Is anyone getting tired of the almost daily accidents?


Well-Known Member
The investigation revealed a 2003 Chrysler 300, (operated by Jeffrey Glenn Burch, age 51 of Lexington Park), was traveling southbound on Point Lookout Road and drifted into the northbound travel portion of the roadway, striking a 2004 International Box Truck, (operated by Carlos Alberto Lebron Morales, age 35 of Lexington Park), in a head on collision.

So, how many times have we heard this? Is it starting to sound like Ground Hog Day to you too? Am I the only one getting tired of the accidents?

What really caught my attention is my insurance went up 40 bucks for every billing cycle. I asked why. USAA said it is because of accidents "in your area". WHAT? MY AREA? They said yep. Because of other people, not you, but other people getting in so many accidents in your area, your insurance is going up. I never heard of such a thing. A spotless record. No accidents, no tickets. It doesn't matter! It still goes up " because of OTHER people"!!!


Well-Known Member
The investigation revealed a 2003 Chrysler 300, (operated by Jeffrey Glenn Burch, age 51 of Lexington Park), was traveling southbound on Point Lookout Road and drifted into the northbound travel portion of the roadway, striking a 2004 International Box Truck, (operated by Carlos Alberto Lebron Morales, age 35 of Lexington Park), in a head on collision.

So, how many times have we heard this? Is it starting to sound like Ground Hog Day to you too? Am I the only one getting tired of the accidents?

What really caught my attention is my insurance went up 40 bucks for every billing cycle. I asked why. USAA said it is because of accidents "in your area". WHAT? MY AREA? They said yep. Because of other people, not you, but other people getting in so many accidents in your area, your insurance is going up. I never heard of such a thing. A spotless record. No accidents, no tickets. It doesn't matter! It still goes up " because of OTHER people"!!!
Shoot they've been doing that since I was knee high to a grasshopper.


Well-Known Member
So, how many times have we heard this? Is it starting to sound like Ground Hog Day to you too? Am I the only one getting tired of the accidents?

What really caught my attention is my insurance went up 40 bucks for every billing cycle. I asked why. USAA said it is because of accidents "in your area". WHAT? MY AREA? They said yep. Because of other people, not you, but other people getting in so many accidents in your area, your insurance is going up. I never heard of such a thing. A spotless record. No accidents, no tickets. It doesn't matter! It still goes up " because of OTHER people"!!!
I got the same rate hike a few months ago. When I called, I was told it was "due to the increase in accidents and the increase of uninsured drivers in my area."
A better question to ask yourself is, when was the last time you saw the local law enforcement out in force doing any kind of traffic enforcement?? Every-single-day we have aggressive drivers, cell phone users while driving, crotch rockets zipping up and down the roads, long-expired vehicle tags (obviously uninsured), etc. and NOTHING is being done about it.
I once had a friend tell me "Maybe they are too busy dealing with drug users and murderers!": My response...
What if you went into a bar and walked up to the bartender and asked them for a drink. The bartender says "Hold out your hands so I can pour the drink into your cupped hands."
The customers asks "Where is the glass?" The bartender responds "I was too busy mixing your drink to wash any glasses!"


Well-Known Member
I got the same rate hike a few months ago. When I called, I was told it was "due to the increase in accidents and the increase of uninsured drivers in my area."
A better question to ask yourself is, when was the last time you saw the local law enforcement out in force doing any kind of traffic enforcement?? Every-single-day we have aggressive drivers, cell phone users while driving, crotch rockets zipping up and down the roads, long-expired vehicle tags (obviously uninsured), etc. and NOTHING is being done about it.
I once had a friend tell me "Maybe they are too busy dealing with drug users and murderers!": My response...
What if you went into a bar and walked up to the bartender and asked them for a drink. The bartender says "Hold out your hands so I can pour the drink into your cupped hands."
The customers asks "Where is the glass?" The bartender responds "I was too busy mixing your drink to wash any glasses!"
The bartender asks me to pay, I say I can't. I'm holding my drink


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The investigation revealed a 2003 Chrysler 300, (operated by Jeffrey Glenn Burch, age 51 of Lexington Park), was traveling southbound on Point Lookout Road and drifted into the northbound travel portion of the roadway, striking a 2004 International Box Truck, (operated by Carlos Alberto Lebron Morales, age 35 of Lexington Park), in a head on collision.

