It is time for Tiki


Leap Of Faith Farm
well I have decided to retire Tiki we had a good year on the SMTR rides but she is not up for that any longer. Anyone looking for a horse light riding only or compainon. I have contacted green well they are supposed to come out sometime soon and evaluate her .


Cowgirl Up
TotalControl said:
well I have decided to retire Tiki we had a good year on the SMTR rides but she is not up for that any longer. Anyone looking for a horse light riding only or compainon. I have contacted green well they are supposed to come out sometime soon and evaluate her .
Hopefully Greenwell will be able to use her. I think her laid back disposition would work very well there. I hope you find something that suits you as well as Tiki did :huggy:. You have at least 2 months before good riding weather anyhow, so take your time, you'll find a good one.


Does my butt look big?
I hate to say it but I dont think they will take her...they wanted a driving horse and I offered them a 15 yr old driving horse the amish used for years...broke broke broke..Legs showed miles though but SOUND...the dummies did a flex test on him and he failed so they rejected stupid is that...what 16 yr old amish horse would pass a flex?? AND what could be more safer???????????????


Does my butt look big?
baileydog said:
Why are you getting rid of a horse that it sounds like youve had for a while? Is it a bad horse?

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Tiki was never properly taken care of before I got her she is stiff in the front (I do not know if she had an injury before I got her )but for the last year she and I rode the SMTR rides and have had no problems I have even taken her in speed classes and won ribbons 5, 6, and 7 but hay she was never a speed demon .. One day at a ride we started to Canter and she went down she did not get hurt,, She always had a tripping issue but never at a trot or canter I don't want to see her get hurt... She can not keep up the pace of 3 or 4 hour hills and so forth on the trail rides .. It is not fair to try to make her .. She has been a good horse and if I can I will send you pictures of her with my kids . She would not hurt anyone.. She does make elephant noises if she thinks someone is going to bother her (Another horse) we live in Mechanicsville MD she is being boarded at PCF .. Thanks Pam


I wanna be a SMIB
call me stupid, but I still dont understand why you are getting rid of her. Why cant you keep her and take care of her and let her live out her life just hanging around doing nothing. Doesnt she deserve that. Arent you afraid someone will make dog food out of her? I would be. I honestly dont mean to crtisize or sound mean, I just dont understand. I know they take alot of care and all but it sounds like shes no longer useful to you so she has to go. And thats not right.


Horse Poor
Pasofever said:
I hate to say it but I dont think they will take her...they wanted a driving horse and I offered them a 15 yr old driving horse the amish used for years...broke broke broke..Legs showed miles though but SOUND...the dummies did a flex test on him and he failed so they rejected stupid is that...what 16 yr old amish horse would pass a flex?? AND what could be more safer???????????????

I offered one also he couldn't jump just flat work and they wouldn't take him. He was the perfect horse for theraputic riders. But they want more out of them than that. Before I EVER give them another horse I'll give it away to a good home as I did with him. He is still going at 29.


Cowgirl Up

Not having horses yourself you can not even imagine the expense it is in the upkeep of a horse on your own property let alone if you board it. TC is doing her best to try to place Tiki somewhere suitable. She would be fine being lightly ridden and there are many horses worse off than she is that are used as lesson horses all the time. And you also have to factor in that TC wants & deserves something to ride. Some people do have horses that are just pasture pets and do not ride them and if this were the case she would never concider letting Tiki go. She feels bad enough to be making any decissions towards letting her go so please be kind.


Chevy Is Da BOMB!!!!
:howdy: golden,
did you get my e-mail???? i was in school cause my computer did not work but now it works :dance: :getdown: i am so happy. did i tell any one i got a jumping saddel also. :huggy: ~Z~ :huggy:


Leap Of Faith Farm
mygoldnhorse said:

Not having horses yourself you can not even imagine the expense it is in the upkeep of a horse on your own property let alone if you board it. TC is doing her best to try to place Tiki somewhere suitable. She would be fine being lightly ridden and there are many horses worse off than she is that are used as lesson horses all the time. And you also have to factor in that TC wants & deserves something to ride. Some people do have horses that are just pasture pets and do not ride them and if this were the case she would never consider letting Tiki go. She feels bad enough to be making any decisions towards letting her go so please be kind.

