Is the St. Mary's Today editor and publisher Ken Rossignol a racist?

Negative Nancy

Pissy Biatch
From last nights new South Park (oh yes, it was VERY VERY RACIST)

Cartman: Oh s#@t here we go it's on, RACE WAR
Token: I'm not fighting anybody
Cartman: Token forfits, whites win. Whites win, race war is over. Whites win again.


New Member
protectmd said:
There is somewhat of a truth to some of the articles he writes.

You can thank your state senators and governor for that.... (taking away the right to carry a concealed handgun, the lack of a castle doctrine in this state).

The reality of it is, its only going to get worse. You have 2 choices. Move, or defend yourself.

We lived in PG county. My husband said "it's time to draw the line in the sand" I said, "no, there are good people who care about this, and the right/logical "thing" will be done. Then...well, we have a child, "It's time to get the **** out of Dodge". So, we came here...where to now? The BAY?!

I'm not sure of the correct answer, I listen, pay attention, vote (with common sense, IMHO), and still I am not sure. I do think that the citizen's right to protect themselves is at the core... obviously the law enforcement (who have all of my gratitude and support) are overwhelmed and can't be everywhere...LOGIC, then, would lead us to the conclusion that "right to carry" and "castle" legislation would be the answer. Without a crystal ball, no one really knows, so it becomes an on-going debate. Time to let GOVERNMENT step aside and let each citizen to choose for themself? "What say you?"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
snuzzy said:
"What say you?"
I say hear hear :cheers:

Cops can only do so much. They haul them in, then a judge gives them leniency for some ignorant reason, and the bad guy is back on the streets before the cop has even finished filling out his paperwork.

The majority of people in Maryland do not want criminals behind bars. How we know this is because they let the judges get away with light sentencing, let the State's Attorney get away with stet docket crap, and make up juries that find blatant criminals "not guilty".


New Member
I think the point here is that most of the crimes are being committed by black males within that community. The author of that cartoon was only expressing his right to say whatever he feels is on his mind. You dont like it, then dont read it. It's as simple as that. Racism has many tiers that constantly get misconstruded on a daily basis. I am sick and tired of people always playing the "race card". Come on people! Grow up! How in the hell is this country suppose to move forward when everyone else wants to constantly fall backward by blaming others for their short comings. Blacks are always moaning that the whites taking advantage of them and not treating them fairly. They also talk about how we still owe them because of slavery. Hello !!!! That was over 150 years ago people!!! I'm speaking about all who commit crimes against society. Illegal immigrants are a menace to this nation. They should all be deported not let loose to recommit the same crimes over and over again.
Humans are a brutal race. We are the only species that kill one another for pleasure or just because we can. We also are manipulative and cruel to one another for no reason. People are even going as low as steeling from those who absolutly have nothing because of Katrina. People are claiming houses that they never had in the first place just for the money. What I am saying isn't racist it's reality.


I think he is a sexist because none of the criminals were women. Womens groups should be all over his ass for being a sexist.


I bowl overhand
Thor said:
Just because something is racist does not mean its false.
And where does freedom of speech and the constitution exempt racists??

As much as I detest the KKK, and Farrakhan, they both have the right to spout the hate they do.. it's up to you to believe, and it's sad there are enough ignorant people in this world for their to be 'followers' of both.

This is a capitalist society, if you don't like the cartoons, don't buy or read the paper.

I personally have to admit. When I heard about the car shooing, I had it in my head that the victim was white and the shooter was black.. I hadn't heard the names, nor any details other then location.. but for some reason this is what I pictured.. does that make me a racist, or did history tell me to picture the correct scenario?


Asperger's Poster Child
Negative Nancy said:
From last nights new South Park (oh yes, it was VERY VERY RACIST)

Cartman: Oh s#@t here we go it's on, RACE WAR
Token: I'm not fighting anybody
Cartman: Token forfits, whites win. Whites win, race war is over. Whites win again.

Of course Cartman is a racist, but that doesn't mean the show is advocating racism. Cartman treats the entire human race with the lowest contempt, and that is the source of much of the show's humor. As proof, I cite the "Scott Tenorman Must Die" and "Kenny Dies" episodes from Season 5. I beg you, never buy shrimp from Cartman!

That was part of my point about Rossignol - any claims of racism miss the big picture.


You're all F'in Mad...
They should have just said Rossignol is an ass. I think everyone would agree with that and we wouldn't be wasting a bunch of bytes discussing his racism! :yay:


Asperger's Poster Child
Oz said:
They should have just said Rossignol is an ass. I think everyone would agree with that and we wouldn't be wasting a bunch of bytes discussing his racism! :yay:

Succinct and to the point.


New Member
So what your saying is that a politically correct cartoon would have portrayed for example to say...

70 percent of all people who commit crimes are african american

So the cartoon should have been drawn up 7 of 10 little stick figures shaded in the color of black?

Nobody is saying its right here but you know, freedom of speech in this country. I mean just think if the man had drawn a cartoon of Muhammed (of islam) with a bomb in his turban and printed it. Im sure they would have found some sort of excuse in other countries to burn down our embassy, burn down the UN building, burn down the french embassy, and riot, killing random people in the process.... ? Not to mention that news paper would just have to fold because of the amount and seriousness of threats coming in.

