I've been so sick

Callie girl

New Member
Gastroparesis :lmao:

I must of been delirious when I posted this!

I know I was Sat nite when I kept whimpering in my sleep "help, help me, help me please" Hubby had to wake me up to make sure I was o.k.:lmao: What weird dreams took place that night. I was soaked in sweat (didn't know I had a fever!)....

Good news is.............IT'S OVER!!! We had salad, Mahi-Mahi and a baked tater for dinner last night. I kept my portions super small to be safe (damn it was delish! :drool: ). Made it all night with no :barf:

I feel like a new woman! Guess I am sorta, 13 lbs lighter! :diva:

Glad you feel better. I woke up Sat. and felt so much better. Yay!