It's all Bush's fault!



<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border=0></a>
Tom, you da man!


It's all Bush's fault! 09-10-2005 09:08 AM Will you call me &quot;da man&quot; too if I post links to other people's thoughts (RED)

I'd me more than happy to call you something if you weren't too much of a <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border=0></a> to sign your name.
remaxrealtor said:
It's all Bush's fault! 09-10-2005 09:08 AM Will you call me &quot;da man&quot; too if I post links to other people's thoughts (RED)

I'd me more than happy to call you something if you weren't too much of a <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border=0></a> to sign your name.
Whoever gave that to you cannot read. He began his commentary with "a few basic facts".
Libbys only see what they wanna see... :duh:


Methodically disorganized

remaxrealtor said:
It's all Bush's fault! 09-10-2005 09:08 AM Will you call me &quot;da man&quot; too if I post links to other people's thoughts (RED)
I'm wondering how you got karma at 9:08a for a post that was not made until 11a. :confused:


Methodically disorganized
The Jackoholic said:
check the dates
Gee, I didn't think of that. :crazy:

Her first post on this thread was today (10 Sep.) at 11a. At 11:33a she posted again about red she received at 9:08a.

It would make more sense that the karma-giver's time zone is 2 hours behind (MT), not remax's. That answer is sufficient enough for me.


Well-Known Member
Governor Blanco and especially Mayor Nagin both blasted Bush and the Feds just as soon as they realized that they themselves had screwed up. It was CYA from the beginning and the Bush haters ate it up. You can quote the Constitution, give examples and even point out common sense but the entitlement crowd will not accept it.

Senator Mary L. Landrieu doing her boo-hoo, blame it on the Corps of Engineers on National TV, was beyond belief. She was the one that got the huge sum of $ from federal funds for levee maintenance but it was also her and the La. Legislature that diverted those funds to more popular projects.


This Space for Rent
hvp05 said:
Gee, I didn't think of that. :crazy:

Her first post on this thread was today (10 Sep.) at 11a. At 11:33a she posted again about red she received at 9:08a.

It would make more sense that the karma-giver's time zone is 2 hours behind (MT), not remax's. That answer is sufficient enough for me.

Actually, you see all times (posts, karma given to you, etc...) as the time zone you set. Some people never adjust their time settings after they join. Since she copied from her karma, you will see the time she saw.