ajhkmr97 said:
I dunno what the over effect would be or the specifics on how Americans would be affected. I, like you, can theorize on that.
Okay, then I'll play:
Had it been Africans from Africa (let's say Libyans) that attacked us, we'd have gone over there and kicked Quaddafi's ass for him. If African Americans, led by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, had protested or complained about this and tried to put a racial spin on it, we'd have said "Yeah, yeah - whatever

" like we normally do when these two get going.
If blacks in this country were vocal in their support of Libya's actions and staged protests proclaiming "Down With America", non-blacks would begin to have a problem with the "black community" and you would see race riots.
But that's a big "if". Blacks in this country are Americans. They don't come from a foreign country - they're born, bred and breedin' right here in the good ol' US. We'd more likely see Libyan support in other African countries, and those people have nothing to do with blacks in this country.
Therefore we wouldn't take the actions of Libya out on Joe next door. Some people might, but those people are Skinheads looking for Helter Skelter. Their calls for retribution toward black Americans would go unheeded, and they would be arrested if they committed crimes against black churches or citizens.