Is it ok


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
If you are in a solid relationship and he is in a solid relationship then flirting can be harmless. If whatever form the flirting takes would make you uncomfortable with your spouse in the room (or with the other person's spouse in the room) then it's not harmless.

I have a friend who is a terrible flirt, he might walk up and put his arm around me and use some endearment, but he does it right in front of my husband and his wife. If I call him and he sees the number on caller ID, he might answer, "Hello darling." ...sometimes it's my husband calling :lol:


New Member
If you are in a solid relationship and he is in a solid relationship then flirting can be harmless. If whatever form the flirting takes would make you uncomfortable with your spouse in the room (or with the other person's spouse in the room) then it's not harmless.

I have a friend who is a terrible flirt, he might walk up and put his arm around me and use some endearment, but he does it right in front of my husband and his wife. If I call him and he sees the number on caller ID, he might answer, "Hello darling." ...sometimes it's my husband calling :lol:

I have a friend who is a HUGE flirt. She is constantly hanging on guys, talking trashy, etc. She does it to guys that work with us and anyone who happens to come in her path. I did find out that she is not getting the attention she needs at home, so she is attention-seeking elsewhere. I know that if her husband found out, he would be hurt and angry.

Sometimes people behave in this way because they are not having anyone pay attention to them in other areas of their lives. That being said - when she openly flirts with my husband, it does bother me. Not because she is flirting - but it seems that she doesn't respect our friendship. Every situation is different.


I'm a huge flirt.. doesn't mean that I go to bed with every man around, even if the man is married, I still find myself doing it...

that was the most disturbing thing I've ever posted.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
If you are in a solid relationship and he is in a solid relationship then flirting can be harmless. If whatever form the flirting takes would make you uncomfortable with your spouse in the room (or with the other person's spouse in the room) then it's not harmless.

I did find out that she is not getting the attention she needs at home, so she is attention-seeking elsewhere. I know that if her husband found out, he would be hurt and angry.
Soooo are you contradicting me or agreeing with me? :confused:


What love is all about
It all depends I would say. I agree with the one that if it is something that would bother you to do it in front of your spouse or the other persons spouse that it is wrong. Some people though are just flirty by natue I believe and they dont mean anything by it. It all depends on the people involved. Some people dont mean anything by it and others think they do and it ends up a whole big problem. My husband is flirty with my friends. One of them I didnt mind because I knew nothing would come of it it was just how they were. Just having fun no problem. Now that is another girl who is an EX friend who he acted the same way with. He did not think anything of it until she became more than just "friendly flirty".:whistle: JMHO