Interesting Read


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PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
I really hate Christians who point to the book and say "see it says so here, it must be true" . So it is written so it is done, huh? Of course these are the same people who despise Muslims/Jews/etc who point to their own "good book" and proclaim IT as truth.

Well if it were otherwise, there wouldn't be a whole lot of *point* to BEING a 'Christian' or 'Muslim' or 'Jew', unless all you care about is culturally stimulating religious holidays and rituals. You choose to be one of those because some part of it resembles truth to you.

(It actually IS kind of funny to ridicule a group for supposedly 'hating' another one, while at the same time proclaiming how much you HATE them. You know, THEY despise Muslims, YOU despise *them*).

Most of the ones of all persuasions don't give a crap what you do in your bedroom. They care when the bedroom antics come out in the public. I don't like that too much either.


Originally posted by Hessian
So...I'll bet that the Bible is best taken as a guide book, a framework to build character...flawed in translation here & there. It has inspirational teachers and writers but it fails at history and some writers have a problem with adding personal feelings or exaggeration. blah, blah blah

You are exactly right my friend, Jesus’ lessons, parables, and the entire Sermon on the Mount (Mathew 5,6,7) was all about tearing down other Christians and judging gay people .:rolleyes: What I’m saying is we should love one another and compare scripture in light of other scripture. Do you just skip over the passages about compassion for your fellow man or the good samaritan and just hone in on other people’s transgressions to make yourself feel better or something – do you not pray daily “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive THOSE who trespass against us?” or do you pray “let me post in the forum to bash all other Christians because I am perfect???” All I stated was my opinion and now you are riding me worse than a 800lb girl on a Harley with flat tires and no gas. I assure you that there are more passages about loving one another and getting along more than there are about judging gay people. Come on dude – there are more things in the world to worry about - :peace: :flowers:


Originally posted by Dupontster
Way back a long time ago: I thought God created "Adam and Eve" NOT "Adam and Steve" :crazy:

Well obviously somewhere along the line he did create an Adam and Steve -- I saw them this morning:shrug: :shrug: :rolleyes:


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by SuperGrover
If you (people who think being gay is a sin) had a son or daughter who one day says that they are gay, you wouldn't love them anymore? Even if they are the nicest and most charitable person you know of?

Don't forget that Christians are called upon to love the sinner and hate the sin. We are ALL sinners. So - you're gay, what of it? I can be considered an adulterer, a slanderer, a thief, a blasphemer, and many other sins as well. The tricky part is what are you doing about it? Are you trying to turn away from sin, or are you revelling in it? Am I helping you by allowing you to sin, or am I helping you by reminding you that you are doing the wrong thing?

For the record - my gay friends are some of the most intelligent funny and sensible people that I know. They just have an odd sexual attraction that they are having a hard time working their way through. That's all.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by tlatchaw
Don't forget that Christians are called upon to love the sinner and hate the sin. We are ALL sinners. So - you're gay, what of it? I can be considered an adulterer, a slanderer, a thief, a blasphemer, and many other sins as well. The tricky part is what are you doing about it? Are you trying to turn away from sin, or are you revelling in it? Am I helping you by allowing you to sin, or am I helping you by reminding you that you are doing the wrong thing?

For the record - my gay friends are some of the most intelligent funny and sensible people that I know. They just have an odd sexual attraction that they are having a hard time working their way through. That's all.

I can appreciate the concept "love the sinner but hate the sin." Still, I've heard too many Christians, including my born-again uncle, rephrase it in some variation of "I love them even though God hates them and they deserve to suffer everlasting torment in the fiery pits of hell."