Is the NBA over reacting...

Larry Gude

Strung Out the brawl last week? 15 games for a sucker punch for Carmelo?

Wilbon makes some interesting points;

...but his underlying thesis that the NBA must keep those naughty black men in line or whites won't buy it is absurd. He correctly links the NBA and the gangster thing. That's a fact; NBA players, by and large, project and nurture that bling/gold tooth/gun toting/hip hop/party at the club/pimped ride image.

Just who, exactly, buys all those rap records, baggy pants, jewelry bling, loud thumping car stereos, throw back jerseys, baseball caps and hood sweatshirts, huh? That's right, white people. Rap, specifically, the big money gangster thing is nothing without the economic power of white people.

So, what is Stern really after? No one gets in much trouble for baseball brawls. People get in trouble if they DON'T fight in the NHL. Football is as immersed in modern pop music (rap) as the NBA if not more so. The Pistons built their rep back in Laimbeer's day with rough play. Bird and Dr. J got into a fist fight at center court when Bird was a rook.

No fans got involved in the Knicks/Nuggs fracas. No player went in the stands. A guy, Carmello, who does not have an 'Artest' rep, throws a cheap shot after emotions get roiled in a blowout game after a hard foul late.

I think Stern over reacted.


Well-Known Member
I don't think he over-reacted. Where I think he was wrong was in giving the instigator less time than others. Anthony actually threw a punch(well....ok, it was more of a bi*ch slap) and then he did the "Fred Sanford shuffle" so 15 days was good. But the player who committed the intentional foul and then got up "posturing" should have received the same. And even though the fans didn't get involved; there were several that could have claimed injury when the two combatants fell into their seats. And in today's litigious society it opened the NBA/Knicks/Nuggets up to EVERY ambulance chasing slimeball in existence. And as far as it being regarded as a "blacks-only" venue; I can remember back in the 2nd "hey-day" of the Celtics. They were vilified in many locations as being racist for "trying" to field an all-white team. And THAT really frosts my cookies because Red Auerbach was actually sued for drafting the first black player. Abe Saperstein, who owned the Globetrotters, took the Celtics to court and actually said in court that black players were "his property". But I guess that's for another forum. Bottom line....I think the mistake Stern made was not being severe enough on the instigator.


Watch it
Over-reacting? I think just the opposite. These guys are professionals and should be able to keep it together in public and on the court. It's their job. If you got into a brawl in a business meeting, I suspect you wouldn't be around anymore. It's embarrassing and juvenile. They should get more.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
No over-reaction at all. The league (AKA Stern) had made it clear that they wanted to clean up the league's image and this mayhem was so counter to where they want to move that it was appropriate to suspend these players. I actually believe that filing charges and prosecuting on a criminal level is needed before these "thugs" realize that they can't do this sort of crap anymore.


I know nothing
You cant compare a contact sport like Football and Hockey to Basketball or even Baseball.... There are reasons why players in the NHL fight.... There is no reason why anyone should fight in Basketball.

The NHL has Glass that seperates fans from players, the NFL has security on the field to keep the fans in the stands and the field is no where close to the stands.

Fans at a Basketball games sit 5 feet away from these guys. Its more of a safety issue for fans than anything else.


New Member
LordStanley said:
You cant compare a contact sport like Football and Hockey to Basketball or even Baseball.... There are reasons why players in the NHL fight.... There is no reason why anyone should fight in Basketball.

The NHL has Glass that seperates fans from players, the NFL has security on the field to keep the fans in the stands and the field is no where close to the stands.

Fans at a Basketball games sit 5 feet away from these guys. Its more of a safety issue for fans than anything else.

I agree with the Fan issue, but I still think the reaction to a fight in the NBA (between players) is definetly more exaggerated than the reaction for NFL/NHL(even though it WAS expected during a NHL game) and definetly Baseball.

There is nowhere near the reaction when Baseball players fight, or when there is a bench clearing brawl.


All Up In Your Grill
Larry Gude said:
A guy, Carmello, who does not have an 'Artest' rep, throws a cheap shot after emotions get roiled in a blowout game after a hard foul late.

I think Stern over reacted.

Carmello gets a 15 game suspension for throwing a biatch slap. T.O. gets a $35,000 fine for spitting in someone's face. Carmello is not a controversial player and doesn't showboat like T.O. does. T.O. is the CENTER of controversy and flaunts himself whenever possible, often times in the most negative light. Melo should have gotten a fine AND some kind of suspension, and T.O. should have too.

I think Goodell underreacted.


New Member
No over reaction at all. These guys are pro's. These guys are what our kids aspire to be. These guys are SUPPOSED to be the epitome of class and professional sportsmanship showing respect for each other in that they share a love for the same game. What it has turned into in the last 5 years though, is a high class thug hangout.

Once again, it is the example of a bad few making a bad name for the rest of them. There is some awesome talent out there, but some of their bad attitudes are brushed aside in favor of use of their talent for advancement of the college first, then the NBA franchise.

Look at the Sixers franchise player. Allen Iverson is one of the most talented, if not THE most talented player in the NBA, in my opinion. He was known for having a bad attitude while only playing TWO seasons at Georgetown prior to being drafted. Soon after that, he refused to practice. He was that good. Sound like anybody else in the news lately?

He is super fun to watch. When Alverson's heart is in it, he can't be touched and is simply amazing to watch. But his attitude is, and always has been unprofessional to say the least. There is and never will be any respect for the position that he has in the NBA. Like TO, he feels that people should respect him for his awesome talent and hold him on the pedestal that society has built for them, regardless of the respect they have for anything or anyone else.

Alverson loves the game, as does every other NBA player out there, but what is lost is the respect for the game and what the NBA means to the kids that watch the games every day.

The NBA needs to lay out heavy fines and penalties for such actions. They are in a sense the next foster parent for these players. The NBA gets all of the bad attitudes, habits and social inadequecies that have been nurtured through youth and early adulthood to deal with. The NBA takes it and attempts to make stars, franchise players, and class professionals to model what has become an upperclass game, thanks to ticket prices and multi-million dollar contracts to kids that are barely old enough to drink.

These guys exemplify what is wrong in many large businesses too. People are put into professional positions, without being taught how to be a professional. I see it in my office everyday. I've seen it in every office that I have ever been in. I see it in the NBA, NFL, and in Hollywood. People are not taught how to be professional anymore, but are still expected to just do it. Having the capability to perform a certain duty is a far cry from being able to do it with professionalism and integrity.


All Up In Your Grill
Ponytail said:
No over reaction at all. These guys are pro's. These guys are what our kids aspire to be. These guys are SUPPOSED to be the epitome of class and professional sportsmanship showing respect for each other in that they share a love for the same game. What it has turned into in the last 5 years though, is a high class thug hangout.

Once again, it is the example of a bad few making a bad name for the rest of them. There is some awesome talent out there, but some of their bad attitudes are brushed aside in favor of use of their talent for advancement of the college first, then the NBA franchise.

Look at the Sixers franchise player. Allen Iverson is one of the most talented, if not THE most talented player in the NBA, in my opinion. He was known for having a bad attitude while only playing TWO seasons at Georgetown prior to being drafted. Soon after that, he refused to practice. He was that good. Sound like anybody else in the news lately?

He is super fun to watch. When Alverson's heart is in it, he can't be touched and is simply amazing to watch. But his attitude is, and always has been unprofessional to say the least. There is and never will be any respect for the position that he has in the NBA. Like TO, he feels that people should respect him for his awesome talent and hold him on the pedestal that society has built for them, regardless of the respect they have for anything or anyone else.

Alverson loves the game, as does every other NBA player out there, but what is lost is the respect for the game and what the NBA means to the kids that watch the games every day.

The NBA needs to lay out heavy fines and penalties for such actions. They are in a sense the next foster parent for these players. The NBA gets all of the bad attitudes, habits and social inadequecies that have been nurtured through youth and early adulthood to deal with. The NBA takes it and attempts to make stars, franchise players, and class professionals to model what has become an upperclass game, thanks to ticket prices and multi-million dollar contracts to kids that are barely old enough to drink.

These guys exemplify what is wrong in many large businesses too. People are put into professional positions, without being taught how to be a professional. I see it in my office everyday. I've seen it in every office that I have ever been in. I see it in the NBA, NFL, and in Hollywood. People are not taught how to be professional anymore, but are still expected to just do it. Having the capability to perform a certain duty is a far cry from being able to do it with professionalism and integrity.

:yay: :clap:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If guys with sticks and blades...

LordStanley said:
You cant compare a contact sport like Football and Hockey to Basketball or even Baseball.... There are reasons why players in the NHL fight.... There is no reason why anyone should fight in Basketball.

