It takes a village etiquette


Not a pro Hillary thread or anything....

Two instances today are the need for this post. This occured at the pool today. My child was playing with a small group of kids. One of the mommies was sitting and monitoring her little angel and I was swimming close by. My child swam to me and told me theat the boy he was playing with said he was going to punch my son. So I swam over and asked why he thinks punching is ok. Apperently my son was jumoing (along with 2 other children) off the side and had no idea that he was spashing this kid (same age as my son mind you). The kid started splashing my son so my son splashed back thinking this is now a game. Then came the threat of this kid punching my son. I was talking to him by his mother, asking them both gently what would be a better way to handle this. Still mom didn't budge, didn't care that her son was a bully.

Second issue is with my neighbor's child. He is the oldest in his family of 3 and one on the way, happens to be the same age as my son. He was telling me that my son (in front of my son) that he was throwing a toad up in the air and hitting it with a stick, then pulled out the tongue of the toad and squeezed the little limp thing until guts came out. My son adimently telling me "no, he is wrong" the whole time "Damien" was telling these lies, it was Damien that was doing these things and he thought it was funny putting the blame on my son like that.

My son happens to be all about nature and animals, he would never hurt a fly. He finds bugs, reptiles, fish, crabs... etc, identifies them and lets them go. He would rather watch Animal Planet and Nat. Geo. over Disney or Cartoon Network. At my neighbor's house boyfriend of the mom has been arrested at least 3 times in the past 6 months, some sort of drug activity has been occuring, they have dogs that run away on a daily basis, mone being an unaltered Pit, they are too lazy to exercise them, the dogs get beat and I have whitnessed "Damien" beating the dogs. I have turned a blind eye to it all long enough and I'm at the boiling point. I asked my son if he really wanted to play with "Damien" any more and if he thinks this kid is worth his time, my son says no.

Am I doing the right thing or is it medeling to step in by telling these people what "Damien" has been saying/doing? Do I stand idly by letting these creatons dig their own ditch when there are children and animals involved?



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Morning, your kid is going to grow up to be a wimp #### punk if you don't butt your bubble mommy ass out.


He's already a whiny tattletale and that's not what successful adults are all about.


Morning, your kid is going to grow up to be a wimp #### punk if you don't butt your bubble mommy ass out.


He's already a whiny tattletale and that's not what successful adults are all about.

SO you think I should have ignored him when he let me know that this kid was going to punch him? My son just doesn't resort to violence especially at his tender age of 6. I can understand mybe a 10 year old getting ready to have his first fight but at age 6 :shrug:

You think that I should let him associate with drug dealer's kids?

At what point do I say enough is enough to my neighbors?

You didn't answer my questions, you just insulted my son and I, whats the point in even responding?


curiouser and curiouser
SO you think I should have ignored him when he let me know that this kid was going to punch him?
You could've said something along the lines of "Ignore him and don't play with him anymore".
You think that I should let him associate with drug dealer's kids?
Again, "Ignore him and don't play with him anymore".

Seriously, not everything needs to be made into a big production.


You could've said something along the lines of "Ignore him and don't play with him anymore".

Again, "Ignore him and don't play with him anymore".

Seriously, not everything needs to be made into a big production.

Its frusrating when you don't know what to say to a child like that. I have worked in daycares for many years and knew what to do in every situation but it never prepared me for this. I guess I'm used to guiding children in making good choices and not sitting idly by. I teach kids to use their mind not fist and I also teach empathy. I have always told my son to let me, a teacher or adult in charge know if someone has threatened him physically, to walk away from it and let someone know right then and there.

So should I start training him for the UFC? That way nobody will eff with him.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
SO you think I should have ignored him when he let me know that this kid was going to punch him? My son just doesn't resort to violence especially at his tender age of 6. I can understand mybe a 10 year old getting ready to have his first fight but at age 6 :shrug:

You think that I should let him associate with drug dealer's kids?

At what point do I say enough is enough to my neighbors?

You didn't answer my questions, you just insulted my son and I, whats the point in even responding?

WTF? You think your son should be allowed to "choose" in this matter? You are the parent, you are the supreme dictator! Your word is law, you rule and command. Make your child safe, provide him with decent companions (look into the local Mom's club if necessary), there is no debate, it isn't his choice. If the hoodrats in your area are bad find him new friends, move, or keep him away from them.

