Is this old news or.....? Top CNN Executive claims US Troops Targeting Journalists


Dancing Up A Storm
Targeting Eason Jordan's Targeting

"CNN chief Eason Jordan spent the week in a position familiar to the likes of Dan Rather and Trent Lott: with a large blogosphere-shaped target on his back. Rony Abovitz, blogging at the World Economic Forum, released the hounds on Jordan with a startling accusation:

During one of the discussions about the number of journalists killed in the Iraq War, Eason Jordan asserted that he knew of 12 journalists who had not only been killed by US troops in Iraq, but they had in fact been targeted. He repeated the assertion a few times, which seemed to win favor in parts of the audience (the anti-US crowd) and cause great strain on others."


Football season!
with the iraqi soldiers being wusses and just throwing up their hands, we had to practice on something :shrug:


Dancing Up A Storm
I can't believe this guy would make that sort of allegation, and then:

"To be fair (and balanced), Eason did backpedal and make a number of statements claiming that he really did not know if what he said was true, and that he did not himself believe it. But when pressed by others, he seemed to waver back and forth between what might have been his beliefs and the realization that he had created a kind of public mess."

Why would anyone lay out a bombshell like this without substantial proof, only to be forced to backpedal? :confused:
Sounds like yet another example of this "guy" moving the cable news network even further towards the crazies' news network.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Penn said:
Why would anyone lay out a bombshell like this without substantial proof, only to be forced to backpedal? :confused:
How else is he going to get any publicity?

If that quote is correct, that Jordan said he knew of journalists who had been targeted by US soldiers, then he has just slandered our military and should be punished accordingly. This is just irresponsible bullshit, designed to rouse the rabble and there should be a law against this type of hysteria-mongering.


Lord, I apologize.
With the media putting out troop movements on the news, I'd shoot their dumbasses too. :duh:


Penn said:
... Eason did backpedal and make a number of statements claiming that he really did not know if what he said was true, and that he did not himself believe it. But when pressed by others, he seemed to waver back and forth between what might have been his beliefs and the realization that he had created a kind of public mess."

Sounds like yet another proud graduate of the Dan Rather School of Journalistic Integrity.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If it matters to anyone...

...this 'journalist' is also the guy who admitted back in 2003 that the only reason CNN still had a bureau in Baghdad leading up to the war was because they ignored much of what was going on.

Remember CCN's straight faced reporting that Saddam had won the election with some 100% of the vote?

In other words, he felt it was important to sacrifice reporting so they could be there so they could not report.

It would have been unthinkable to stand on a soapbox in the US, night after night, accusing Saddam of kicking them out for telling the truth.

Nooooooo. That, telling the truth, would have been seen as helping W's case against Saddam. Can't let the news get in the way of an agenda.


Dancing Up A Storm
Bruzilla said:
Sounds like yet another proud graduate of the Dan Rather School of Journalistic Integrity.
Speaking of's a follow up, a summation if you will of one journalist's view of what the 2 gents who did the investigation for CBS really found:

The devastation of Dan

So, we've got Dan Rather, Ward Churchill, Eason Jordan, Chris Matthews, etal.,
elaine suspects Ken Rosignol is of the same mold; I guess I have but one question?

Are these guys really in cahoots with each other?

Alright, one other question: Why would people like these contend there isn't any media bias in the news?