The NHL has Glass that seperates fans from players, the NFL has security on the field to keep the fans in the stands and the field is no where close to the stands.

Fans at a Basketball games sit 5 feet away from these guys. Its more of a safety issue for fans than anything else.

...are EXPECTED to fight, what's wrong with the NBA fighting?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

nachomama said:
Carmello gets a 15 game suspension for throwing a biatch slap. T.O. gets a $35,000 fine for spitting in someone's face. Carmello is not a controversial player and doesn't showboat like T.O. does. T.O. is the CENTER of controversy and flaunts himself whenever possible, often times in the most negative light. Melo should have gotten a fine AND some kind of suspension, and T.O. should have too.

I think Goodell underreacted.



I know nothing
Larry Gude said:
...are EXPECTED to fight, what's wrong with the NBA fighting?

I already said it... Its a safety issue... Fans sit right on the floor. How many fights have already ended up in the stands or near the stands endangering the fans. Not to mention the overzealous fan running down to the floor and getting involved.

Let them fight all they want. Just get rid of the floor seats, move the fans back to the NHL seats and put up some low boards. The only people allowed past the boards are players, coaches and refs.... Oh and security

Simple... then let'm kick the crap out of each other. Just one big game of smear the queer
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I know nothing
Wait..... did I name the wrong game?...Or was it rough house... I know someone else besides me, as a kid, played full contact basketball before.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
My point was...

LordStanley said:
I already said it... Its a safety issue... Fans sit right on the floor. How many fights have already ended up in the stands or near the stands endangering the fans. Not to mention the overzealous fan running down to the floor and getting involved.

Let them fight all they want. Just get rid of the floor seats, move the fans back to the NHL seats and put up some low boards. The only people allowed past the boards are players, coaches and refs.... Oh and security

Simple... then let'm kick the crap out of each other. Just one big game of smear the queer

...that hockey players have NO business fighting. Nor do baseball players or football or basketball.


I know nothing
Larry Gude said:
...that hockey players have NO business fighting. Nor do baseball players or football or basketball.

That’s your opinion.... I think in any male sport, especially a contact sport, emotions and testosterone will get the better of men. Judgment fails and fights start.... Sh!t happens.

Why not fight. If you rule out fighting in any male sport.. Get rid of boxing, UFC and other fighting sports.

We have become to PC and put pro athletes up on pedestals. They are they same as you and me. Nothing more. Who are we to judge anyone that plays a physical sport. Do you play football, do you play hockey? Do you know what’s going through the guys minds or what’s being said to each other in the heat of battle.......

If you don’t like it don’t watch it. These men are not hero's nor should they be roll models for kids..... I think its a bunch of BS that players get any fines for acting human.....

Every Hockey fan stands up and cheers when there is a fight. So why is it bad to fight... The fans want to see it.

Just like the fans go to a NASCAR event to see a car crash......


All Up In Your Grill
LordStanley said:
Why not fight. If you rule out fighting in any male sport.. Get rid of boxing, UFC and other fighting sports.

You get rid of my WWE and I'm gonna go postal on your azz :johncenaisbeast:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's absurd...

LordStanley said:
That’s your opinion.... I think in any male sport, especially a contact sport, emotions and testosterone will get the better of men. Judgment fails and fights start.... Sh!t happens.

Why not fight. If you rule out fighting in any male sport.. Get rid of boxing, UFC and other fighting sports.

We have become to PC and put pro athletes up on pedestals. They are they same as you and me. Nothing more. Who are we to judge anyone that plays a physical sport. Do you play football, do you play hockey? Do you know what’s going through the guys minds or what’s being said to each other in the heat of battle.......

If you don’t like it don’t watch it. These men are not hero's nor should they be roll models for kids..... I think its a bunch of BS that players get any fines for acting human.....

Every Hockey fan stands up and cheers when there is a fight. So why is it bad to fight... The fans want to see it.

Just like the fans go to a NASCAR event to see a car crash......

...comparing the UFC and the NBA. Where does that argument come from?

There is no need to fight in hockey and you, of all people, know it. Will there be a fight once in awhile of it's own accord, passions, tempers? Sure, just like the NFL and NBA, but hockey PAYS guys to fight at specific, determined times because of that NASCAR mentality you're talking about. It sells.

Having said that, Gretzky, Bossey and Lemiuex made hockey great, not Hunter and Mcsorley.

I'm not sure where you're trying to go with this is as I am the one who originally said Stern over reacted.