And as to your question I doubt the drug family gives a crap about their crack-baby being a bully or animal abuser. They might just decide to take offence if you suggest it though. Shut up, avoid them, and keep your sweet son son away from the low life scum. Call and report them to the local Humane Society anonymously for the animal abuse.


Love is Blind
Not a pro Hillary thread or anything....

Two instances today are the need for this post. This occured at the pool today. My child was playing with a small group of kids. One of the mommies was sitting and monitoring her little angel and I was swimming close by. My child swam to me and told me theat the boy he was playing with said he was going to punch my son. So I swam over and asked why he thinks punching is ok. Apperently my son was jumoing (along with 2 other children) off the side and had no idea that he was spashing this kid (same age as my son mind you). The kid started splashing my son so my son splashed back thinking this is now a game. Then came the threat of this kid punching my son. I was talking to him by his mother, asking them both gently what would be a better way to handle this. Still mom didn't budge, didn't care that her son was a bully.

Second issue is with my neighbor's child. He is the oldest in his family of 3 and one on the way, happens to be the same age as my son. He was telling me that my son (in front of my son) that he was throwing a toad up in the air and hitting it with a stick, then pulled out the tongue of the toad and squeezed the little limp thing until guts came out. My son adimently telling me "no, he is wrong" the whole time "Damien" was telling these lies, it was Damien that was doing these things and he thought it was funny putting the blame on my son like that.

My son happens to be all about nature and animals, he would never hurt a fly. He finds bugs, reptiles, fish, crabs... etc, identifies them and lets them go. He would rather watch Animal Planet and Nat. Geo. over Disney or Cartoon Network. At my neighbor's house boyfriend of the mom has been arrested at least 3 times in the past 6 months, some sort of drug activity has been occuring, they have dogs that run away on a daily basis, mone being an unaltered Pit, they are too lazy to exercise them, the dogs get beat and I have whitnessed "Damien" beating the dogs. I have turned a blind eye to it all long enough and I'm at the boiling point. I asked my son if he really wanted to play with "Damien" any more and if he thinks this kid is worth his time, my son says no.

Am I doing the right thing or is it medeling to step in by telling these people what "Damien" has been saying/doing? Do I stand idly by letting these creatons dig their own ditch when there are children and animals involved?


Here is my view/opinion on this. Depending on how old your child is as to whether or not you step in. I don't completely agree that you sit back on sidelines :popcorn: while things are happening. That isn't parenting. By you stepping in is teaching your son what to do in matters of this nature. If you do nothing, he is likely to do nothing in the future. Then you have WIMPY PARENTS!!! You step in when it's necessary. Your child is coming to you for help because obviously he doesn't know what to do. Secondly, the other child (1st scenario) was ticked because your child was splashing him and instead of saying "Your splashing me", he didn't express himself and therefore your child didn't know the problem. Yeah, perhaps the child is a bully because it was just as easy for him to move. It's a pool and that what kids do. His mother should have stepped in and corrected her son.

As for the other scenario, if you have witnessed serious abuse and neglect to the neighbors pets, it is your duty to step in and call the Humane Society of your area. They will investigate to see if there is actual animal abuse. As for their child, your son shouldn't associate with him. The kid will eventually become a menace to society. He obviously has parent issues and probably suffers from neglect himself. The kid needs to understand that what he is doing is wrong and hurtful. He probably needs child counseling. While it's okay to feel empathy for this other kid, it is your duty to protect your child.

My advice, don't sit back on the sidelines. Your making your child WIMPY just by doing nothing. Too many parents out there not being parents and then people wonder why their kids become a menace to society. It's unfortunate but we can't save all of the kids. There are going to be more and you can't run away from them. If it gets out of hand, then pehaps more drastic measures need to happen but until then, just get a handle on it and do what you feel is necessary. Teach your child how to handle situations so he will know what to do when he becomes a Father one day.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You could've said something along the lines of "Ignore him and don't play with him anymore".

Again, "Ignore him and don't play with him anymore".

Seriously, not everything needs to be made into a big production.

