Is he or isn’t he….

The VPOTUS is part of the…

  • Executive Branch

    Votes: 26 81.3%
  • Legislative Branch

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • Judicial Branch

    Votes: 2 6.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Main Streeter
…part of the Executive Branch? Looks like the VP has started a new debate so what say you?


Main Streeter
awpitt said:
…part of the Executive Branch? Looks like the VP has started a new debate so what say you?

Since the election, term, removal, etc. of the Vice-President is addressed in Article Two of the Constitution; the VP is part of the Executive Branch.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
awpitt said:
Since the election, term, removal, etc. of the Vice-President is addressed in Article Two of the Constitution; the VP is part of the Executive Branch.
However in the case of a Congressional tie, the VP casts the deciding vote, making him legislative. And isn't the VP President of the Senate or something like that?


What's this about? I caught a blip on the radio the other day but didn't catch the whole story.
Last edited:


Main Streeter
vraiblonde said:
However in the case of a Congressional tie, the VP casts the deciding vote, making him legislative. And isn't the VP President of the Senate or something like that?
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

A duty of the VP is to preside over the Senate but the office is established by Article II which makes him part of the Executive Branch. Having a duty dealing with another branch doesn’t make him part of that branch. It’s just one of the “checks and balances” that are built in. The Senate approves presidential appointments but that doesn’t make the Senate part of the Executive Branch it’s just one of the Senate’s duties. The Senate is established by Article I which makes it legislative.

<o:p> </o:p>

vraiblonde said:
What's this about? I caught a blip on the radio the other day but didn't catch the whole story.

This debate started on Thursday or Friday when Cheney said he wasn’t part of the Executive Branch so he wouldn’t be subject to a Presidential Executive Order that executive branch offices provide data on how much material they classify and declassify.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
awpitt said:
This debate started on Thursday or Friday when Cheney said he wasn’t part of the Executive Branch so he wouldn’t be subject to a Presidential Executive Order that executive branch offices provide data on how much material they classify and declassify.
Is this a big deal? Are we going to have to listen to Keith Olbermann screaming for Cheney's head again?

Anyway, Article I establishes the VP as President of the Senate. So one could argue that he is Legislative.

The VP has no Executive powers.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
How does one...

vraiblonde said:
Is this a big deal? Are we going to have to listen to Keith Olbermann screaming for Cheney's head again?

Anyway, Article I establishes the VP as President of the Senate. So one could argue that he is Legislative.

The VP has no Executive powers.

...determine who they work for? Look at your paycheck, right?

I read that Cheney's paycheck comes from the US Senate.


Main Streeter
Larry Gude said:
...determine who they work for? Look at your paycheck, right?

I read that Cheney's paycheck comes from the US Senate.

Actually, it comes from the US Treasury just like any other federal employee.


Main Streeter
vraiblonde said:
Is this a big deal? Are we going to have to listen to Keith Olbermann screaming for Cheney's head again?
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

No, I think it’ll wear off soon but it is an interesting Constitutional question.

<o:p> </o:p>

vraiblonde said:
Anyway, Article I establishes the VP as President of the Senate. So one could argue that he is Legislative.<o:p></o:p>
vraiblonde said:

The VP has no Executive powers.

You’re right about Article I designating the VP as President of the Senate and that’s what spurred this how thing; however, the very existence of the office of Vice-President comes from Article II. Yes, he has the duty of presiding over the Senate but the office is born out of Article II. The Chief Justice presides over the Senate during impeachment trails but that doesn’t make him part of the Legislative Branch. The Senate ratifies treaties but that doesn’t make the senate part of the State Dept. the list could go on. Plain and simple, without Article II, there is no VP. He’s Executive.<o:p></o:p>


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
awpitt said:
Actually, it comes from the US Treasury just like any other federal employee.
But where does it *come* from? As in, what budget is the VP's paycheck classified under, according to GAO?


Main Streeter
vraiblonde said:
I guess the question would be, "Is the VP part of the President's Cabinet?" <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
vraiblonde said:

According to the White House website:<o:p></o:p><o:p></o:p>

the VP is a Cabinet Rank Member. So that would make him Executive.<o:p></o:p>


Yet his official duties are Legislative.<o:p></o:p>



Yes, this is the confusing part. That’s why I’m sticking with which Article actually establishes each office. Senators and Representative are born out of Article I (Legislative), POTUS & VPOTUS are born out of Article II (Executive), and the Justices are born out of Article II (Judicial). <o:p></o:p>

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I guess...

vraiblonde said:
They must mean that the VP's paycheck comes out of the Senate budget, along with the Senators' paychecks.

Right? :confused: I mean, it say in several articles about all this that he does get paid 'by the Senate'.

Here's the deal; it's summer and the time is right to launch a skeleton hunt on Cheney. Even the editorials by lefties on this 'secrecy' stuff state that none of this, the things Cheney does, are a big deal per se but it PAINTS A BIGGER, SINISTER PICTURE TO BE FEARED.

So yeah, there will be a steady diet of Olbermann.


Main Streeter
Larry Gude said:

I saw the press briefing where Dana Perino said Cheney’s check comes from the Senate but she didn’t provide documentation. It would be interesting to find out exactly where the funds come from.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

It is also interesting that Cheney claimed Executive privilege when he didn’t want to turn over records concerning his “energy task force” and now he claims to be part of the Legislative Branch to avoid the Executive Order. He can’t have it both ways.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Certainly you are correct...

awpitt said:
I saw the press briefing where Dana Perino said Cheney’s check comes from the Senate but she didn’t provide documentation. It would be interesting to find out exactly where the funds come from

...and it 'comes' from the US treasury but I'd bet Vrail's thought is correct that it is accounted for as a US Senate expense.


Main Streeter
vraiblonde said:
They must mean that the VP's paycheck comes out of the Senate budget, along with the Senators' paychecks.

Right? :confused:

There's gotta be info somewhere that says what budget his salary comes from but regardles of how the math is done, the Constitution established the Vice-Presidency out of Article II so that trumps what ever budget line item funds the salary.


Main Streeter
awpitt said:
There's gotta be info somewhere that says what budget his salary comes from but regardles of how the math is done, the Constitution established the Vice-Presidency out of Article II so that trumps what ever budget line item funds the salary.

Found it. In the interest of full disclusure, see the attachment. This shows the VP being paid out of Senate funds but that could change depending on the budget year. The thing that hasn't changed is that the Constitution established the Vice-Presidency out of Article II so that trumps what ever budget line item happens to be funding the salary that year.


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CageKicker Extraordinaire
Reading over the constituion, it looks like presiding over the Senate is a secondary job. His primary job seems to be being the Pres's boy. :shrug:


Main Streeter
Chain729 said:
Reading over the constituion, it looks like presiding over the Senate is a secondary job. His primary job seems to be being the Pres's boy. :shrug:

That's how I see it. The VP's job is to wait in the wings in case....