Its twins


Love is Blind
For Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. I know most wont care at all but I think its great. I like her, shes a great person trying to do right by the world and her family. :yahoo:
Angelina Jolie confirms she's having twins - Access Hollywood -

You all are not going to like what I have to say but....I liked Angelina better before she became a "Savior of the World". Now it just seems like she's trying to make some sort of statement by adopting all of these kids from other countries. Eventually it will become a running joke. I think it's nice to adopt but the media makes it out to be this "Big Deal". The first child was fine, but then again, and again, and now it's a BIG DEAL of having their own. Too much Hype!! They always have to be front and center!!!
You all are not going to like what I have to say but....I liked Angelina better before she became a "Savior of the World". Now it just seems like she's trying to make some sort of statement by adopting all of these kids from other countries. Eventually it will become a running joke. I think it's nice to adopt but the media makes it out to be this "Big Deal". The first child was fine, but then again, and again, and now it's a BIG DEAL of having their own. Too much Hype!! They always have to be front and center!!!

I think it's absolutely great to adopt, hands down. I just don't understand why they don't adopt from the states...the country they live in :patriot:


Love is Blind
I think it's absolutely great to adopt, hands down. I just don't understand why they don't adopt from the states...the country they live in :patriot:

Had this very conversation at work this AM. I said the exact same thing. What is wrong with this country? Lord knows there are plenty of children here who need good, loving, parents.
Had this very conversation at work this AM. I said the exact same thing. What is wrong with this country? Lord knows there are plenty of children here who need good, loving, parents.

Well, I hear it's more expensive and a lot more time consuming to adopt from the states but with all the money they have I just don't see why they choose to adopt only from foreign countries. :shrug:


I wanna be a SMIB
Had this very conversation at work this AM. I said the exact same thing. What is wrong with this country? Lord knows there are plenty of children here who need good, loving, parents.

Because even they would have a harder time in the US. We make it to hard to adopt. Heck, look at what it takes just to get a pet. Now, imagine if SMAWL adopted out kids.