There you go :yay:

That's what we did back in the good old days, and it always worked pretty well. And in the case of the second kid, my son wouldn't be *allowed* to play with him.
Should have told boy to dunk the other boy and hold him under till he stopped struggling. Bully boy can't punch if he's out of the gene pool.


I bowl overhand
Morning, your kid is going to grow up to be a wimp #### punk if you don't butt your bubble mommy ass out.


He's already a whiny tattletale and that's not what successful adults are all about.

Snitches Get Stitches..

Fo Shizzle!


Lem Putt
I'd say that "It takes a village" is the problem here. That whole philosophy is a cop out. It allows people who fail as parents to blame their "village."

It also makes people think that it is their responsibility to help raise all the other kids, even if they don't really know what they're doing.

It takes attentive parents and family. It takes a caring community. It does not take a "village" that raises your kid for you.


New Member
Here is my view/opinion on this. Depending on how old your child is as to whether or not you step in. I don't completely agree that you sit back on sidelines :popcorn: while things are happening. That isn't parenting. By you stepping in is teaching your son what to do in matters of this nature. If you do nothing, he is likely to do nothing in the future. Then you have WIMPY PARENTS!!! You step in when it's necessary. Your child is coming to you for help because obviously he doesn't know what to do. Secondly, the other child (1st scenario) was ticked because your child was splashing him and instead of saying "Your splashing me", he didn't express himself and therefore your child didn't know the problem. Yeah, perhaps the child is a bully because it was just as easy for him to move. It's a pool and that what kids do. His mother should have stepped in and corrected her son.

As for the other scenario, if you have witnessed serious abuse and neglect to the neighbors pets, it is your duty to step in and call the Humane Society of your area. They will investigate to see if there is actual animal abuse. As for their child, your son shouldn't associate with him. The kid will eventually become a menace to society. He obviously has parent issues and probably suffers from neglect himself. The kid needs to understand that what he is doing is wrong and hurtful. He probably needs child counseling. While it's okay to feel empathy for this other kid, it is your duty to protect your child.

My advice, don't sit back on the sidelines. Your making your child WIMPY just by doing nothing. Too many parents out there not being parents and then people wonder why their kids become a menace to society. It's unfortunate but we can't save all of the kids. There are going to be more and you can't run away from them. If it gets out of hand, then pehaps more drastic measures need to happen but until then, just get a handle on it and do what you feel is necessary. Teach your child how to handle situations so he will know what to do when he becomes a Father one day.

Very good answer.

It was hard for my daughter to adjust to other kids that weren't raised like she was. I don't allow tattling, my standard answer is, "Are you bleeding, is someone dead? Then move away or play with something/someone else." You're child has learned to behave, now you have to teach him to remove himself from bad behavior of others.

As for the neighbors kid, kids will become a product of their environment. I wouldn't encourage play with him or allow your son to go to their house. I would make sure the parents know that he is mutialating animals, that's pretty serious abnormal behavior. I doubt they'll care but I'd tell'em anyway.

If he comes over, make him follow your rules and send him home if he doesn't. That includes lying, if you catch him call him out on it and send him packing. I've got one that comes over and misbehaves, I send him straight home with a clear explanation why and tell him we don't act like that here. It only took a couple of times and now it only happens on occation.
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, my standard answer is, "Are you bleeding, is someone dead? Then move away or play with something/someone else." .

:yeahthat: (i usually add a "is something on fire" though :lol:)How is your son going to learn to deal with conflict when mommys not around?


New Member
:yeahthat: (i usually add a "is something on fire" though :lol:)How is your son going to learn to deal with conflict when mommys not around?

:lmao: I'll have to add that to my list. Most of the time I only get out "Is something....." then I get the foot stomp and off she goes, she doesn't hang around for the rest.


:lmao: I'll have to add that to my list. Most of the time I only get out "Is something....." then I get the foot stomp and off she goes, she doesn't hang around for the rest.

I tell him "bleeding eyeball emergencies", in our house it covers all of the above mentioned. I can't stand tattling but he has gotten better about it. He is becoming more independent everyday and I think its just might be at a slower pace. He is not a product of daycare so school is a whole new experience for him as far as dealing with a group of kids.

I appreciate all the great suggestions, they are very helpful and I will be using them in the future.