I've been so sick


33 yrs & we r still n luv
:dead: Since 4am Sunday. Nothing staying down. Not even water. Both ends at once.:barf: Muscle cramps (dehydrated). All I've done is sleep when I'm not on the john.

Couldn't even stomach the shish kabobs hubby made last night.

Woke up this morning to a 8:15 phone call from baby momma #1 asking if I could keep baby girl today. 1st time I've had to say no.

Got up an hour later and :yahoo: did I feel like a new person! Whew, guess I'll survive. I think it was food poisining.......


New Member
Yeah, I have had this bout two or three times. Sounds to me like it was food poisioning. Just make sure you drink pleanty of water the next few days to get your system back to normal.

Nanny Pam

:dead: Since 4am Sunday. Nothing staying down. Not even water. Both ends at once.:barf: Muscle cramps (dehydrated). All I've done is sleep when I'm not on the john.

Couldn't even stomach the shish kabobs hubby made last night.

Woke up this morning to a 8:15 phone call from baby momma #1 asking if I could keep baby girl today. 1st time I've had to say no.

Got up an hour later and :yahoo: did I feel like a new person! Whew, guess I'll survive. I think it was food poisining.......

Glad to hear you're feeling better! :flowers:


New Member
:dead: Since 4am Sunday. Nothing staying down. Not even water. Both ends at once.:barf: Muscle cramps (dehydrated). All I've done is sleep when I'm not on the john.

Couldn't even stomach the shish kabobs hubby made last night.

Woke up this morning to a 8:15 phone call from baby momma #1 asking if I could keep baby girl today. 1st time I've had to say no.

Got up an hour later and :yahoo: did I feel like a new person! Whew, guess I'll survive. I think it was food poisining.......

I don't think it is food poisoning. My entire family has had the same thing. Nothing being kept down, throwing up....(both ends) It was horrible. I am hoping I don't get it. Sister, her kids, my parents, her hubby - we stayed away!!!! Hope everyone is feeling better
:dead: Since 4am Sunday. Nothing staying down. Not even water. Both ends at once.:barf: Muscle cramps (dehydrated). All I've done is sleep when I'm not on the john.

Couldn't even stomach the shish kabobs hubby made last night.

Woke up this morning to a 8:15 phone call from baby momma #1 asking if I could keep baby girl today. 1st time I've had to say no.

Got up an hour later and :yahoo: did I feel like a new person! Whew, guess I'll survive. I think it was food poisining.......

It's most likely a stomach bug. I had it Sat. Woke up feeling fine and by 10am I was puking every 10 minutes. It lasted till about 3:30, but I still felt lousy through most of Sunday. I still have sore chest, stomach and back muscles from throwing up. No "d" though.

Yeah, I have had this bout two or three times. Sounds to me like it was food poisioning. Just make sure you drink pleanty of water the next few days to get your system back to normal.



It's most likely a stomach bug. I had it Sat. Woke up feeling fine and by 10am I was puking every 10 minutes. It lasted till about 3:30, but I still felt lousy through most of Sunday. I still have sore chest, stomach and back muscles from throwing up. No "d" though.

Sure does sound like a 24 hour virus. Water's good and sports drinks (Gatorade) to get electrolyts up again. are also Sit in the sunshine. It's a beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky. Feel better soon.


33 yrs & we r still n luv
Sure does sound like a 24 hour virus. Water's good and sports drinks (Gatorade) to get electrolyts up again. are also Sit in the sunshine. It's a beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky. Feel better soon.

Thank you. It lasted 48 hours though. I need to sit in the sun for my psoriasis anyway! Waiting for it to warm up just a little more on my deck and I'm going to plant the veggies and flowers in my deck pots I bought this weekend.

Dare I ask where you think you might have gotten it from?

Had dinner from Popeyes on GMR Saturday night. The chicken tasted old and I'm 99.9% it was from there. Cajun rice had a 'off' taste too.
Had dinner from Popeyes on GMR Saturday night. The chicken tasted old and I'm 99.9% it was from there. Cajun rice had a 'off' taste too.

See, now that would never have happened at the Manorville Diner.... :lmao:

Glad you're feeling better. :huggy: Sitting in the sun always feels good.


33 yrs & we r still n luv
See, now that would never have happened at the Manorville Diner.... :lmao:

Glad you're feeling better. :huggy: Sitting in the sun always feels good.

You got that right! I'm thinking road trip up there real soon before the weather gets too warm. (Since almost no one I know up there has a/c).
You got that right! I'm thinking road trip up there real soon before the weather gets too warm. (Since almost no one I know up there has a/c).

I have a few one-week trips up planned thru the summer. One or two in July, maybe another in September. Sprinkle a couple of weekends throughout... Can't go too long without pizza, bagels and a trip to the Lobster Roll!


:dead: Since 4am Sunday. Nothing staying down. Not even water. Both ends at once.:barf: Muscle cramps (dehydrated). All I've done is sleep when I'm not on the john.

Couldn't even stomach the shish kabobs hubby made last night.

Woke up this morning to a 8:15 phone call from baby momma #1 asking if I could keep baby girl today. 1st time I've had to say no.

Got up an hour later and :yahoo: did I feel like a new person! Whew, guess I'll survive. I think it was food poisining.......

:flowers:thats the worst! I'm glad you're feeling much better. :yahoo:


33 yrs & we r still n luv
I don't think it is food poisoning. My entire family has had the same thing. Nothing being kept down, throwing up....(both ends) It was horrible. I am hoping I don't get it. Sister, her kids, my parents, her hubby - we stayed away!!!! Hope everyone is feeling better

Hate to say it but I think you were right. It came back yesterday with extra strength. It was a horrible day. I've lost 8 lbs (water weight I'm sure).

Do I dare say I feel better today? I'm currently sipping on chicken broth cause I'm STARVING!

Callie girl

New Member
My whole familly has had it. I got it Tues afternoon and I woke up this morning and can't move. Popping me some more motrin as soon as I can take more.


Active Member
My daughter just got over it after a week. She started vomiting and not wanting to eat last Friday. Took her to the doctor Tuesday, but she said probably just a virus and to let it run it's course. Finally, yesterday she starting being able to eat and keep it down.

Callie girl

New Member
My daughter just got over it after a week. She started vomiting and not wanting to eat last Friday. Took her to the doctor Tuesday, but she said probably just a virus and to let it run it's course. Finally, yesterday she starting being able to eat and keep it down.

I wish I could eat :dead: I feel horrible everytime I try to. This stuff is nasty.


33 yrs & we r still n luv
I wish I could eat :dead: I feel horrible everytime I try to. This stuff is nasty.

You sure have that right. Yesterday I felt fine. Went to lunch at my fav place, came home and cleaned house. For dinner we weren't that hungry so we had BLT'S. All I could eat was a 1/2. Full.

Midnight, here it came again. dinner came back up. 2AM LUNCH came back up. And had the hershey squirts ALL night.

The thing that bothers me is that both times I vomited the food wasn't the least digested. So I look on the internet (I'm diabetic and haven't been able to keep any of my medications down either). What I found on the net was upsetting. Gastroparesis. :jameo:

All I've had today is water, ginger ale and 1 cup of chicken broth. I've lost over 10 lbs this week. Needless to say if I get worse it's off to st. mary's hospital otherwise to the clinic on Monday....

And what pisses me off even more is I was suppose to have my precious grand daughter today.... Cancelled that so I wouldn't infect her. :bawl: I miss her....

It's been a week. When does it end?????????


33 yrs & we r still n luv
You sure have that right. Yesterday I felt fine. Went to lunch at my fav place, came home and cleaned house. For dinner we weren't that hungry so we had BLT'S. All I could eat was a 1/2. Full.

Midnight, here it came again. dinner came back up. 2AM LUNCH came back up. And had the hershey squirts ALL night.

The thing that bothers me is that both times I vomited the food wasn't the least digested. So I look on the internet (I'm diabetic and haven't been able to keep any of my medications down either). What I found on the net was upsetting. Gastroparesis. :jameo:

All I've had today is water, ginger ale and 1 cup of chicken broth. I've lost over 10 lbs this week. Needless to say if I get worse it's off to st. mary's hospital otherwise to the clinic on Monday....

And what pisses me off even more is I was suppose to have my precious grand daughter today.... Cancelled that so I wouldn't infect her. :bawl: I miss her....

It's been a week. When does it end?????????

Gastroparesis :lmao:

I must of been delirious when I posted this!

I know I was Sat nite when I kept whimpering in my sleep "help, help me, help me please" Hubby had to wake me up to make sure I was o.k.:lmao: What weird dreams took place that night. I was soaked in sweat (didn't know I had a fever!)....

Good news is.............IT'S OVER!!! We had salad, Mahi-Mahi and a baked tater for dinner last night. I kept my portions super small to be safe (damn it was delish! :drool: ). Made it all night with no :barf:

I feel like a new woman! Guess I am sorta, 13 lbs lighter! :diva: