It's May, and No Dr. Appt until December?!?!?!


I am so very blessed
I just called my dermatologist to schedule an appointment to see him about a concern I have with a funky-looking mole. Since I have a history of melanoma and have had a previous surgery for it, this weird-looking mole is troubling and cause for concern.

But WAIT! The doctor is booked, and his next available appointment is in DECEMBER! I can't freakin' believe that it takes seven months to get an appointment to see a doctor.

I'll see if I can schedule an appointment with my surgeon up in DC to check this out sooner.

Has anybody else experienced this kind of wait to see a doctor? A month or two wait wouldn't be unrealistic....but a seven month wait seems totally unreasonable to me.


My Sweetest Boy
BadGirl said:
I just called my dermatologist to schedule an appointment to see him about a concern I have with a funky-looking mole. Since I have a history of melanoma and have had a previous surgery for it, this weird-looking mole is troubling and cause for concern.

But WAIT! The doctor is booked, and his next available appointment is in DECEMBER! I can't freakin' believe that it takes seven months to get an appointment to see a doctor.

I'll see if I can schedule an appointment with my surgeon up in DC to check this out sooner.

Has anybody else experienced this kind of wait to see a doctor? A month or two wait wouldn't be unrealistic....but a seven month wait seems totally unreasonable to me.

Yeah. I think this area sucks for anything medical.


Salt Life
BadGirl said:
But WAIT! The doctor is booked, and his next available appointment is in DECEMBER! I can't freakin' believe that it takes seven months to get an appointment to see a doctor.
I'd be switching doctors if I was told I had to wait that long. No excuse at all!!


All Up In Your Grill
Chasey_Lane said:
I'd be switching doctors if I was told I had to wait that long. No excuse at all!!

:yeahthat: Especially if the doctor is aware of your past experiences with melanoma. :jameo:


Watch it
I would definitely find a new doc. Especially when you are dealing with things like then when every month that passes could mean a worsening of your problem. I can't believe they said December. Move to somebody else if at all possible.


Set Trippin
nachomama said:
:yeahthat: Especially if the doctor is aware of your past experiences with melanoma. :jameo:
I don't think the receptionist girl pulled up her medical records when she called in to make an appointment, lets be realistic here..:lmao:


I wanna be a SMIB
What the hell kind of doctor make you wait 7 month for something that may be serious. What if you called him and said you found a lump, would he have told you to wait 7 more months. You could be dead. I would be finding me a new doctor quick. And I hope everything turns out fine for you. Good luck.


I am so very blessed
mainman said:
I don't think the receptionist girl pulled up her medical records when she called in to make an appointment, lets be realistic here..:lmao:
Actually, when I attempted to make the appointment and she stated "December", I pressed my cause by saying that I had previously had invasive surgery for melanoma, thinking that that would indicate a higher priority, perhaps.

No, doing. :nono:

Back of the line like everybody else.


New Member
I had to wait six months to see a local dermatologist for suspicious areas. To date I have had four areas removed. I am now on a six month recurrence schedule, so I don't dare miss an appointment or I will have to wait another six months.

You would think if you do have a history of melanoma, it would take priority.... Did you ask about a cancellation list?


Set Trippin
BadGirl said:
Actually, when I attempted to make the appointment and she stated "December", I pressed my cause by saying that I had previously had invasive surgery for melanoma, thinking that that would indicate a higher priority, perhaps.

No, doing. :nono:

Back of the line like everybody else.
Ok fine! :lmao:


I am so very blessed
Sport_883 said:
I had to wait six months to see a local dermatologist for suspicious areas. To date I have had four areas removed. I am now on a six month recurrence schedule, so I don't dare miss an appointment or I will have to wait another six months.

You would think if you do have a history of melanoma, it would take priority.... Did you ask about a cancellation list?
Just back in December I graduated to a once-a-year schedule. My first year, I was going to the dermatologist in DC every three months, the second year, every four months, and so on and so on. In five years I've never had a re-occurance, so imagine my frustration that now that I'm a less frequent screening something pops up that warrants attention.

I was just hoping that I could avoid a trip to DC by having a local dr. take a look at the mole. Looks like I'll be making a trip up the road after all. I never asked the local dr's receptionist to put me on a cancellation list. Didn't seem worth the effort. :ohwell:

That just means that I'll have to schedule an appointment so that I can maybe meet Catt for lunch and then scoot over to Ikea for an afternoon of shopping. :biggrin:


My Sweetest Boy
BadGirl said:
That just means that I'll have to schedule an appointment so that I can maybe meet Catt for lunch and then scoot over to Ikea for an afternoon of shopping. :biggrin:

That would be awesome. I'm very near some nice restaurants. :yay:


I work for a local derm and let me tell you--they are not sitting around doing nothing! I am in no way defending a 7 month wait but let me tell you--there is a bonafide shortage of dermatologists in the usa--I believe the most recent statistic I heard was--3000 drs looking to add another dr to their practice and only 300 dermatologists coming out of school NATIONWIDE!! per year!!! and over 800,000 basal cell skin cancers were removed nationwide in 2005--that number does not represent melanoma(which is on the increase) or other sun exposure induced cancers. That is A WHOLE LOT OF CANCER! and they are increasing as time goes on. We are all victims of feeling a tan is healthy--and tanning beds are safe(NOT!!) and "baby oil and iodine"--(forgive me doctor for I have sinned!!)

First---if you have had an aggresive melanoma---you should be seeing your derm every six months at a minimum!!! We encourage all of our patients to schedule while in the office so that there is no lapse in the followup. This is for a LIFETIME --not just when you think you should go!!!

Second---The receptionists in any office are not going to make a "clinical judgement" on any patient--they cannot! They can offer what is available and put you on a cancellation list with a priority so that you get the call before somebodies kid with a pimple crisis! I would not want someone making judgements on things they cant see through the phone--no one should!!!

Third---I suggest you call his office and tell the receptionist that you would like to leave a message for the doctor---that way ---if the Dr KNOWS of your concern, has your chart and reviews your history---THEN a priority can be determined and usually a sooner appointment is the result. Some folks are intimidated by doctors--if that is the case....ask to speak to his nurse or a nursing supervisor. I have personally put people in when somebody describes a suspicous problem and if I cant find a reasonable time then I make the doctor decide!!

These folks are busy for a good reason and they(at least mine) would not want anybody sitting around waiting with a serious skin cancer--and they truly try to see as many people in a day as is medically safe---and it usually results in them running late--doing unplanned procedures for compicated cases. I know alot of dermatologists do cosmetic procedures and the like...and that is their choice. In my office(s) skin cancer and melanoma is primarily what we do--all day long. I have assisted in as many as 15 skin cancers surgeries in one day for one doctor---and they have to save this much time JUST for surgery alone--no boob jobs, no tummy tucks, no face lifts---all skin cancers, melanoma and precancerous moles. YIKES!!!

I am sorry you feel as though your Dr does not care about your concerns---I feel certain though that he doesnt know about your concerns and that hurdle needs to be crossed---I wish you all the best and apologize for my "Soap box"! I felt everyone needed to hear from "the other side of the fence" and I am in no way trying to persuade you to stay with someone you feel just doesnt give a hoot----confidence in a doc is essential to good care no matter what the specialty. stepping down off the soap box!! --thanks for listening!


Yeahh--and Dr Hertz---a foot doctor!!!!

Dr Wellington Hung ( no joke--this is his real name--he's at Georgetown!)
He is a UROLOGIST!!!