It’s hard to be an optimist about America right now


Well-Known Member
It’s hard to be an optimist about America right now

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It’s a secular celebration of America, and as an immigrant, I feel I have much to be grateful for. I am an optimist who tends to see the story of this country as one of addressing its shortcomings and making progress. Lately, it has been tough to maintain that sunny outlook. America’s greatest assets — its constitutional republic and its democratic character — seem to be in danger of breakdown.

Listen to the language of the president. “Our radical Democrat opponents are driven by hatred, prejudice and rage,” he thundered at a June rally to kick off his reelection campaign. “They want to destroy you, and they want to destroy our country as we know it.” Words such as “treason” and “coup” are now casually tossed around in political discourse. Some had imagined that the impeachment inquiry might provide evidence and facts that would cut through the spin and fantasies, but in fact the opposite has happened. It’s clear now that the intensity of polarization is so great that everything is viewed through a partisan prism. Can America survive through such poisonous times?

Well, it has in the past...

Could this time be different? Yes, says Yoni Appelbaum in a thought-provoking essay in the Atlantic titled “How America Ends.” Appelbaum argues that “the United States is undergoing a transition perhaps no rich and stable democracy has ever experienced: Its historically dominant group is on its way to becoming a political minority — and its minority groups are asserting their co-equal rights and interests.” Ezra Klein notes a related transformation: “Almost 70% of American seniors are white and Christian. Only 29% of young adults are white and Christian.”

That paragraph certainly nails the majority of folks and viewpoints on this forum site! Anyone who doesn't look, think and pray to the same mythical God as them is their enemy...even if those folks are US citizens by birth. In their minds, the words on the Statue of Liberty only apply to WASPs.

There is another concerning trend that threatens America’s constitutional character: the ever-expanding power of the presidency. Whatever you think of the charges against President Trump on Russia or Ukraine, his position of resolute noncooperation with Congress should trouble you deeply. If Congress cannot exercise its core oversight capacity, obtain documents and subpoena administration officials to testify, the essential system of checks and balances has broken down. The presidency will have become an elected dictatorship.

That paragraph also nails the majority of folks and viewpoints on this forum site! Actions that in the past would have caused the ignorati types to scream bloody murder are now met with orgasmic glee. The very same people who cling to their guns like a 2 year old's blankee because the evil government might try to usurp the power of the people cheer every time this President acts like a king, ignores the checks on his office and uses the office for personal profit.

It is amazing to watch as these self professed "Patriots" cheer on a man who treats the Presidency as his own cash register and the country as his personal property.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And the irony of some ****ing immigrant coming here from whatever shithole he originated in and bitching about how terrible it is is just delicious.

Fareed, get out. Go back to your corrupt filth pit in Mumbai. You've done pretty well for yourself in this oh so horrible country, and yet still you bitch and cry. So get the **** out, you ungrateful elitist pig.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Funny...Except for worrying a bit about the damage and destruction the slugs like Tranny are trying to cause, it is otherwise a great time to be an optimist. about America.


Trans, you live (allegedly. maybe you live in Russia for all I know) in the greatest country that has ever existed on this earth, and find it impossible to feel blessed to have this experience. I look at the poor in Africa and feel blessed to not have that life. I have lived in several other countries and experienced what socialism does to ordinary people. Seeing this gives me more reason to feel blessed at what America has given me. And, seeing people like you live pathetic lives, incessantly uhappy, full of contempt and no appreciation whatsoever of all the freedoms opportunities that you have - things you'd NEVER experience in any other country - and all the sacrifices that went into preserving these beautiful things in this country; thank you for unintentionally helping me realize how blessed I am to understand my freedoms and experiences.

It must really suck to suck.


Well-Known Member
I am optimistic. The coup against the president is going down in flames and we'll be good for another 5 years or so.


Well-Known Member
Brony, My 401K looks absolutely amazing.
Because things are looking so good, I'm getting another awesome raise and another awesome year end bonus
The work outlook looks phenomenal AGAIN this year
My monthly bills went down this year...

