Interesting Global Warming Battle


Fighting like a girl
ylexot said:

Ok, so there are a few dissenting persons about the global warming debate.

Here is my question, at what point do we start to reduce CO2 levels? I've linked this graph before:

When do we reach a threshold that we can't return from? Humans are the cause for those CO2 levels increasing and we are running an experiment without a control. When do we reach a point of uncontrollable change? Are we just willing to ride it out?

Inhofe can bring up "scientific articles" from TIME magazine over the last 100 years about predictions that never happened. But he never mentions the Ozone hole. We created it, figured out what the solution was, and now it is healing.

Humans can and are affecting the global climate. Most Americans already realize this and that's part of the reason why foolish men like Inhofe are being shown the door.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
truby20 said:
Humans can and are affecting the global climate. Plants and animals affect the global climate as well. Minerals in soil affect the global climate. In fact, everything that makes up part of the Earth and it's inhabitants affects global climate.

Again I ask - so?


This Space for Rent
If everyone stops breathing for a day, we can reduce CO2 emissions. Lets have an international day of autoerotic asphexiation.

Since the NOAA research estimates that 97% of atmospheric CO2 created each year is from natural sources (like people breathing) and approximately 3% is from human activities, we could make an impact.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
Wow! Data going all the way back to 1960!
It's not the 1960 that made me snort - it's the location. Since Mauna Loa is an active volcano that erupts fairly regularly, I'm not convinced it's the best test site to "prove" man-made global warming.

Atmospheric carbon dioxide derives from multiple natural sources including volcanic outgassing

:jameo: :jameo:

Truby, are you embarrassed yet? Or are you thirsty for more? :really:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
It's not the 1960 that made me snort - it's the location. Since Mauna Loa is an active volcano that erupts fairly regularly, I'm not convinced it's the best test site to "prove" man-made global warming.


:jameo: :jameo:

Truby, are you embarrassed yet? Or are you thirsty for more? :really:

Nor is wikipedia, where any Yuccapuck with a keyboard can enter false or erroneous information, a good source to quote.


NOT Politically Correct!!
ylexot said:
Currently, the Senate is holding hearings on global warming and there are some interesting articles:

They should hold it outside where it's freakin COLD!!! :whistle:


Big Poppa
Maybe al gore should get off his ass and find a way to convert co2 back inot fossil fuels and oxygen if he is that critical about how we affect the worlds climate. I think its funny to see politicians and the media corrupting the people that they serve into thinking that everything is alot worse than it is. Everytime i see something about a shooting, robery, crime sprees and all the other bs i wonder where were they at when the cops where looking for a suspect in other areas, its always confined to one specific area. Its always the same every year its just a different threat west nile, the flu, pedophiles, every year they change there main focus what happened the year after the west nile scare i didnt hear about it but maybe once the next year, put fear into the people so they will listen for the next thing to be affraid of. I get better news covereage through here than i do watching the news on tv.