Is Gambling a Deal Breaker?


Look my ass glows!
Tinkerbell said:
Very possibly he can blow it on scratch offs, Keno and on-line gambling. I've known people who have bankrupted themselves this way. It's sad.

She needs to toss him out, or pack her bags and hit the road. :yay:
I've seen folks gamble on just about anything-chicken crossing the road, how many times a gal can slide down a pole-don't have to be organized gambling folks. :whistle:


Look my ass glows!
leslie3977 said:
I just don't get it. She said but he's great about everything else. (She being my sister btw) Then my mom even told me, he's great about everything else at least. And I'm like :jameo:
WTH is everything else?? He blows the family money, he's not dependable, he basically steals and he drinks?? :elaine:


New Member
Fubar said:
WTH is everything else?? He blows the family money, he's not dependable, he basically steals and he drinks?? :elaine:
That's what I don't get, these are things that are basic things one must have in order to be a good partner in a relationship!


Gambling's fun :yahoo: but 5K is way too much to loose or have even considered wagering. :chocking: He's obviously having problems paying his share of the bills, has taken her for granted that he can play and have fun and someone is always there to pay the bills for him, he needs to grow up and bite the bullet and stop gambling. He needs to find that rush of excitement elsewhere that he gets from gambling. If you ask me, I also think there are many levels to gambling as any addiction, and that he's at the level where he needs professional intervention at the level he's at :shrug:. I wouldn't dump a guy over it but I would stop enabling his addiction and let him start paying his share and tell him to get help or I'm leaving him after several attempts and he doesn't show signs of stoping. Show him a little tough love :shrug: Easier said than done but generally someone at this level didn't have it sneak up on him overnight and he's probably also aware he's out of control at this point. :coffee:


New Member
dems4me said:
Gambling's fun :yahoo: but 5K is way too much to loose or have even considered wagering. :chocking: He's obviously having problems paying his share of the bills, has taken her for granted that he can play and have fun and someone is always there to pay the bills for him, he needs to grow up and bite the bullet and stop gambling. He needs to find that rush of excitement elsewhere that he gets from gambling. If you ask me, I also think there are many levels to gambling as any addiction, and that he's at the level where he needs professional intervention at the level he's at :shrug:. I wouldn't dump a guy over it but I would stop enabling his addiction and let him start paying his share and tell him to get help or I'm leaving him after several attempts and he doesn't show signs of stoping. Show him a little tough love :shrug: Easier said than done but generally someone at this level didn't have it sneak up on him overnight and he's probably also aware he's out of control at this point. :coffee:
Good points. Maybe I'll suggest that since she doesn't want to leave because he's "so great."


aka Mrs. Giant
leslie3977 said:
I just don't get it. She said but he's great about everything else. (She being my sister btw) Then my mom even told me, he's great about everything else at least. And I'm like :jameo:
It's all in what you consider important. A lot of folks wouldn't agree with me, but I figured when I was married, that there were other things a lot worse he could be doing. His bad habit was gambling. Which was a vice I was already aware of. I "confiscated" money as soon as he was paid to take care of bills and such. This was an arrangement we reached even before we said "I do". I kept a "household expense log" and showed it to him each week, so he was fully aware of how much things really cost and where money really needed to go.

If your sis considers him worth it, maybe she needs to sit him down and calmly discuss finances and make different arrangements than what they currently have. She gets the money first and then gives him his gambling allowance. :shrug:

I have to admit, being married to a habitual gambler can be rough. Yet, if you are fully willing to reap the rewards when he is winning big, then you should be just as willing to suffer the consequences when he is losing big. :shrug: The ex used to say 1) you can't win big unless you bet big and 2) you can't win if you are scared of losing your money.


leslie3977 said:
Good points. Maybe I'll suggest that since she doesn't want to leave because he's "so great."

Like any addict out of control they often feel remorse, try to get him during one of those periods. :shrug:


New Member
migtig said:
It's all in what you consider important. A lot of folks wouldn't agree with me, but I figured when I was married, that there were other things a lot worse he could be doing. His bad habit was gambling. Which was a vice I was already aware of. I "confiscated" money as soon as he was paid to take care of bills and such. This was an arrangement we reached even before we said "I do". I kept a "household expense log" and showed it to him each week, so he was fully aware of how much things really cost and where money really needed to go.

If your sis considers him worth it, maybe she needs to sit him down and calmly discuss finances and make different arrangements than what they currently have. She gets the money first and then gives him his gambling allowance. :shrug:

I have to admit, being married to a habitual gambler can be rough. Yet, if you are fully willing to reap the rewards when he is winning big, then you should be just as willing to suffer the consequences when he is losing big. :shrug: The ex used to say 1) you can't win big unless you bet big and 2) you can't win if you are scared of losing your money.
Good idea, thanks!


dems4me said:
Gambling's fun :yahoo: but 5K is way too much to loose or have even considered wagering. :chocking: He's obviously having problems paying his share of the bills, has taken her for granted that he can play and have fun and someone is always there to pay the bills for him, he needs to grow up and bite the bullet and stop gambling. He needs to find that rush of excitement elsewhere that he gets from gambling. If you ask me, I also think there are many levels to gambling as any addiction, and that he's at the level where he needs professional intervention at the level he's at :shrug:. I wouldn't dump a guy over it but I would stop enabling his addiction and let him start paying his share and tell him to get help or I'm leaving him after several attempts and he doesn't show signs of stoping. Show him a little tough love :shrug: Easier said than done but generally someone at this level didn't have it sneak up on him overnight and he's probably also aware he's out of control at this point. :coffee:

Let's call A&E NOW!!!!