Thanks Golden ..
Baileydog: You obviously don't know me ,,This is killing me to make this decision but she can't and I will not MAKE her do the kind of trail rides I do,I would keep Tiki in a heart beat if I had my own place . I can not so I will find a suitable place for her and you can bet I will have visitation rights and a contract that says if for any reason they can not keep her she is to come back to me....I board and my daughter also has a horse we board not only do you pay for board you pay for the upkeep of the horse . Thankfully I have found a great place to board and never ever have to worry about my horses..The money I spend on board with the care these and the other horse get is definitely worth it ....and she did not pay me to say this :razz:


Persimmon Creek Farm
:howdy: Im Tikis care-giver...It would be in the worst interest for Tiki to become a lawn ornament or pasture pet. The best medicine for tiki authoritis (besides bute occationally) is excersise. This is the perfect horse to teach a child or a beginner adult to ride (walk trot) and to simply care for and own/love a horse. Tiki is the perfect horse for elderly X-equestrian that would like a horse they can relate to and feel safe handling and riding at a slower pace again.
TC is doing exactly what a responsible, caring horse owner should do in this situation. TC realizes that her level/interest in riding has surmounted her horses abilities/limitations. TC has accepted that keeping Tiki would not only be unfair to the horse to become a pasture pet...but it is also unfair to her families finances due to the fact that she and her daughter both board their horses.
Moving Tiki on to a new family will be difficult for TC and her children. This horses kind nature has given her very small son the courage to ride. Tiki is the ONLY horse he will ride cause he trusts her completely.


I wanna be a SMIB
persimmoncf said:
:howdy: Im Tikis care-giver...It would be in the worst interest for Tiki to become a lawn ornament or pasture pet. The best medicine for tiki authoritis (besides bute occationally) is excersise. This is the perfect horse to teach a child or a beginner adult to ride (walk trot) and to simply care for and own/love a horse. Tiki is the perfect horse for elderly X-equestrian that would like a horse they can relate to and feel safe handling and riding at a slower pace again.
TC is doing exactly what a responsible, caring horse owner should do in this situation. TC realizes that her level/interest in riding has surmounted her horses abilities/limitations. TC has accepted that keeping Tiki would not only be unfair to the horse to become a pasture pet...but it is also unfair to her families finances due to the fact that she and her daughter both board their horses.
Moving Tiki on to a new family will be difficult for TC and her children. This horses kind nature has given her very small son the courage to ride. Tiki is the ONLY horse he will ride cause he trusts her completely.

Yes, you are all correct. I know so little about horses I should shut up. I truly did not mean to offend. I just pictured the horse people living on a big beatiful farm where you step out the door and go get on your horse. So with that I couldnt figure out why she had to go. I can only imagine the expense of a horse. Im really sorry that you have to give her up and I trust that you will be sure its a good place. I wasnt judgeing, just questioning. She sounds like a wonderful horse, I hope she finds a happy home and lives a long happy life. Good luck in your journey, I hope all works out. :huggy:


New Member
mingiz said:
I offered one also he couldn't jump just flat work and they wouldn't take him. He was the perfect horse for theraputic riders. But they want more out of them than that. Before I EVER give them another horse I'll give it away to a good home as I did with him. He is still going at 29.

I'm happy I'm not the only one who had a bad experience with Greenwell. They never even got to see my horse because they scheduled to see him twice at the farm I boarded at in Charlotte Hall and canceled at the last minute each time and then said it would be better if I trailered him to them. Mind you, I had previously explained I was 7.5 months pregnant, did not have a truck and trailer, worked full-time and went to school 3/4 time so my time was limited. I then explained that since they were so disorganized that they had to cancel appointments at the very last minute that I did not care to have my horse at a facility that operated like that.

Jen now uses him for lessons with her students and everyone is happy. Madhi is a horse for life with me and I will not ever sell him, he more than deserves to live a life of luxury when he's not able to work.


New Member
Doesn't Greenwell run the Parks and Recs riding program? It would appear your donated horse could possibly be a normal lesson horse as well as a therapeutic lesson horse. Not a bad thing just something to consider.


New Member
fredsaid2 said:
Doesn't Greenwell run the Parks and Recs riding program? It would appear your donated horse could possibly be a normal lesson horse as well as a therapeutic lesson horse. Not a bad thing just something to consider.

Greenwell does not wish to have horses that have soundness issues, which I don't blame them. They are pretty careful about how they screen the horses so if Tiki is having trouble with trail rides they would probably not accept her into the program.


Spay and Neuter Your Pets
baileydog said:
Yes, you are all correct. I know so little about horses I should shut up. I truly did not mean to offend. I just pictured the horse people living on a big beatiful farm where you step out the door and go get on your horse. So with that I couldnt figure out why she had to go. I can only imagine the expense of a horse. Im really sorry that you have to give her up and I trust that you will be sure its a good place. I wasnt judgeing, just questioning. She sounds like a wonderful horse, I hope she finds a happy home and lives a long happy life. Good luck in your journey, I hope all works out. :huggy:

Some of us do keep our old ones and, yes, it is expensive but each morning it is worth it to see them sticking their heads out and nickering as you come into the barn to turn them out to their day of leisure. :huggy: I also hopes she finds a great forever home. :howdy: