were universally opposed to the death penalty. Here's a quote from Lactantius' "The Divine Institutes:"
Christians were instructed not to attend public executions, not to actually execute criminals, and not even allege a crime if doing so would lead to the criminal's execution.
The Pope, the priests, and millions of Catholics worldwide have a Biblical and historical foundation for today's teachings regarding the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. To throw them aside so quickly and so negatively, 2A, really is disrespectful.
(Sorry if bringing the Bible into the politics forums offends anyone, but I think that it is fitting in this situation plus I find that religion does indeed have a place in politics seeing as the vast majority of Americans believe in a higher power).