It is time for Tiki


Spay and Neuter Your Pets
Unbelievable said:
Some of us do keep our old ones and, yes, it is expensive but each morning it is worth it to see them sticking their heads out and nickering as you come into the barn to turn them out to their day of leisure. :huggy: I also hopes she finds a great forever home. :howdy:

This is why I try to stay away from the forums:
It is time for Tiki 01-11-2007 01:14 PM good for you that you have so much money
All I was trying to do is let Baileydog know he/she wasn't silly for asking why they were not keeping the horse. Some people keep them and some people don't, it's as simple as that. And, no, I don't have "so much" money -- I keep them!


New Member
barncat said:
I'm happy I'm not the only one who had a bad experience with Greenwell. They never even got to see my horse because they scheduled to see him twice at the farm I boarded at in Charlotte Hall and canceled at the last minute each time and then said it would be better if I trailered him to them. Mind you, I had previously explained I was 7.5 months pregnant, did not have a truck and trailer, worked full-time and went to school 3/4 time so my time was limited. I then explained that since they were so disorganized that they had to cancel appointments at the very last minute that I did not care to have my horse at a facility that operated like that.

Jen now uses him for lessons with her students and everyone is happy. Madhi is a horse for life with me and I will not ever sell him, he more than deserves to live a life of luxury when he's not able to work.

I worked there for awhile and offered Sugar, my mare for lessons. they tested her and liked her, bought her over. Once there, she began acting agressive and rude. I had to go down and sort her out several times. I think they were letting her get away with it and wouldn't tell her off when she tested them. Then one afternoon, she apparently slipped in the mud and took out a gate. They came in and fixed the gate. Noticed her standing in the field and didn't check her. That night, when she wouldn't come in to feed, they finally noticed that she was so lame she COULDN'T move. The gate had not only left her with numerous cuts and abraisions, but had punctured the fluid sack on her rear joint and it was leaking joint fluid. I thought we had lost her That night, I had to emergency run her up the road for surgery. Thank God for this horse community. I called a friend and had a trailer within an hour. and they acted like she was a bad horse and agressive and dangerous. They asked me to remove her as soon as I could, (Like I would leave her there anyway).


Cowgirl Up
baileydog said:
Yes, you are all correct. I know so little about horses I should shut up. I truly did not mean to offend. I just pictured the horse people living on a big beatiful farm where you step out the door and go get on your horse. So with that I couldnt figure out why she had to go. I can only imagine the expense of a horse. Im really sorry that you have to give her up and I trust that you will be sure its a good place. I wasnt judgeing, just questioning. She sounds like a wonderful horse, I hope she finds a happy home and lives a long happy life. Good luck in your journey, I hope all works out. :huggy:
No offence taken were just voicing your concern. I figured you just didn't know why it is not feasible for TC to keep Tiki and wanted to offer some insight. All is good.


Persimmon Creek Farm
Its nice to know that Baileydog and others are concerned with the welfare of all animals. Neglect and abuse often go unnoticed and without questions and intervention at times the animals do go unheard and unnoticed. There is no need for the rude we are obviously all horse/animal lovers. :coffee:


I wanna be a SMIB
persimmoncf said:
Its nice to know that Baileydog and others are concerned with the welfare of all animals. Neglect and abuse often go unnoticed and without questions and intervention at times the animals do go unheard and unnoticed. There is no need for the rude we are obviously all horse/animal lovers. :coffee:

Horse people seem like nice people. :huggy: I used to love horses till I became scared of heights. I dont know nothing about them but I like them, just dont like being that high up. And yes, I know Im a big sissy.


Persimmon Creek Farm
baileydog said:
Horse people seem like nice people. :huggy: I used to love horses till I became scared of heights. I dont know nothing about them but I like them, just dont like being that high up. And yes, I know Im a big sissy.
:lmao: I like the short ones too. You are welcome to come out to visit all of our horses if you are near Mechanicsville. PM me. :howdy:


I wanna be a SMIB
persimmoncf said:
:lmao: I like the short ones too. You are welcome to come out to visit all of our horses if you are near Mechanicsville. PM me. :howdy:[/QUOT

Wow, that is so cool. I know I sound like a kid in a candy store but thanks for the invite. Awesome. Im pretty sure I wouldnt want to put my big fat azz up on one(thank god for the poor horse) but I wouldnt mind petting , feeding, and walking one.


