It was suspected that a snowflake


In My Opinion
Made the wetspot on the window of the county schools superintendent this morning as he drove to work.

being quick to respond, he emediately closed down Anne Arundle County Schools.

at this time it is still unclear as to the actual cause of the wetspot.

so far today.
no school
no snow
and for me
no work as I sit home explaining to my daughter why we cant sled down the hill without snow.

John Z

if you will
bcp said: I sit home explaining to my daughter why we cant sled down the hill without snow.

This is the day I dread as I become a father. One day I will also have to sit down with my child, put a hand on his shoulder, and explain how the world can be so cruel. :lmao:

Well, maybe you can put a puzzle together instead? :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
They closed school in Frederick, too, and I'll bet we don't have more than 1/4". I won't even have to scrape my windshield when I go to work.


Well-Known Member
:rolleyes: Yeah, they closed schools on the shore too. They're trying to make up for the last time it snowed. They decided on a delay, but it was snowing pretty hard when the kids finally got to they had to sit on the bus for a while until the officials decided to send them home. :lmao:


It was suspected that a... 03-07-2007 09:51 AM A decent thread RUINED by a crass and juvenile remark. Go back to your sewer!



vraiblonde said:
They closed school in Frederick, too, and I'll bet we don't have more than 1/4". I won't even have to scrape my windshield when I go to work.

Is the Htown airport open???:SHRUG:
I can not fault the schools for closing. In my 2.5+ hour commute from St. Mary's to Silver Spring this A.M. I saw 19 wrecked cars. Beltway in P.G. was slick as could be, surprisingly so when you concider that the snow was just blowing across it.