Islam: What the world is dealing with II...


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
river rat said:

is that what dems do when they die??
OK. I understand now. You have nothing serious to contribute, so I should ignore you. Got it. :howdy:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
OK. I understand now. You have nothing serious to contribute, so I should ignore you. Got it. :howdy:

I thought it was funny. :lol:

So now is NOT the time to post my Chicken Little pic, is it? :tap:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Sharon said:
I thought it was funny. :lol:

So now is NOT the time to post my Chicken Little pic, is it? :tap:
Hi dear.

You know that I know that there is a lot of prophesy in the Bible that must be fulfilled before the second coming of Christ. It is interesting that the Islamic world, secular world, and Christian world all seem to be on a collision course.

I also think that since Christianity has to be outlawed world wide before the second coming, since Christians will not take the mark of the beast, a period of Islamic rule of the world makes sense in the time line. Fortunately, it is only for 7 years; three and a half of which seem benevolent and it will come after a period of wide spread if not world wide anarchy. I just keep watching the signs.

river rat

2ndAmendment said:
OK. I understand now. You have nothing serious to contribute, so I should ignore you. Got it. :howdy:

Honestly I do not know what a diadem is!!!!!
I like humor.

I did contribute. I noted the parallels of the Christian and Muslim faiths.
I was serious in that post too.
I am sorry if I annoy you but, you annoy me too. However, this thread is so much more enlightening that Tig's corner.
I am not trying to offend tigger with that comment either, cause I like the word game thread in there.
But is this not how all things should be resolved debate or discussion. We are, after all, a "civilized world".
I am backhandly trying to tell you :huggy:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
river rat said:
Honestly I do not know what a diadem is!!!!! I like humor. SOWRY I did contribute. I noted the parallels of the Christian and Muslim faiths. I was serious in that post too. I am sorry if I annoy you but, you annoy me too. However, this thread is so much more enlightening that Tig's corner. I am not trying to offend tigger with that comment either, cause I like the word game thread in there. But is this not how all things should be resolved debate or discussion. We are, after all, a "civilized world". I am backhandly trying to tell you :huggy:
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="400"><tbody>
<td align="left"> Main Entry: <b>di·a·dem</b> <a href="javascript:popWin('/cgi-bin/')">
<img src="" border="0" height="11" width="16" /></a>
<br /> Pronunciation: <tt>'dI-&amp;-"dem, -d&amp;m</tt>
<br /> Function: <i>noun</i>
<br /> Etymology: Middle English <i>diademe, </i>from Old French, from Latin <i>diadema, </i>from Greek <i>diadEma, </i>from <i>diadein </i>to bind around, from <i>dia- + dein </i>to bind; akin to Sanskrit <i>dAman </i>rope
<br /> <b>1 a</b> <b>: <a href=""><font size="-1">CROWN </font></a></b>2; <i>specifically</i> <b>:</b> a royal headband <b>b</b> <b>: <a href=""><font size="-1">CROWN </font></a></b>6a(1)
<br /><b>2</b> <b>:</b> something that adorns like a crown
<img src="" border="0" height="1" width="10" />
</tr> </tbody>
<br />:yay: I am a bit too serious.
<br />


river rat said:
But is this not how all things should be resolved debate or discussion. We are, after all, a "civilized world".

I just KNEW you'd turn into a Dems some day :smooch: :huggy:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Oh. As to living in a "civilized world", I beg to differ. Very little about the world is civilized. We just make believe.

Got to run. Got some ammunition that needs to be shot. Got to practice to defend home and family when the anarchy starts. :biggrin:

river rat

=2ndAmendment:yay: I am a bit too serious.
<br />

Keep up the "good works" you may get through to a few of us!!

Thanks for the definition 2A
The dictionary was a keystroke away, :lazy:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
river rat said:
Honestly I do not know what a diadem is!!!!!
I like humor.

I did contribute. I noted the parallels of the Christian and Muslim faiths.
I was serious in that post too.
I am sorry if I annoy you but, you annoy me too. However, this thread is so much more enlightening that Tig's corner.
I am not trying to offend tigger with that comment either, cause I like the word game thread in there.
But is this not how all things should be resolved debate or discussion. We are, after all, a "civilized world".
I am backhandly trying to tell you :huggy:
Diadem =

1. A crown.
2. An ornamental headband worn (as by Eastern monarchs) as a badge of royalty.
3. Regal power; sovereignty; empire; -- considered as symbolized by the crown.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I had an interesting conversation with a client this morning and he basically said that while Christians believe there will be a second coming of Christ and an apocalypse that precedes it, they aren't in any hurry to see it happen nor are they inclined to nudge it along a bit.

Muslims want to nudge it along and the sooner the better.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Okay, say the 200,000,000 strong army does represent China, on whose side do they fight on? Being an atheistic society they really cannot hang their hat on the my God is better than your God peg. Maybe being the the most populous country on Earth they may fear they have far more to lose (monetarily) than the US or the Middle eastern. OR Would they just lay back and wipe out any survivors to enstate Chairman Mao's idea of paradise?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
kom526 said:
Okay, say the 200,000,000 strong army does represent China, on whose side do they fight on?
The side of power. We're a superpower - they would topple us just to be top dog. It's my thought that they'd take a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" tack and help the Islamics. Then, when the US is vanquished, they'll smack the #### out of the Arabs and take what they want.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
That is pretty much what I am thinking...I'll betcha the Chinese spare Hillary and Pelosi. :truebelievers:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
kom526 said:
That is pretty much what I am thinking...I'll betcha the Chinese spare Hillary and Pelosi. :truebelievers:

Leftists in this country are just pawns to be used for greater gain. Ol' Jiang probably doesn't care about them one way or the other - they're just tools and would be thrown away when they're of no use anymore.