I am VERY optimistic about the next 5 years under President Trump


Well-Known Member
I must say, you guys spend tooo much time worrying/concerned about folks like spastic, liberty homo and trans. Ignore works well. You’re not going to shut them up, they revel in attention.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I'm also not optimistic for the future of America. I'm a half full person by nature. Here's the reason I'm pessimistic. It's exactly for the reasons that the author states in the link posted in the OP. A bit more of that later.

While serving my country in the US Navy, I visited almost 4 dozen nations. I did 2 tours overseas. I saw a good bit of the world. Here are a few observations from my travels. The more heterogeneous the population, the more stable and less chaotic a country appears. Iceland, Germany in the 1980s & Japan are good examples of this. The noticeable exception would be Haiti, where we moved under armed escort.

And the higher the percentage a nation has either white or yellow folks the more civilized and peaceful the nation appears. Canada, South Korea and New Zealand are good examples.

Nations with large populations of brown and black people had very high rate of corruption and crime. They also seemed to have large percentages of their population that lived in poverty.

Fast forward to America today. The things that I witnessed overseas are now being imported here. Hispanic gangs are fueling drug dealing and the associated killings over territory. Crime is way above average in their neighborhoods. Once thriving cities that had majority white populations are now crime ridden hellholes. Think Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia and close to southern MD, Baltimore.

Some will claim that pointing out those sort of things somehow makes you a racist. I counter that it makes you a realist. You see something and make your own conclusion on the possible causes.

The America I grew up in no longer exists. It was a more law abiding, cleaner and respectul nation. There isn't just 1 cause of the decline, they are many. I won't be around when whites become a minority in the country. I doubt that it will be a better version of how the US is currently. Things change and it is what it is. To celebrate the demise of the US is ironic. When the US officially becomes a shithole, where are all the illegals and refugees going to go? Perhaps then we will finally have a solution to our illegal immigrant problem.


The America I grew up in no longer exists. It was a more law abiding, cleaner and respectul nation.

I have a feeling you and I are about the same age. While I agree that things are a lot different than when we were younger, I am no less thankful that I live in a country where my liberties are still well protected. What we have here doesn't exist anywhere else in the world. It's why people like Trans take advantage of her freedoms to bemoan what makes this country great, yet stays.

Maybe it's because I realize I'm getting older and don't want to waste much more of my time complaining. There are too many opportunities in this country to enjoy life than the let the bad things bother me. I'd rather spend my time interacting with people and seeing the greatness of the beauty of this country, than waste my time protesting who is president or this cause or that cause, or getting angry at a hat or some meme.

While hatred, and people feeling emboldened to express that hatred through violence is on the rise, I refuse to participate in it. What will I have to say on my death bed about my life?


Well-Known Member
I'm a hoser and a loser, and if America keeps winning like it has been for the last 3 years, I'm moving to Canada, ey.

Need help packing?




Well-Known Member
I must say, you guys spend tooo much time worrying/concerned about folks like spastic, liberty homo and trans. Ignore works well. You’re not going to shut them up, they revel in attention.
Ignore was the course taken during the time that allowed their rise in annoyance...
I prefer to fire back now...They tend to shut up quicker


Active Member
It’s hard to be an optimist about America right now

That paragraph certainly nails the majority of folks and viewpoints on this forum site! Anyone who doesn't look, think and pray to the same mythical God as them is their enemy...even if those folks are US citizens by birth. In their minds, the words on the Statue of Liberty only apply to WASPs.

That paragraph also nails the majority of folks and viewpoints on this forum site! Actions that in the past would have caused the ignorati types to scream bloody murder are now met with orgasmic glee. The very same people who cling to their guns like a 2 year old's blankee because the evil government might try to usurp the power of the people cheer every time this President acts like a king, ignores the checks on his office and uses the office for personal profit.

