Is society in general becoming less civil?

Is society in general becoming less civil?

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 90.6%
  • No

    Votes: 6 9.4%

  • Total voters


I eat red meat
Is society less civil or is it that due to today's rapid exchange of information we are just more aware of uncivil activity?


Here's a good commentary. He mirrors my feelings on our narcissist society members.

She also heard from a person who runs a company in Minnesota who said it was not uncommon for employees to call into the office and say they were too tired to come to work.

I would just call in sick .......... mental health day every few months

nice to have a day off in the middle of the week ......


of course now that I am older Karma is paying me back with Migraines



Well-Known Member
Interesting question on CNN - I'm curious what SOMD thinks.

I still believe it depends on where you are.

When I visit Nashville, there are SOME "screw YOU, hooray FOR ME"-types, but most of the folks are very polite and will move to avoid you; instead of try to walk THROUGH you; and if you make eye contact with someone in passing you will get some type of polite acknowledgement; either a nod, or a 'how ya doin?' or "Hi;" SOMETHING.
BUT home.....nothin' doin.' Sadly, the opposite is the norm AROUND HERE.

I was not raised to behave that way (the "screw you" way) and it has worked well for me my whole life......well not yet.


My 401K is now a 201K
I still believe it depends on where you are.

When I visit Nashville, there are SOME "screw YOU, hooray FOR ME"-types, but most of the folks are very polite and will move to avoid you; instead of try to walk THROUGH you; and if you make eye contact with someone in passing you will get some type of polite acknowledgement; either a nod, or a 'how ya doin?' or "Hi;" SOMETHING.
BUT home.....nothin' doin.' Sadly, the opposite is the norm AROUND HERE.

I was not raised to behave that way (the "screw you" way) and it has worked well for me my whole life......well not yet.

I've lived in many places in the US and the world and honestly, this is the most uncivil place I've ever lived. I don't blame it on the locals, because most of the locals will go out of their way to be nice; but it seems like this place is the cesspool of 'transplants'.

Although there is that 'I lived on Great Mills when so and so was there' & the normal I went to so & so high school & my county is better than your's snobbiness, & 'I've lived here all my life and I'm related to everyone in the county' clique going on...for the most part, folks from around here are very nice.... I can't put my finger on it, but perhaps it's the mix of transplants and the local grown.

Ah, plus it's good ole' Southern Maryland.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
No, it is not less civil. Just a change of station.

Liberal ####tards who thought Soro's and Moveon and Kos and Kill Bush movies and the whole Bush Chimpie thing were just the be all end all in political commentary and humor are now pretending to be serious purveyors of civility and right wingers who've had enough of GOP and liberal policy insanity are speaking out. Loudly.

It's kinda like being in a shop where the table saw people stop for a moment and suddenly realize how annoying the band saw is. They just can't hear THAT noise when they are being noisy but, boy howdy, when they want quiet...

You certainly have a strange twist on exactly what I was thinking..:lol:

I don't necessarily think that society is less civil as a result of politics, but I do believe our political stations have evolved into a less civil state.

Society as a whole has no sense of kindness, respect or ownership of action. There is a decline in honesty and follow through. And THEN why should they if the leaders they elect based on promises never kept and illicit actions are less civil themselves?


Throwing the deuces

Of the kids that my sons play with, the ones with the most behavioral problems either have no 'dad' figure, or one who is rarely around and not active in their lives. Not to say that the mom's aren't doing the best they can, but hey, I can make my kids virtually wet themselves in fear simply by using a certain... "angry dad" tone of voice. Nothing like a good "oh crap dad is gonna devour my soul" to modify behavior, LOL. On the other hand, poor mom get's caught in a cycle of vocal repetion with increasing volume... stop Stop STOP STOP STOP *smack* Waaaah!


Of course, when I use that voice, I tend to get evil looks if we are at Walmart or whatnot... and that is fine by me, because I also get the occasional sh*t eating grin and nod of approval, haha!

I have good kids... so far....

oh no. My mom was the scary one.:cds:

But, im a girl..and boys need dads.

My kids will say that I am the mean parent in our house. Don't mess with mom or it will come back to bite them in the butt. Dad is more sporatic with his punishments. You never know if you'll get a chuckle out of him or "the belt". All I have to say is "knock it off" and the behavior stops (because they know "mom doesn't give second chances".


New Member
My kids will say that I am the mean parent in our house. Don't mess with mom or it will come back to bite them in the butt. Dad is more sporatic with his punishments. You never know if you'll get a chuckle out of him or "the belt". All I have to say is "knock it off" and the behavior stops (because they know "mom doesn't give second chances".

Heck he scares me!! Here dad, have some lithium... :drummer:

Me? I'm consistently an Ogre.


Throwing the deuces
Heck he scares me!! Here dad, have some lithium... :drummer:

Me? I'm consistently an Ogre.

:lol: Oldest has already figured out that he's mostly threats and little action. Won't be too much longer before youngest does too.
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