It's back!


Lem Putt
Kain99 said:
Hell yeah baby! My original tread yeilded 17 pages... I think I've lost my shock value edge! :lmao:
Let me know, and I'll bring my razor again. It was fun last time, so I know it will bo even better this time. :razz: :razz:


New Member
BE or not to BE that is the correct spelling

MMDad said:
Let me know, and I'll bring my razor again. It was fun last time, so I know it will bo even better this time. :razz: :razz:
MMDad said:
Let me know, and I'll bring my razor again. It was fun last time, so I know it will BE even better this time. :razz: :razz:
awww you must be old or your teef fell out