Horse Poor
baileydog said:
persimmoncf said:
:lmao: I like the short ones too. You are welcome to come out to visit all of our horses if you are near Mechanicsville. PM me. :howdy:[/QUOT

Wow, that is so cool. I know I sound like a kid in a candy store but thanks for the invite. Awesome. Im pretty sure I wouldnt want to put my big fat azz up on one(thank god for the poor horse) but I wouldnt mind petting , feeding, and walking one.

:lmao: Hey anyone with a fat azz can ride and it doesn't kill the horse.... :lmao: I do it all the time..... :lmao: :whistle: Try it you'll like it :huggy:


Chevy Is Da BOMB!!!!
1-11-2007 04:23 PM horses stink and are only good for making glue and dog food

Why do people have to be so rotten??? :tantrum i think horses are a good thing they help the amish and drive wedding carregs and are companies to people. ~Z~


Does my butt look big?
I got it too

It is time for Tiki 01-12-2007 05:21 PM here some for your stinky ass too..quit posting about horses no one gives a flying #### horses stink and are only good for making glue and dog food


Horse Poor
Hey I didn't put that statement in the post "Look at Paso and Mingiz they are living proof"
Hey who ever :moon: my azz is mine to talk about how ever I want :smack:


Pasofever said:
I got it too

It is time for Tiki 01-12-2007 05:21 PM here some for your stinky ass too..quit posting about horses no one gives a flying #### horses stink and are only good for making glue and dog food
And what, exactly, do they suggest we post about in the horse forums?

Maybe about people who have trouble handling 2 inches, much less 1200 lbs?


New Member
Pasofever said:
I got it too

It is time for Tiki 01-12-2007 05:21 PM here some for your stinky ass too..quit posting about horses no one gives a flying #### horses stink and are only good for making glue and dog food

So why are you reading the posts about them :confused:


New Member
barncat said:
I'm happy I'm not the only one who had a bad experience with Greenwell. They never even got to see my horse because they scheduled to see him twice at the farm I boarded at in Charlotte Hall and canceled at the last minute each time and then said it would be better if I trailered him to them. Mind you, I had previously explained I was 7.5 months pregnant, did not have a truck and trailer, worked full-time and went to school 3/4 time so my time was limited. I then explained that since they were so disorganized that they had to cancel appointments at the very last minute that I did not care to have my horse at a facility that operated like that.

Jen now uses him for lessons with her students and everyone is happy. Madhi is a horse for life with me and I will not ever sell him, he more than deserves to live a life of luxury when he's not able to work.
I also worked there for a short time. I was a volunteer first. All I can say about the program is " It is the wrong execution of the right idea"
I never evaluated horses for the program. My first horse (as an adult) was there , did great ( according to the volunteers and parents)- then BOOM he was horrible get him out , same with a horse owned by a very dear friend of mine.


Rocky Mountain High!!
People try to hit any nerve they can with crap like that, some folks have a knack for finding any weakness in other people (guess their own weaknesses are just as visible), and it is actually a mission for them. It appears that the same person is using slightly different words to all the horse people, they prolly do it to other folks too, on other threads. i got something similar on a post about my 9 y/o daughter getting spooked off a horse for goodness sake. some people just don't have a life. :ohwell: no biggie, i still love the horse forums.
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Chevy Is Da BOMB!!!!
Pasofever said:
I got it too

It is time for Tiki 01-12-2007 05:21 PM here some for your stinky ass too..quit posting about horses no one gives a flying #### horses stink and are only good for making glue and dog food
I also got this
01-12-2007 08:46 AM Go to school child
I have problems spelling because spelling is hard for me it is just 1 thing i have problems with.... :huggy: ~Z~ :huggy:
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Cowgirl Up
horsesrock93 said:
I also got this
01-12-2007 08:46 AM Go to school child
I have problems spelling because spelling is hard for me it is just 1 thing i have problems with.... :huggy: ~Z~ :huggy:

Hey least you can accept and admit your weaknesses. That gives you a goal to work towards. You have a good heart and in life that is of more value than being able to spell right now. Spelling will come in time with effort. :huggy: