It's Officially Christmas


Just sneakin' around....
Nothing but Christmas commercials on tv. I'm going to be so done with it all very shortly.


Well-Known Member
Giant Food will soon be showing it's "Hallmark" Christmas commercial portraying two beautiful gaymen French kissing in their fashionable house full of guests with festive trees, menorahs, a 23 pound turkey on the table.. Izzy Cohen is rolling in his grave. But what a better way to sell Campbell's soup and 1/2 pound of sliced 30% gluten free cheese???


Remember as a kid, commercials for dolls, ACTION FIGURES, Etchy Sketch, that new Schwinn bicycle at Toys B Us was our goal from Santa?

Not no mo'. Now it's,

Toni (Tony) Trans from Mattell... make up, sheetmetal face jewelry, blue hair and all three genitals in an unmarked, eco-friendly box!!
How 'bout Mr. Sparky!!! A new and improved EV (1/24 scale) thats guaranteed to explode with its 84 volt lithium batteries?? (Charger not included)
Oh, lets not forget, Ahmed the terrorist!!! "ayeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Death to all!!!" costume!!
Nothing but Christmas commercials on tv. I'm going to be so done with it all very shortly.
With the state of the world as it is, I say enjoy and celebrate it as if it's our last! Celebrate Jesus and loved ones like crazy. Enjoy the lights and the music and everything jingly about commercials, decorations, and gift-giving like it's going out of style. And pray to hear that same old Christmas music and cheesy commercials again next year and beyond. Live it up! Merry Christmas
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
With the state of the world as it is, I say enjoy and celebrate it as if it's our last! Celebrate Jesus and loved ones like crazy. Enjoy the lights and the music and everything jingly about commercials, decorations, and gift-giving like it's going out of style. And pray to hear that same old Christmas music and cheesy commercials again next year and beyond. Live it up! Merry Christmas
Now I feel all Christmassy!



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
All new for Tranny 2023...

You better come out, you better not cry,
You better not pout, I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is wearing a gown.

He's making the switch,
He's leaving his wife,
He's gonna come out, to start a new life
Santa Claus is wearing a gown.

A secret he's been keeping,
It's made him awful tense.
He knows it will be better now,
When he comes down off that fence.

So you better come out,
You better not cry, you better not pout,
I'm telling you why.
Santa Claus is wearing a gown.


Lacy things -- the wife is missin',
Didn't ask -- her permission,
I'm wearin' her clothes,
Her silk pantyhose,
Walkin' 'round in women's underwear.

In the store -- there's a teddy,
Little straps -- like spaghetti,
It holds me so tight,
Like handcuffs at night,
Walkin' 'round in women's underwear.

In the office there's a guy named Melvin,
He pretends that I am Murphy Brown.

He'll say, "Are you ready?" I'll say,"Whoa, Man!"
"Let's wait until our wives are out of town!"

Later on, if you wanna,
We can dress -- like Madonna,
Put on some eyeshade,
And join the parade,
Walkin' 'round in women's underwear!

Lacy things... missin',
Didn't ask... permission,
Wearin' her clothes,
Her silk pantyhose,
Walkin' 'round in women's underwear.

Walkin' 'round in women's underwear,
Walkin' 'round in women's underwear!


Just sneakin' around....
Ok, now that Thanksgiving is over, I'm more inclined to be Christmassy.

Got the outdoor lighting done (I call it outdoor, but it's just window lights..) with the exception of one larger piece, but that's just mount-and-turn-on. I'll do that tomorrow. Dragged the trains out, will assemble them tomorrow maybe.


We are completely decorated here. Our tree has been up since early September.... damn husband :rolleyes:

Earlier this year, we gutted most of our attic, which included a ton of Christmas crap that had seen better days. He ordered this skinny tree as a tree replacement to the one he tossed out. He put it together and insisted it stay up since Christmas was "right around the corner." I agreed as long as no ornaments or lights ended up on that tree before November. He kept the ornaments agreement but broke the light agreement.

We did decorate it last week. Right now, all of our Christmas stuff is out and I have nothing in the attic except a small box of ornaments I didn't use this year.

Kinda proud of that. ;)


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I haven't had a tree since 2018. I considered it this year, but see they start at $75! Mom offered to host Christmas at her house, so sis and I got all her decorations down yesterday evening. I might string up some lights above the fireplace and call it a day.


Well-Known Member
How - do - you - do.

Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Christmas GIF


American Beauty
PREMO Member
On another Christmas note, my company Christmas party is on Dec 16-17 at the Gaylord, and it just so happens that Cirque de Soliel Hollidaze is also at the MGM the same weekend. I scored tickets for the noon performance, so after a leisurely breakfast we'll head next door for the show before coming down the road. It's going to be a great weekend! :dance: