Awe, me too then! A day where such great people were born would be bound to produce another!
We'll see if he holds off the extra 5 days to be born on the 8th in honor of my Dad. Is it true that many "first babies" are a little stubborn and come a little late? Or he may even come 3 days early to share my BDay on 2/28. Either way, I'll have someone to celebrate BDays with every year, like my Dad & I always did.
Congratulations!!!! This is your first pregnancy? Are you finding it is going slow or not?. It is such an exciting time for you both!! Take care
Having le bebe in March means.....le Bikini in July
Great month to have a le bebe.
My youngest was born march 12th (3 weeks early)
haven't you had that baby yet!?!
My first was two weeks late.
Also congrats on your son to be.The 8th is better.
We'll see if he holds off the extra 5 days to be born on the 8th in honor of my Dad. Is it true that many "first babies" are a little stubborn and come a little late? Or he may even come 3 days early to share my BDay on 2/28. Either way, I'll have someone to celebrate BDays with every year, like my Dad & I always did.
My daughter (my first) was 11 days early!! She was born on March 3 - which was my cousin's 18th birthday! I went to the hospital on the 2nd and he sat in my room/then the waiting room until she was born (3:30). He was so happy he could walk across the street and buy hubby a cigar!!
CONGRATS on the boy!!! So happy for you!!!
Thanks and congrats again to you, for your boy AND girl on the way. You're due in February, right?
Based on the responses here, it sure seems like March is a popular month to be born.
I'm actually having 2 boys!! Well, unless the ultrasound today shows something different . . . There was no doubt on Baby A, they were 90% sure on Baby B. . . Boys are easier to determine than girls, so I'm pretty sure. . . My actual due date is Valentine's Day, but since my ob said he'd take them at 37 weeks regardless, I'm looking forward to a January delivery! (Ironically, my 37 week point is the same cousin's girlfriends due date! I think that's crazy!)
March is a great month to be born! After all, that's when my #1 was born! Have you picked a name yet?? I think we're on to WW7 in this house at this point where names are concerned!