So, how many times have we heard this? Is it starting to sound like Ground Hog Day to you too? Am I the only one getting tired of the accidents?

What really caught my attention is my insurance went up 40 bucks for every billing cycle. I asked why. USAA said it is because of accidents "in your area". WHAT? MY AREA? They said yep. Because of other people, not you, but other people getting in so many accidents in your area, your insurance is going up. I never heard of such a thing. A spotless record. No accidents, no tickets. It doesn't matter! It still goes up " because of OTHER people"!!!
My USAA has gone up every 6 month renewal since I lived in SoMD. They tell me the same thing, it's all the other drivers causing the rates to skyrocket. I have not had a claim in over 30yrs yet I have to pay for the rest of the idiot drivers. I'm close $2000 a year for 2 cars (1 is liability only). I do have above minimum coverage because of "I'm going to sue you" happy people. 5 more years and I'm retiring out of f'n Maryland!


Well-Known Member
My USAA has gone up every 6 month renewal since I lived in SoMD. They tell me the same thing, it's all the other drivers causing the rates to skyrocket. I have not had a claim in over 30yrs yet I have to pay for the rest of the idiot drivers. I'm close $2000 a year for 2 cars (1 is liability only). I do have above minimum coverage because of "I'm going to sue you" happy people. 5 more years and I'm retiring out of f'n Maryland!
You driving crazy expensive cars or something with a huge engine to weight ratio (or however they determine "hot rod" tax now)?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
You driving crazy expensive cars or something with a huge engine to weight ratio (or however they determine "hot rod" tax now)?
Nope, 2022 Hyundai Tucson and 2010 Ford Sport Trac. I insure my 2 hot rods through Hagerty at $600 a year


Well-Known Member
Nope, 2022 Hyundai Tucson and 2010 Ford Sport Trac. I insure my 2 hot rods through Hagerty at $600 a year
Sounds high, but most people I know that have USAA swear it's the cheapest and the best. Though the same people swear by the commissary and BX when those are often enough not a good deal even with the tax savings.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
. I'm close $2000 a year for 2 cars (1 is liability only). I do have above minimum coverage because of "I'm going to sue you" happy people.
I'm paying $2009/year for 5 trucks and my Harley (all liability only). 500K/500K/100K coverage because that's what my umbrella insurer required.


Honorary SMIB
As I was told over 30 years ago when the issue came up in Calvert, "You can't stop progress".

I don't think texting has as much impact as many think, especially with newer cars that cut the text function out when run through the Bluetooth (or whatever each company calls it).

Some of you SMIBs are going to disagree with that as well as the following, don't care, but if you look at most of the recent wrecks some combination of reckless driving and speeding with a smidge of drunk driving is involved in almost all of them.

I doubt that many of the 70 and 80 years olds wrapping their vehicles around various more or less stationary objects are texting.


the poor dad
As I was told over 30 years ago when the issue came up in Calvert, "You can't stop progress".

I don't think texting has as much impact as many think, especially with newer cars that cut the text function out when run through the Bluetooth (or whatever each company calls it).

Some of you SMIBs are going to disagree with that as well as the following, don't care, but if you look at most of the recent wrecks some combination of reckless driving and speeding with a smidge of drunk driving is involved in almost all of them.

I doubt that many of the 70 and 80 years olds wrapping their vehicles around various more or less stationary objects are texting.
You should come ride along with me while I’m hauling grain, where I’m sitting in a dump truck high enough to look down into every vehicle and going slow enough that everyone wants to pass me. I would guess based on my unscientific observations that easily 20% of drivers I see have a phone in their hand-all ages.