Is this inequality?


Well-Known Member
It's my fault. I'm paying the school system to flunk them out early and/or academically so that I can get more cheap labor on the farm. :whistle:


New Member
DMC - Disproportionate Minority Contact. Although 14% of the population is AA, 85% of the prison population is AA. those are not exact stats, but its something similar. There are programs working specifically to reduce the DMC. we have DMC in the juvenile justice system down here, not as bad in st. mary's, but worse in charles. I don't think its racism. culture, lack of positive influences and activities, low income, parents not having skills to be parents.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
You're assuming there are 2 parents at home :nono: It's very rare today...

I'm a rarity, too. As a divorced mom being both mom & dad - I expect my kids to be respectful of themselves & to others. Especially those in authority. if they aren't - then I am the first one to whack them upside the head.

Well, figuratively, not literally. :biggrin: But now that they're older, they pretty much know when I mean business, so my job is much easier these days. :yay:


Harley Rider
I'm a rarity, too. As a divorced mom being both mom & dad - I expect my kids to be respectful of themselves & to others. Especially those in authority. if they aren't - then I am the first one to whack them upside the head. Well, figuratively, not literally. :biggrin: But now that they're older, they pretty much know when I mean business, so my job is much easier these days. :yay:
And you should be commended for that. You are a rarity today and the fruits of your labor will be evident in you're kids.

Not to mention that you're a good daughter to your mom too. We've both been down the same road with our moms, so I know full well what you're dealing with. I enjoyed talking with you last night. :high5:


Well-Known Member
When I was in school.. you hardly ever saw 1 on 1 black vs white fights... normally, it was anywhere from 3-1 black on white during a fight, therefore, 3 blacks got suspended, 1 white... Did these kind of instances get taken into account?

I can recall a few times when someONE was 'jumped' by 5-6 black guys... Now, that may have changed in the last 10 years, but I don't recall any groups of white guys jumping a black guy...

As for the girls, normally the same, except normally it was only 2 vs 1...

That there alone makes the numbers far different in suspensions.

You're racist for pointing that out.

Just sayin'


Well-Known Member


Calm down. You're not getting it. This is the new era. We don't want to stress the poor little darlings out...we want them to PARTICIPATE, and to feel good about that participation! You evil baby-boomer, you!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
And you should be commended for that. You are a rarity today and the fruits of your labor will be evident in you're kids.

Not to mention that you're a good daughter to your mom too. We've both been down the same road with our moms, so I know full well what you're dealing with. I enjoyed talking with you last night. :high5:

Thank IS, that was nice of you to say. Happy New Year!


You're assuming there are 2 parents at home :nono: It's very rare today...

Wait until the gay parents get their adopted kids in schools in today's political correct far left world. Race will take a back seat. Do you call that 2 parents, 1 parent, or none? It depends if the child actually has a real family home; or is the child held as a "trophy" by people that can not have children normally.