When you assume that a certain suspect is black or white, for example "its bob" said that he assumed that the shooter would be black and the victim was white. What drew you to this conclusion? Ok lets just face it, everyone would assume that a shooter of a handgun for the most part would be black and the victim either black or white. Now if the person was mailing off bombs and whatnot, everyone would assume the guy was a crazy white guy right, lives in the mountains, anti government? Or... For example, the beltway sniper. Everyone thought he was some crazed white guy running around with a high power rifle shooting whoever. Because of the nature of the crime. Black child molesters? Hell no, we all know its a white guy! Guy robs a 7-11? Must have been black. Esp. if it happened in DC. If you don't believe me that society as a whole profiles crimes, Im going to write down a list and think about who might do such things.... white black hispanic... Its a generalization we are making here....

Grand theft auto
Car jacking
Armed robbery
Sexual assault
Murder with hands/feet/fist
Murder with pistol
Murder with longbarreled shotgun
Murder with Longbarreled rifle
Murder with kitchen knife
Stabbing (using switchblade)
Fight (involving bats, pipes, clubs, chains, knives)
Domestic violence
Child molestation
Hi jacking of aircraft
human trafficking
Drug dealing
Drug trafficking
dealing meth
dealing weed
dealing crack
illegal immigrants

For some of those im sure you would think either way. But who's to say that someone guilty of illegal immigration might be of arabic decent. Who's to say that a hi jacker always has to be of arabic decent but might be white? You never know.... But the point is, that all crimes in society can be attributed to certain races and ethnic groups. Some are just more generalized than others. I mean when you think of dealing meth... you would think that it its trashy white biker gang type people u know? regardless is the point is we profile, without even thinking about it.

Regardless sometimes things don't fit the profile though. like the beltway sniper. Who would have thought it was a black guy with no sniper training but explosives training of all things, going around and taking shots and whatnot? No wonder it took so long to catch him, they were lookin for a white guy in a white box truck. but its a black guy in a police car... So you never can be too sure.


New Member
Racist, Racist, Racist, Racist, Racist

Of course the cartoon was RACIST, that's why he put it in there to finally get some attention. If it wasn't about RACISM then the cartoon would have been more diverse or he could have made the men green but he made them all black, ready to go rob a prodomiently all white county how is that not RACISM.


New Member
So what your saying is it was a publicity stunt? Who's to say that paper isn't selling more copies now? I bet it is. Maybe that was the goal all along. Everyone figured that when Marilyn Manson came out he was going to flop, or Eminem, and the more media attention and criticism he got, the more copies of records that were sold. I think I see whats going on here...


Football addict
vraiblonde said:
I say hear hear :cheers:

Cops can only do so much. They haul them in, then a judge gives them leniency for some ignorant reason, and the bad guy is back on the streets before the cop has even finished filling out his paperwork.

The majority of people in Maryland do not want criminals behind bars. How we know this is because they let the judges get away with light sentencing, let the State's Attorney get away with stet docket crap, and make up juries that find blatant criminals "not guilty".
As if the Maryland prison system reforms them anyway.:ohwell:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
As if the Maryland prison system reforms them anyway.
Who cares about reforming them? Most of them don't want to be reformed anyway. Lock 'em up and throw away the key. Or better yet, fry them crispy and REALLY be done with them.


Football addict
vraiblonde said:
Who cares about reforming them? Most of them don't want to be reformed anyway. Lock 'em up and throw away the key. Or better yet, fry them crispy and REALLY be done with them.
You can't realistically do that with the non-violent criminal offenders, the bulk and majority. When they get out of the violent prison life, perhaps they will commit a violent crime. One thing is for certain, they won't be fried in Maryland...not now at least.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
You can't realistically do that with the non-violent criminal offenders, the bulk and majority.
Non-violent criminals aren't the ones we worry about. Yeah, it's no fun having someone steal your stuff, but it pales incomparison to being killed or raped. THOSE are the ones that need to fry.


I bowl overhand
eclark said:
Of course the cartoon was RACIST, that's why he put it in there to finally get some attention. If it wasn't about RACISM then the cartoon would have been more diverse or he could have made the men green but he made them all black, ready to go rob a prodomiently all white county how is that not RACISM.
It's not racisim if it's true, or percieved to be true.

Lets see.. Tackle Box.. stolen weapons.. Black crime..

Murder in cold blood for video camera.. Black Crime..

Food Lion, Armed Robbery.. Black Crime..

The last several major crimes (ie theft, robbery, murder) have all been perpetrated by blacks.. instead of screaming racism for white people pointing this out, maybe the black community should do something about it.

Now if you say DUI, or Reckless Endangerment, or Negligent Homicide, vehicular.. I'd think White Guy right off..


New Member
I don't think freedom of press is going to bail Rossigonal out this time.

Does the publisher of The ST Marys Today / RAG even visit Wasington, Baltimore, or Annapolis?. This is not good old Saint Marys County that they are dealing with. :smack: I sure hope his tax records are legitimate for the past 8 years. :lalala: