Is Charles Co. Racist?


Lobster Land
LexiGirl75 said:
My thing is when is it going to be dealt with... no one seems to want to touch it.

I think this thread is dealing with. Some express rash feelings initially but I really do hope and think that given time a better understanding comes about. Your input can and will open some eyes and I wish for you to only take it that way. I grew up in an era where racism was the thing, then got to know the real world. To this day I judge blacks and whites based upon their individual character and not their color. I am a much better person for it. Treat me as a fellow human being and I will gladly return the favor.


Nice lady!
eclark said:
I don't have to spray paint a house, I was brought up better than that, but I have been steretyped all my life because were I was brought up at, and the prejudice that still lies in charles county could never be explained to the out sider looking in and I don't have to try to justify and explain the type of person Johny was. The truth will prevail when it's a sad and done.

I am not an outsider looking in. I live in Charles too and have all my life. Since you said way back when that there are always witnesses to these racial things, that KNOW the truth, I am asking if you know who spray painted that cops house? He had nothing to do with that shooting yet someone felt the need to "send a message." (I also didn't mention "spray paint" in my previous post so you obviously know something about it)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Nickel said: news headlines have him at 24. I remember Vrai saying their information comes straight from the horse's mouth, whereas we already know NBC4 reported their news based on hearsay.
Right - our news stories come straight from the cops that worked the case, no reporter involved. They simply send us the arrest/incident report and we post it.


This is fun right?
vraiblonde said:
Of course. It's a matter of public record and already on the internet.

Court System: Circuit Court of Charles County - Criminal System
Title: State of Maryland vs Jonathan Zacharias Lyles
Case Number: 08K00000980Case Status:Reopened/Active
Case Type: Indictment
Filing Date: 11/13/2000

Defendant Name:Lyles, Jonathan Zacharias

Charge No: 1CJIS Code:1 0233Statute:27.286
Description: Cds Possess With Intent To Distribute
Disposition: Guilty
Disposition Date: 10/19/2004

Charge No: 2CJIS Code:1 0233Statute:27.286
Description: Cds Possess With Intent To Distribute
Disposition: Merged
Disposition Date: 10/19/2004

Charge No: 3CJIS Code:1 0573Statute:27.287.(a)
Description: Cds: Possession-Marihuana
Disposition: Nolle Prosequi
Disposition Date: 05/25/2001

Charge No: 4CJIS Code:4 3550Statute:27.287.(a)
Description: Cds:possess-Not Marihuana
Disposition: Nolle Prosequi
Disposition Date: 05/25/2001

Charge No: 5CJIS Code:6 3600Statute:27.554
Description: Unnatural Or Perverted Practice WTH?
Disposition: Nolle Prosequi
Disposition Date: 05/25/2001
Last edited:


This is fun right?
vraiblonde said:
Of course. It's a matter of public record and already on the internet.

Court System: Circuit Court of Charles County - Criminal System
Title: State of Maryland vs Jonathan Z Lyles
Case Number: 08K03001190Case Status:Closed/Inactive
Case Type: Jury Trial-Criminal
Filing Date: 11/26/2003

Defendant Name:Lyles, Jonathan Z
City:Oxon HillState:MDDOB:02/20/1982

Charge No: 1CJIS Code:1 5212Statute:CR.4.203
Description: Wear, Carry And Transport Handgun Upon Their Person HMM HAD A GUN THAT TIME ALSO
Disposition: Guilty
Disposition Date: 10/19/2004

Charge No: 2CJIS Code:1 0573Statute:CR.5.601.(c)(2)
Description: Cds: Possession-Marihuana
Disposition: Nolle Prosequi
Disposition Date: 10/19/2004


This is fun right?
vraiblonde said:
Of course. It's a matter of public record and already on the internet.

Court System: Circuit Court of Charles County - Criminal System
Title: State of Maryland vs Jonathan Z Lyles
Case Number: 08K03001194Case Status:Closed/Inactive
Case Type: Jury Trial-Motor Vehicle
Filing Date: 12/04/2003

Defendant Name:Lyles, Jonathan Z
City:Oxon HillState:MDDOB:02/20/1982

Charge No: 1CJIS Code:Statute:TA.16.303.d
Description: Driving Motor Veh. On Revoked License And Privilege
Disposition: Nolle Prosequi
Disposition Date: 10/19/2004


This is fun right?
eclark said:
I don't have to spray paint a house, I was brought up better than that, but I have been steretyped all my life because were I was brought up at, and the prejudice that still lies in charles county could never be explained to the out sider looking in and I don't have to try to justify and explain the type of person Johny was. The truth will prevail when it's a sad and done.

Since you Know POOR LIL JOHNNY so well, can you explain his history in the Court System? (look at the cases i posted)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
eclark said:
I have been steretyped all my life because were I was brought up at, and the prejudice that still lies in charles county could never be explained to the out sider looking in
My friend is a black man who was raised in a PG County drug ghetto. He now has a career and a family, and no criminal record. He has not been stereotyped in the slightest, and is in fact quite successful in his career and personal relationships.

I think it's just you.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
bresamil said:
Yep. Definite pattern forming.
This is why we tell our children "Don't take candy from strangers". Oh, and beware of any clowns that invite you into their house. :ohwell:


This is fun right?
vraiblonde said:
My friend is a black man who was raised in a PG County drug ghetto. He now has a career and a family, and no criminal record. He has not been stereotyped in the slightest, and is in fact quite successful in his career and personal relationships.

I think it's just you.

It took us 10 minutes to get Poor Wittle Johnny's history, why couldnt NBC4 find the same thing?



Cleopatra Jones
vraiblonde said:
My friend is a black man who was raised in a PG County drug ghetto. He now has a career and a family, and no criminal record. He has not been stereotyped in the slightest, and is in fact quite successful in his career and personal relationships.

I think it's just you.

:yeahthat: My dad's best friend is a 50ish black guy who was born and raised in PG County as well. Lives in Calvert now and has done rather well for himself. When my oldest was going through his "chocolate stage (a black girlfriend of mine told him she was my chocolate sister and thus was born the recognition of colors of people) he was grandpa's chocolate brother. :yay:

One of my very best friends is a black guy (Horus/LBS anyone???) who grew up in a neighborhood I consider pretty ghetto and we went to the same school. Seems as if he's doing better then 3/4 of the white guys he went to school with.

No matter if you're stereotyped or not it's your own personal responsibility to rise above that image opposed to just subcoming to it. It's a cop-out plain as any other for most of these wanna be gangstas. :bigwhoop:


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
In fact, Midnight, I can pull you up dozens, if not hundreds, of cases where a black defendent or his family has accused the police that arrested/shot him of "racism" and other misdeeds to pretend that said criminal was innocent.

I challenge you to find me one case - just one - where a white defendent has accused cops of racism and conspiracy.
if you read my post, you will see that i wasn't including that as part of my argument, just that parents don't usually come out to say "my kid needed killing, best thing that could have happened to him"


New Member
Pull his records, so what, but that's just the thing pull his records see his history ooh he did this in his past he deserved die right? Just how the police looked at him too. Saaaaaaaaaaad. shoot first asked questions later, but we can't ask him, but like I said the streets are always watching.


curiouser and curiouser
eclark said:
Pull his records, so what, but that's just the thing pull his records see his history ooh he did this in his past he deserved die right? Just how the police looked at him too. Saaaaaaaaaaad. shoot first asked questions later, but we can't ask him, but like I said the streets are always watching.
Question: If he had succeeded in killing a police officer, and someone started a thread about it, would you participate?


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
I stopped trying to catch up after page 7 or 8 or so.... when it all started to become :blahblah: :blahblah: redundancy.... Which is why I usually stay out of the ruffled feather threads for the most part. I mean, how are you really going to wade through what is happening in various parts of our country and right here in Charles County? Is it as simple a label as racism? You could call it that, I guess. For the sake of having someone to blame for your own ignorant behavior - For the necessity to have to be shot for drunk driving... To live such a life that your normal existence is to grow and stay trapped in an enviroment that perpetuates self-fulfilling prophecies. Call it hate, cause it is, I think. Why else would communities of people CHOOSE to continue to seek violence and drugs and perpetuate generation after generation of families who spread hate and racism theories. I think the racism is actually directed the other way any more...

And btw, I didn't even know Lexi was black...


Cleopatra Jones
eclark said:
Pull his records, so what, but that's just the thing pull his records see his history ooh he did this in his past he deserved die right? Just how the police looked at him too. Saaaaaaaaaaad. shoot first asked questions later, but we can't ask him, but like I said the streets are always watching.

By the looks of his rap sheet I'd say he got what he deserved. :yay: