It appears as though the deer hunting is drying u


New Member
Not much deer talk on the forums recently, I see things must be drying up in Southern Maryland, what's your perspective on the issue?

I just have not been able to get out there.

I hunted 2 nights and 2 mornings last week. Saw 1 buck moving early through the pines on its way to a corn pile 300 yds away. Nothing the next nigt and following morning. Saw 6 does at sunset on Friday. They all seem to be very cautious and on a mission when they move. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Wish we could use dogs.......:ohwell:

Why spend a day chasing lost dogs when you could be deer hunting? I've hunted with parties using dogs before (down in N.C.) and, generally, success was had by those fortunate enough to have the dogs headed in the opposite direction.


Why spend a day chasing lost dogs when you could be deer hunting? I've hunted with parties using dogs before (down in N.C.) and, generally, success was had by those fortunate enough to have the dogs headed in the opposite direction.

on bait ?



No Longer the Kid
Good to hear....:yay:.....Baiting should be outlawed...

I would agree if there were enough land out here to roam hunt, but too many people hunt on public land, and small land areas to where roaming can get you killed very quickly due to all the idiots they give hunting licenses to now adays, and then you also have the ones who don't have a license out there...

So for now, I will stick with baiting!


I would agree if there were enough land out here to roam hunt, but too many people hunt on public land, and small land areas to where roaming can get you killed very quickly due to all the idiots they give hunting licenses to now adays, and then you also have the ones who don't have a license out there...

So for now, I will stick with baiting!

Point well taken...:yay:

Baiting is just not my idea of hunting....jmo.


Super Genius
I went out with my neighbors on Saturday. I didn't get anything, but my neighbor got a really nice buck :yay: It's actually a buck that a friend of theirs shot at earlier with a bow and just skinned the belly.

I'm going to try to go out Thurs/Fri/Sat. So, of course, weather is calling for rain (maybe snow) on Thursday :ohwell:

I'm guessing that it is slow because shotgun is done until those couple of days in mid-Jan. :shrug:


Can you ping me now? Good
I'm in waterfowl mode right now. The goose hunting has been good since the snowfall, duck hunting has been been fair so far. We have limited out each time we have gone on geese.

I plan to head out on the 8th and 9th though for a little deer hunting though. My daughter is still looking to get her first deer so I will make sure to get out there then.

Has anyone seen the all white deer on rt. 234 near Glasva School rd just past Allens Fresh? Very pretty and he is generally out there daily around 4-5pm. It looks like a small buck but hard to tell since its about 400-500 yards off the road.


Super Genius
Saw the biggest herd that I've ever seen on my way home from work yesterday. There were probably 10-15 deer. This was in a field off of Mattapany Rd.


New Member
Point well taken...:yay:

Baiting is just not my idea of hunting....jmo.

I will admit that I do use corn and I will also submit my experience with it over the past 5 years... about 8 times out of 10, the deer will pass by the corn. I only use it when there are no crops on the fields. This year, there was nothing planted on the field and the Red Oaks and the White Oaks both produced acorns, so, there is still plenty of "natural" food for them.

White Oaks produce every year, Red Oaks produce every two years, this year was the production year for the Red Oak, next year, the acorn production will half of what it was this year, so, find some White Oaks to hunt next year.

As for liquid baits, I use Buck Jam Apple, and have been using it for a few years. I have witnessed deer eating stumps to the ground and then eating the dirt to get this stuff, Buck Jam works, corn not so much. I have a cedar stump right now that the deer are trying to uproot from the Buck Jam I put on it about 3 weeks ago.

Example: Buck Jam Apple - Bass Pro


Super Genius
I will admit that I do use corn and I will also submit my experience with it over the past 5 years... about 8 times out of 10, the deer will pass by the corn. I only use it when there are no crops on the fields. This year, there was nothing planted on the field and the Red Oaks and the White Oaks both produced acorns, so, there is still plenty of "natural" food for them.

White Oaks produce every year, Red Oaks produce every two years, this year was the production year for the Red Oak, next year, the acorn production will half of what it was this year, so, find some White Oaks to hunt next year.

As for liquid baits, I use Buck Jam Apple, and have been using it for a few years. I have witnessed deer eating stumps to the ground and then eating the dirt to get this stuff, Buck Jam works, corn not so much. I have a cedar stump right now that the deer are trying to uproot from the Buck Jam I put on it about 3 weeks ago.

Example: Buck Jam Apple - Bass Pro

I've heard the same thing about molasses. Haven't tried it myself though.


Stopped hunting in Maryland years ago. Too many people and not enough land. And most of the private land, the owners don't want any hunters on it. Public Land? Forget it. Too many idiots on Public Land that don't know how to hunt and shoot at anything that moves. Don't want to end up another hunting accident.


Does my butt look big?
Actually got 8 inches of snow last night..think we are going rabbit hunting today and then ice fishing on the lake.....brrrrrrrrrrrrr