Good Morning,
Nice to see every one and their opinions are back. I see every one wants to be an expert and state (their facts). I like how you throw around the word
menance menace and ghetto and the phrase rise above your circumstances. This is the world we live in, Johny didn't make the drugs and
there they're not going to stop with him, nor did they start with him, and just because the police released a report 2 days later about what they
susposely supposedly found in his car doesn't mean to much to me.

I know
where we're not in Hollywood
were we're in the real world, and some of you, don't know what the real world is like. I'm sorry that a drug dealer is not the worst person to me, when I walk outside I'm more concern with the rapist, the serial killers, the child molesters, the gangs and the crooked politicians that
committ commit murder and walk away scott free. No matter
what that this thread is just an open discussion for people to state their opinions and that's just that. One thing is for sure to all that think justice was done, that the police did an outstanding job. Pray for his soul, no where in the bible do the words read murder is okay if your a
police policeman or cop or police officer, but if I recall it does say no murderer will enter the kingdom of heaven. Johny had a record but at the end of the day he wasn't a murderer, and
God took him home Remains to be seen, he doesn't have to suffer any more.
On another note
(need a comma here) I like to thank all of you who wrote your opinions about this situation
(need a semicolon here) it's been a real learning experience.