New Member
There are also More than a Billion other people in this world who have differing religions right now, yet Islam (with 1.3. Billion followers) has become an ideology that all societies are having to contend with.
Hopefully. At least we won't be subjected to the Islamic pressure to "convert or die" as non-Muslims are now being subjected to in the Mid-East.
The Qur'an is the foundation for the "Islamic Constitution" and we are actually seeing the Constitution of the U.S. being challenged by the "politically correct" pressures of Muslim groups who want to establish their own form of rule over Muslims within U.S. communities. From there, it will spread to politically influencing "CHANGE" one step at a time. Spokesmen for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) have already publicly stated that Islam is here to replace the American Constitution. Meanwhile, Americans continually shrug those comments off as being "impossible".
no, we shrug them off as not being true threats.
the only people that are worried about this kind of stuff are you chicken little types who want the world to end to prove you are reading the book right.
the fact of the matter is that doom sayers like yourself have always been around, and are ALWAYS discredited. do a little research on that instead of trying to find the antichrist all the time and you might be relieved. I mean, do you have the faintest idea of how many religious have come before you prophasizing the end of the world? well it aint happened yet.
your hate-filled BS is old, not just getting there, it already is......