It is amazing to watch as these self professed "Patriots" cheer on a man who treats the Presidency as his own cash register and the country as his personal property.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's fun seeing elitists trash a country that people from all over the world dream of living in and risk their lives to get to.
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Well-Known Member
Could this time be different? Yes, says Yoni Appelbaum in a thought-provoking essay in the Atlantic titled “How America Ends.” Appelbaum argues that “the United States is undergoing a transition perhaps no rich and stable democracy has ever experienced: Its historically dominant group is on its way to becoming a political minority — and its minority groups are asserting their co-equal rights and interests.” Ezra Klein notes a related transformation: “Almost 70% of American seniors are white and Christian. Only 29% of young adults are white and Christian.”
That paragraph certainly nails the majority of folks and viewpoints on this forum site! Anyone who doesn't look, think and pray to the same mythical God as them is their enemy...even if those folks are US citizens by birth. In their minds, the words on the Statue of Liberty only apply to WASPs.

Minority groups are asserting their co-equal rights?

What rights to minority groups not have? While it's been true the there is a higher percentage of self-identified Christians in the United States than self-identified Jews in Israel, we are not a theocracy, not a "Christian" nation. If, and only if, we get back to following the Constitution, our nation will be fine. Whether the majority are white or Christian or not really doesn't matter to the nation's ability to prosper and thrive.

Your assumptions about WASPs and God are really just that - YOUR problems, not the problems of others. You just see it as the problems of others because, well, it appears your a bigoted idiot like that.

There is another concerning trend that threatens America’s constitutional character: the ever-expanding power of the presidency. Whatever you think of the charges against President Trump on Russia or Ukraine, his position of resolute noncooperation with Congress should trouble you deeply. If Congress cannot exercise its core oversight capacity, obtain documents and subpoena administration officials to testify, the essential system of checks and balances has broken down. The presidency will have become an elected dictatorship.

That paragraph also nails the majority of folks and viewpoints on this forum site! Actions that in the past would have caused the ignorati types to scream bloody murder are now met with orgasmic glee. The very same people who cling to their guns like a 2 year old's blankee because the evil government might try to usurp the power of the people cheer every time this President acts like a king, ignores the checks on his office and uses the office for personal profit.

WRT the "personal profit" thing, I don't recall you being upset when the State Dept ordered thousands of King Obama's books, directly lining King Obama's pockets. It seems ludicrously stupid of you to believe the guy who donates 100% of his salary, reduced the overall personal staff for the First Family, and literally is losing ground in profits on his businesses because he became president would somehow be using the office for "personal profit", but the guys who came into the office as thousandaires and left as multi-millionaires were not. But, "ludicrously stupid" and "you" could reasonably be seen in this context as redundant.

The position of resolute non-cooperation with congress does not trouble me deeply. I've searched and searched and find no "core oversight capacity" in the constitution for the Congress. Please correct me if I'm wrong by showing me which article and section that is in, because I just can't find it. It is true that there is a growing perception of power and authority in the executive; that is coming from the legislative writing laws (and the executive signing them) that forces the legislative authority over to the executive. The president is not acting like a king when he uses that authority, he's acting like the duly elected president following the laws of the nation. The problem is not the president flouting Congress, the problem is the Congress giving the president that authority.

Congress does not and should not have the authority to dig into the president's personal finances on a fishing expedition. The fourth amendment promises us this, because the president is, after all, a citizen. If Congress feels the president has committed a crime, they are free to conduct the impeachment proceedings as they are. However, that does not compel a person to actually testify unless under a judicially-authorized subpoena, and even then there are long-standing understood executive privileged conversations. We routinely use phrases like "pre-decisional" to bypass - and rightfully so - FOIA laws. Private policy discussions are not for congressional ears.

If you have a problem with the power of the Executive, see the Legislative that gave those powers to the Executive.


Well-Known Member
The sad thing is, if one can't be optimistic about living in America right now, there's not time or place one could be optimistic about. Living like that is really just terribly sad.

Maybe one should be placed in a camp in California?