Well-Known Member
It just KILLS ya, don't it? And I find that immensely satisfying...LOL.... I've got not the first lick of sympathy for you "I need to say something about how other people spend their time" Hall Monitor types. You suck. You always have, although before the days of the interwebs you only had your neighbors to pronounce judgement on. ;-)
Kills me? No.
Need your sympathy? Not even close.
In fact, I like to laugh at you. Every single day. Because I know that every single day.. without fail.. you will be on here doing the exact same thing in the exact same way and saying the exact same worn out, dryed out, pathetic things. You like to think you are original but, you are not. You like to think you are not a follower but, you are. And you like to think that you aren't being led around by the short and curleys by protagonists on this forum (and probably in your offline life... however small that is)
So, no sir. It doesn't kill me and I do not need your sympathy. Every time I see you make a post on here it reassures me of 2 things: First, that there won't be much more time that people like me will have to deal with your attitude. Second that, no matter what you say, I am assured whatever you comment or have to offer is nothing but pure, unadulterated, old-man BS. Both of these.. make me laugh. And I have nothing but pity for you at your age and having the mindset and/or ethics that you do.