Is anybody sick like me???



Yeah, the chair from the weight of your :moon: LOVE YA MEAN IT!!:love: Hey, we need to talk detox patches.. Someone one here was telling me that stuff works.
Those detox patches you see advertised on TV work really well, actually. From the first day I started using them I felt more energized.


Coughing, achy, chest conjestion, drooling on my pillow.

On top of it I have my period and my BF wants to :smoochy::gossip: before he leaves for his cousin's wedding tomorrow morning. I am staying up all night packing his stuff b/c he isn't feeling so great either. At least I took a shower today so i don't smell bad anymore. :yahoo:


hope you get to feeling better.....:flowers:


Those detox patches you see advertised on TV work really well, actually. From the first day I started using them I felt more energized.

Are these the ones you put on your feet? Do the patches really turn black? So they DO work?!


I went to a nutritionist once when I worked in DC and he put me on this detox stuff. They did some blood work and put it on slides to look at it through this TV like thing and he was like OMG I HAVE NEVER SEEN SO MUCH SUGAR IN SOMEONES BLOOD! So I started drinking this stuff, along w/Noni Juice and I barfed for a week. Never again will I do that! :dead:


New Member
Coughing, achy, chest conjestion, drooling on my pillow.

On top of it I have my period and my BF wants to :smoochy::gossip: before he leaves for his cousin's wedding tomorrow morning. I am staying up all night packing his stuff b/c he isn't feeling so great either. At least I took a shower today so i don't smell bad anymore. :yahoo:
I'm sick as hell.

I can't do anything about it when the weather fluxuates like it has. I mean, I've done everything right to prevent getting sick and it still happens. My body just can't handle this weather trend we've had for the past month of 40° in the highs from day to day. :cussing:

I'm really looking forward to some kind of consistent weather pattern taking place at this point.


I'm sick as hell.

I can't do anything about it when the weather fluxuates like it has. I mean, I've done everything right to prevent getting sick and it still happens. My body just can't handle this weather trend we've had for the past month of 40° in the highs from day to day. :cussing:

I'm really looking forward to some kind of consistent weather pattern taking place at this point.

suck it up man.......:smack:



In My Opinion
Coughing, achy, chest conjestion, drooling on my pillow.

On top of it I have my period and my BF wants to :smoochy::gossip: before he leaves for his cousin's wedding tomorrow morning. I am staying up all night packing his stuff b/c he isn't feeling so great either. At least I took a shower today so i don't smell bad anymore. :yahoo:
coughing,,, yes
achy yes
chest confestion yes
drooling, on everything, not limited to pillow,, dog wont even come near me anymore

period,, let me check my boxers,,,,,

no, no period.


In My Opinion
what the hell is chest confestion?

should I contact my doctor, or a priest or maybe the black lady on the corner that swings the chicken around her head???


what the hell is chest confestion?

should I contact my doctor, or a priest or maybe the black lady on the corner that swings the chicken around her head???

sounds serious, stay away from captain howdy! :whistle:

Chicken noodle soup here I come....