Is it ok


Well-Known Member
to be attracted to and flirt w/ a married man?:eyebrow:

My girlfriend had told me a few weeks ago about this guy she has the hots for and flirts with occasionally... well come to find out the guy she was telling me about is married :yikes:

When I mentioned it might not be the best idea since he is married and so is she her reply was "It is only harmless flirting, it doesnt matter where you get your appetite as long as you eat at home"

Is it ok?


Well-Known Member
"Harmless Flirting", there's such a fine line. It's been my experience that more times than not, "harmless" leads to someone getting hurt!

nobody really

I need a nap
I flirt with a guy at work who's married and I am married. I do it to test the waters as his relationship and my relationship with our spouses aren't exactly "working out". Maybe one day, the playful flirting may pay off. It's his call though as I am already seeking a divorce on my end.

I know first hand that when two people are married and flirt, it always leads to one thing eventually


I flirt with a guy at work who's married and I am married. I do it to test the waters as his relationship and my relationship with our spouses aren't exactly "working out". Maybe one day, the playful flirting may pay off. It's his call though as I am already seeking a divorce on my end.

You gonna bag him before he decides he wants divorced too?


New Member
This just makes life a little more interesting. It's human nature to flirt. As long as both parties know it's just flirting and set boundaries. I think it's ok.


Well-Known Member
I flirt with a guy at work who's married and I am married. I do it to test the waters as his relationship and my relationship with our spouses aren't exactly "working out". Maybe one day, the playful flirting may pay off. It's his call though as I am already seeking a divorce on my end.

Are you sure his relationship isnt "working out" or are you assuming it isnt in good shape because he flirts back with you?

I have though lots of married guys were good looking but I dont think I have ever actually flirted with one (on purpose at least :lol:)


not a good idea. from watching lifetime movies i have learned that eventually someone will start to want more then the other person is willing to give. even if it is "harmless" flirting, i'm sure the spouses wouldn't see it that way


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm with the masses.

Not only can it lead to something that can wreck your current life, but it's disrespectful to your spouse. I know that when I was single and some married letch would flirt with me, I always wondered what kind of woman he was married to - is she a big fat loser and that's why he's coming on to me? Is she just stupid and doesn't realize her husband is a dog?

I would never put my husband in a position where some other guy could look down on him.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Harmless flirting is harmless flirting. When you have the info about marital status and have to ask IF the flirting is wrong, then you probably know your own answer. :shrug: As always, when in doubt, leave it out! :yay:


Harmless flirting is harmless flirting. When you have the info about marital status and have to ask IF the flirting is wrong, then you probably know your own answer. :shrug: As always, when in doubt, leave it out! :yay:

Hey baby, what's a hot chick like you doing in a thread like this? :really: