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janey83 said:Oops...I meant everyone here as in, school -- not the boards.
Keep looking aroundjaney83 said:he's just clueless....he even said he'd bring popcorn over last night, but he forgot and went to late nite (4th meal of the day at the caf) instead......ugh, gotta go --- marketing class at 11.
Wickedwrench said:What happened to the laundry room prince,Janey? You don't think he just did that to sneak a look at your undies, do you?![]()
janey83 said:unless I knock on all the doors on my floor, I don't know where he lives![]()
HollowSoul said:actually....not all of us are like that......
case in point...
my ex is a stripper at choo-choo's..(yes go ahead and slam me for it)..
i was getting hit on all the time because i was the supporting husband that didn't treat his wife like shiat..
all of them got turned down....if i make the decision to commit to someone.....then thats it. sure i will look, but thats natural..i have eyes and that is what they are for..but as completely monogamous.....i never strayed.
it wasn't easy for me...and yes she allways craved attention, and when she felt i wasn't giving her enough...she sought it elsewhere..gumbo said:Its easy to stay monogamous when your ole lady is a ..
I know I was married to one..![]()
But they always need attention and are insecure as all get out..But she was fun![]()
Then I noticed I had no one to talk too![]()
And got one with brainsI think the judge let me keep a old pair of shoes
Love is a four letter word
People change from year to year and what we may change from and into is unknown..
So to say you love someone forever is the biggest damn lie you can let come from your mouth..
Only one sure thing about people is they change with the events of there life. and untell you can read the future you don't know what they will change into..
So go ahead and make that claim again I would never do that![]()
IM4Change said:Good grief janey. You are way too young to worry about men and relationships.
janey83 said:it's easy to look back and say that now
HollowSoul said:it wasn't easy for me...and yes she allways craved attention, and when she felt i wasn't giving her enough...she sought it elsewhere..
a mistake i don't plan on making again
janey83 said:it's easy to look back and say that now
janey83 said:...it's all starting to make sense. He looked at my livejournal, where I posted a pic of me & a guy friend...and he thought I had a boyfriend! wow...
gumbo said:Yes brother I have felt the same pain![]()
Maybe we should start STRIPERS ANONYMOUS![]()
lol.........should we hire topless waitresses to serve drinks at our meetingsgumbo said:Yes brother I have felt the same pain![]()
Maybe we should start STRIPERS ANONYMOUS![]()
mizzle said:Dated an nfl cheerleader for awhile.... same deal, got good seats to the game though.