It's May, and No Dr. Appt until December?!?!?!


b*tch rocket
BadGirl said:
Actually, when I attempted to make the appointment and she stated "December", I pressed my cause by saying that I had previously had invasive surgery for melanoma, thinking that that would indicate a higher priority, perhaps.

No, doing. :nono:

Back of the line like everybody else.

I went to your guy (if it's the guy in L-town). Took me 6 months to get in for a sreening. The dermatologist spent all of 5 minutes doing my screening. Waited 6 months for 5 minutes of his time. :ohwell: I tried to get in again for a suspicious mole and it was somewhere along the lines of 6 months, so I just asked my general practitioner to lop it off and send it away. (it came back fine) Quite honestly, I find my GP to be more thorough than the dermatologist was. Plus I can get in within the week whenever I want to have something looked at. :shrug: