Islamic Film Refutes Divinity of Christ


New Member
Go read Muhammads last sermon in the other thread.

Also, grow up.

Barring that, educate yourself by actually looking and thinking, and not just scouring the internet for bad stuff. When you look for only bad things, guess what you'll find every time.


New Member
Go read Muhammads last sermon in the other thread.

Also, grow up.

Barring that, educate yourself by actually looking and thinking, and not just scouring the internet for bad stuff. When you look for only bad things, guess what you'll find every time.

LOL - Xaquin, you really need to educate yourself to the reality of fundamental Islam as taught IN the Qur'an and Ahadith of Muhammad's recorded sayings. I have asked "gumbo" to cite the Surah reference where the text of Muhammad's last sermon is found in the Qur'an.

You are either in complete denial about the true teachings of fundamental Islamic ideology or you are using the permission to lie and deceive non-Muslims about the true intentions of Islam wishing to control all societies with allegiance to Al'lah, Muhammad and controlled by Shari'a.

Your comments indicate that you have read neither the Qur'an nor Ahadith or you are in total denial of the TRUTH.


New Member
you've blinded yourself to logic. If the quran really said all the bad you say it does (it does, but so does the bible) (fortunatly, it also says nicer things as does the bible), and every muslim was some powder keg, ready to explode in 3 seconds, 1/5th of the worlds population would be at war with 4/5ths of the worlds population.

This is not the case.

As for muhammads last sermon, it doesn't matter where it's recorded, the point is that it was said.

If jesus had said a few things that didn't make it in the bible, would that make them any less worthy of hearing?


New Member
you've blinded yourself to logic. If the quran really said all the bad you say it does (it does, but so does the bible) (fortunatly, it also says nicer things as does the bible), and every muslim was some powder keg, ready to explode in 3 seconds, 1/5th of the worlds population would be at war with 4/5ths of the worlds population.

This is not the case.

As for muhammads last sermon, it doesn't matter where it's recorded, the point is that it was said.

If jesus had said a few things that didn't make it in the bible, would that make them any less worthy of hearing?

Facts are facts Xaquin44! One should not claim that something is from the Qur'an when it is really an Ahadith writing.

As for Muhammad's last sermon, he addressed that only to Muslims - NOT Jews nor Christians - and he still died declaring that Islam should be the only religion on earth with all people needing to accept him as the last and final prophet of God. It was still understood that Jihad against Jews, Christians, all other non-Muslims and also against apostate Muslims was and still is obligatory.

Muhammad taught that his prophethood superseded that of Jesus and denied that Jesus was the Divine Son of God and Saviour of mankind. Additionally, Muhammad disregarded the New Testament teachings of Jesus and reverted to incorporate the Old Testament teachings of punishments and rituals which Orthodox Judaism taught.

The example of Muhammad's last sermon is a deceptive cover up for what Islam really teaches against Jews, Christians, non-Muslims and apostate Muslims.

Even to this day, if a Muslim wishes to convert to Christianity or to any other faith are they allowed to do so?

What about Shari'a Laws? Still in effect in Islamic countries.
What about "honor killings" ? Still in effect.
What about stoning someone for committing adultry? Still in effect.
What about beheading an apostate Muslim? Still in effect.
What about lashing anyone who drinks wine? Still in effect.
What about the prohibition for a Muslim to have a dog as a pet? Still in effect.
What about killing anyone for making a picture of Muhammad? Still in effect.

And the list goes on.

And you want us to believe that Muhammad was a genuinely nice guy and should be revered more than Yeshua (New Testament Jesus) ???

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The big pic.

Really? I thought it applied to everyone! Only Christians were causing a problem with multiple wives? Only Christians were beating their spouses? Do you have a link, or are you just being a liar again?
:whistle: The fact is that American (and Christians) do have multiple wives (and multiple husbands) but they just deny it.

Like you (T_p) told that his wife and the mother of his children has been put out by T_p and now he has a replacement wife and replacement mom to the other wife's children. And the American laws allow Christians like T_p to steal the children from his wife (by custody laws) and then T_p gets to degrade his children's mom by the thieving child support, and that subsidizes him and his new wife.

In a Muslim / Islamic culture then T_p might get stoned to death for his dirty deeds, but in the USA we just pretend he only has one new wife and the other wife is put away.

Other Americans have a baby by several women so they have several wives but our Christian based society hides that reality. And a woman that has 4 kids by 4 men therefore has 4 husbands but our American system hides that reality under our immoral laws.

A Muslim man might have 4 wives but it is not done in secret as the Americans do it, and the Muslims can not dump the wife in the dirty way that American Christians do it (reference T_p).

I realize this is a personal affront to T_p but he asked me for it.



Well-Known Member
:whistle: The fact is that American (and Christians) do have multiple wives (and multiple husbands) but they just deny it.

Like you (T_p) told that his wife and the mother of his children has been put out by T_p and now he has a replacement wife and replacement mom to the other wife's children. And the American laws allow Christians like T_p to steal the children from his wife (by custody laws) and then T_p gets to degrade his children's mom by the thieving child support, and that subsidizes him and his new wife.

In a Muslim / Islamic culture then T_p might get stoned to death for his dirty deeds, but in the USA we just pretend he only has one new wife and the other wife is put away.

Other Americans have a baby by several women so they have several wives but our Christian based society hides that reality. And a woman that has 4 kids by 4 men therefore has 4 husbands but our American system hides that reality under our immoral laws.

A Muslim man might have 4 wives but it is not done in secret as the Americans do it, and the Muslims can not dump the wife in the dirty way that American Christians do it (reference T_p).

I realize this is a personal affront to T_p but he asked me for it.
Actually, I asked you for no such thing. This thread is not about me, and you've added nothing to the substance.

However, I did not "put out" my first wife. She left me, and her children. My current wife is not a replacement. She is a wife. She is not a replacement mom. She is a step-mother. You have inaccurately described each and every point you tried to make.

Plus, being remarried is not having multiple wives, and is not what was outlawed, which is what you were claiming (that the laws had to be put into place to stop multiple wives because of those damned Christians). You came no where near defending your point, nor accurately describing the situation at hand. When I describe your illegitimate child, your desertion of your family, your infantile temper tantrum of painting on someone else's walls, your mockery of our political system, your misogynstic and anti-Semitic words, etc., etc., I am accurately describing your actions from first hand knowledge of those actions.

If you're going to attempt to defame me, please be accurate as I am with you.


New Member
Facts are facts Xaquin44! One should not claim that something is from the Qur'an when it is really an Ahadith writing.

As for Muhammad's last sermon, he addressed that only to Muslims - NOT Jews nor Christians - and he still died declaring that Islam should be the only religion on earth with all people needing to accept him as the last and final prophet of God. It was still understood that Jihad against Jews, Christians, all other non-Muslims and also against apostate Muslims was and still is obligatory.

Muhammad taught that his prophethood superseded that of Jesus and denied that Jesus was the Divine Son of God and Saviour of mankind. Additionally, Muhammad disregarded the New Testament teachings of Jesus and reverted to incorporate the Old Testament teachings of punishments and rituals which Orthodox Judaism taught.

The example of Muhammad's last sermon is a deceptive cover up for what Islam really teaches against Jews, Christians, non-Muslims and apostate Muslims.

Even to this day, if a Muslim wishes to convert to Christianity or to any other faith are they allowed to do so?

What about Shari'a Laws? Still in effect in Islamic countries.
What about "honor killings" ? Still in effect.
What about stoning someone for committing adultry? Still in effect.
What about beheading an apostate Muslim? Still in effect.
What about lashing anyone who drinks wine? Still in effect.
What about the prohibition for a Muslim to have a dog as a pet? Still in effect.
What about killing anyone for making a picture of Muhammad? Still in effect.

And the list goes on.

And you want us to believe that Muhammad was a genuinely nice guy and should be revered more than Yeshua (New Testament Jesus) ???

what about the fact that all of the things you've listed are very very VERY seldomly practiced because they aren't in keeping with the true spirit of the quran?

and I actually couldn't care less if either are held in reverence.

and yes, they are allowed to convert .... as much as any christian can convert to islam.


New Member
what about the fact that all of the things you've listed are very very VERY seldomly practiced because they aren't in keeping with the true spirit of the quran?

and I actually couldn't care less if either are held in reverence.

and yes, they are allowed to convert .... as much as any christian can convert to islam.

It obvious that you do not live in an Islamic controlled country nor are you really familiar with the fundamental tenets of Islam and rules of Shari'a Law.
What you are trying to sell us on is your spin that only reflects how Islam has to be practiced in Western Free Societies.

According to your interpretation, Saudi Arabia where Islam began does not practice the "true spirit of the Qur'an" when that country beheads apostate Muslims and adulterers, chops off the hands and feet of anyone caught stealing, obligates a father to kill his daughter in the prescribed "honor killing" if she disgraces Islam in anyway, prohibits the Holy Bible from being distributed and does not allow a non-Muslim to set foot in the Kabah.

If you really feel that those things are not in keeping with the true spirit of Islam from what is taught in the Qur'an and Muhammad's Ahadith, then you really need to be trying to convince the Saudis, The Iranians, The Syrians etc that they have misinterpreted the Qur'an.

Please don't try to convince us that Islam is peaceful when the present-day examples of Suni vs Shia Islam show to the contrary with both seeking the complete annihilation of Israel and extermination of Jewish people.

You really need to read the Qur'an and Ahadith before you make misinformed statements about fundamenta Islam as taught by Muhammad and the Imams. For one thing, Islam DOES NOT mean peace; it means "Submission" and that is what the Islamic ideology wishes to do; bring all societies under submission to the Islamic Al'lah and obedience to Muhammad.


New Member


I guess 1/5th of the worlds population are crazed suicide bombers

can you wake me up when they actually do it?

(you won't need to because it will never happen. Your misconceptions and stereotypes are false)


At one point Hagar took Ishmael and was running from Sarai and Abram. An angel of the Lord spoke to her.
I think Allah may be YHWH, but I think Mohammad got it wrong just like David Koresh, Jim Jones, and lots of others got deluded by focusing on themselves and not on God.

Notice Genesis 16:12. Seems that has pretty much come true.

Wow somebody knows the truth ..........

Don't forget the Philistines and Saul ....