I've been thinking about fundamentalist Christians lately and seeing some of them proclaiming this as the end of days.
Well, I've studied eschatology - not just in Judeo-Christian mythology. Almost every religion has one, and I've studied a bunch of them. It was quite a hobby of mine in my 20's. And, although I just referred to it as "mythology", I don't think it's any secret that I'm a believer in Christ. And although I often jokingly refer to this current crisis as "The Apocalypse" I do not seriously believe that we're there yet.
There is a crap-ton of stuff that has to happen before the Horseman of Pestilence rides the winds of destiny, most of which has not. So, I'm not overly concerned about End-times as a lot of these people. Those people, I believe are excited for it. Having studied it I realize it's not a party where Jesus shows up at the end and we say "Surprise!" and we all enjoy delicious cake.
It is a massively ****ed up period of time we will have to go through and I am most certainly not looking forward to it, and I pray that I'm long dead before it begins.
If it is the end, are you frightened or elated to finally meet your maker?
Personally - I'm ****ing terrified of it. I believe that I will be called to account to some of the things I've done in my life, and I believe I'm not going to like it when it happens..
Do you have the serenity to accept God's will, or are you trying to figure out how to thwart Him?
HAH! If I could stop it, I would. I wouldn't call it "serenity" to accept God's will, but I have no illusion that I could stop even the smallest bit. I do not possess the delusion of grandeur that it would to take to believe that I could stand on a beach and stop a tidal wave. Or a hurricane. Or an earthquake.
I don't call it serenity. I call it impotent resignation to the inevitable.
If the sun is going to supernova, WTF is teeny-tiny little Toxie gonna do to thwart it.
Obviously nobody wants to die, but if this is the prophesy of the Bible and S gotta HTF before Jesus can come back, wouldn't you be happy about that?
No. Happy is most certainly not how I would describe my emotional state when I believe the end is coming.
Those who've been on here for awhile know that while I don't believe in God, I respect others' religious beliefs.
It is a rare gem to meet an atheist that doesn't judge or belittle Christianity. Most atheists I've met enjoy taking spiteful glee in referring to "Your Sky Fairy" and referring to Christian beliefs as "fairy tales" or otherwise using deliberately mocking and diminutive phrasing. I spent much of my youth as an atheist - and I like to think I was not one of those.