Originally posted by jlabsher
I really hate Christians who point to the book and say "see it says so here, it must be true" . So it is written so it is done, huh? Of course these are the same people who despise Muslims/Jews/etc who point to their own "good book" and proclaim IT as truth.
Well if it were otherwise, there wouldn't be a whole lot of *point* to BEING a 'Christian' or 'Muslim' or 'Jew', unless all you care about is culturally stimulating religious holidays and rituals. You choose to be one of those because some part of it resembles truth to you.
(It actually IS kind of funny to ridicule a group for supposedly 'hating' another one, while at the same time proclaiming how much you HATE them. You know, THEY despise Muslims, YOU despise *them*).
Most of the ones of all persuasions don't give a crap what you do in your bedroom. They care when the bedroom antics come out in the public. I don't like that too much either.