You're all F'in Mad...
2ndAmendment said:Every person who buys and sells an oil contract becomes a middleman.
What about grain, orange juice, and everything else that they sell futures for? We have a widely used capitalist system that controls prices. Are you going to end options trading on the stock market too? If I buy a $27 Pfizer option for $3, and sell it to someone for $3.50 when the stock price is $28.50, have I driven up the price of Viagra? Speculation and futures market is more akin to the Sportsbook gambling operations. The market drives speculation. Not the other way around. Until refining took a hit from mother nature, the fact that crude doubled didn't reflect a 100% increase in our pump pricing.
I'm not sure I even agree with the middleman point. Are steel suppliers middlemen in the auto industry? Crude doesn't come out of the ground ready to pump, any more than steel comes with 4 wheels attached to it ready to drive off of the dealer's lot. It's simply a raw material that eventually eventually becomes a finished product.