It's all Bush's fault!


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Democrat fantasy


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Lovin' being Texican
willie said:
Governor Blanco and especially Mayor Nagin both blasted Bush and the Feds just as soon as they realized that they themselves had screwed up. It was CYA from the beginning and the Bush haters ate it up. You can quote the Constitution, give examples and even point out common sense but the entitlement crowd will not accept it.

Senator Mary L. Landrieu doing her boo-hoo, blame it on the Corps of Engineers on National TV, was beyond belief. She was the one that got the huge sum of $ from federal funds for levee maintenance but it was also her and the La. Legislature that diverted those funds to more popular projects.

The spirit of Huey Long lives on in Louisiana. Huey told the truth only once in his life and nobody believed him when he said "I don't feel very well."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I keep getting a busy signal while trying to call my son.

Damn you, George Bush! :burning:

And I wish he'd get over here and trim my hedges because they're starting to annoy me. :mad:
:burning: Comptroller keeps rejecting my maintenance renewal funds and the IT review board is questioning my proposed system archiving approach which is holding up funds approval...:burning: I think it's a conspiracy to bring the deficit down by not allowing me to spend my FY '05 money... &#(% Bush...:burning:
cattitude said:
I'll just bet Bush dumped that dang Beagle in your yard.
:shocking: I didn't think of that... no problem... I'll get Dems to just slip her back over the White House fence for me tomorrow...:clap: